The Rabbit Hole

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These two trades, scalp within a trade gave me a profit of 5,48% on my account. Two seminal moments in my trading career – Always use emergency SL and dump a losing trade moment I realize its a bad trade. Always take the profit rather than give it back.

Got it. He is certainly capable of rallying his supporters. Imagine if enough Rep’s get voted in that his policies can go through without as much bullshit voting down by democrats. The speed at which changes will come will be quite frightening for some.

Funny you say “Follow Me” As a former Paratrooper of the 101st, Charlie Company “Follow Me” is our motto! FT Benning GA, can’t escape it!

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This is for the collectors book!


Yes. Its pretty brilliant what is happening in our job force. The trade skills such as Welding, Machinists etc., there is a shortage of people with those skills to fill positions currently, due to all the SJW going to college and not wanting to work in the blue collar sector. Hope the younger up coming generation has the moxie to go into these career opportunities.

Trump is the only one with the cojones to take on China. Which is probably why EU and others are having second thoughts about crossing America when it comes to trade.

It hasn’t for some sink in yet ie: Twinkle Socks Trudeau


Some [removed for Forum Policy violation] is going back in time and deleting my posts cause they still think Hillary won the elections in 2016. Two posts censored today. One post was a satirical meme and the other was an actor’s account exposing Hollywood’s pedophiles. [Removed for Forum Policy violation], you are killing yourself with the safe space concept. You must learn to accept reality and grow up.

There is a time and a place for everything. Unfortunately, your recently deleted posts aren’t meant for this place. They were flagged as inappropriate by members and staff. If your tone and theme of posts don’t change, your time here will be short lived. Coming into a new neighbor, calling the locals names and telling them to grow up doesn’t help your case either.

Your current reality is that if you’d like to continue with factual discussions of news, politics, culture, whatever, that’s fine. But our policies and standards are here for a reason. Our aim is to have more thoughtful discussions that aren’t divisive, aggressive, angry, or inflammatory. If our forum rules aren’t to your liking, and you can’t operate within them, then I kindly ask that you move on to somewhere else.



Hello Pistradamus. At last, a person who can openly explain what was wrong with the deleted video I posted. About the Hollywood actor giving his take on the corruption in the movie making industry, the prevailing satanic cult behavior and pedophilia that’s being covered up by the main stream. Have you not read the tweets of director James Gun for being blatant about sex acts with children and subsequent Disney studios firing him? This is breaking news. Please tell me if you think this abhorrent behavior doesn’t make you think this should be exposed?
This thread also talks about financial, political & social corruptions, flaws and by talking about them solutions could be formulated or at least the information could be exposed. If you alert sheep that a wolf is in the prowl are you offending the wolf? In a way you are but shouldn’t we defended innocent lives? If we have morals, yes we should.
When I referred to any safe-spaced warrior, I was trying to get someone to openly respond here on the thread for the censoring. I know you have the administrative responsibility so no malice meant on my behalf towards you personally. I don’t know if you or some other member arbitrarily deleted the post but an explanation would have been suffice.
All we are doing here is exchanging ideas like adults. Just discussing thoughts. That’s all.
I like the motto from Oliver North’s radio program in the nineties: “Let’s agree to disagree”.

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Actually I didn’t know that. Have two friends couple years younger that are former Rangers. One went to Benning and turned his patch in when they put the first woman in Ranger school.



Hi Pipstradamus. Can you please advise us if there are any topics off bounds, for example Muslims and paedophilia? As I stated in the opening post, we deal with truth and facts, but it is difficult to tell if those facts would be seen as divisive and /or offensive. So some clarity would be appreciated. Thanks.

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@Jen26 I think your first post presented the thread in a reasonable and inclusive way.

That was a fortnight ago and the thread is no doubt being observed. There are many who have been excluded without going anywhere near the subjects you mention. and there are references to both of those subjects in other threads, although perhaps in rather wider terms. “Child sex abuse” for example is a much wider subject than “paedophiles”, although there may be some overlap between the two sets… And the Interactions of various religious groups in the world are not limited to the Religion you mention.

I don’t think you will get an answer to your question in a way you can rely on as a “rule” from @Pipstradamus or any of the mods - I may be wrong, it has been known - if rarely ! :wink:

Of more relevance perhaps is the question as to whether your posts are considered an asset to the forum as a whole, or a liability.

I suggest you read the rules and use good judgement when deciding what to post. Your own judgement that is .

The members and the hierarchy will make their own judgements as to how to respond.

I should point out that I am in no way connected to the site or the hierarchy in any way, other than as a member and that any opinions expressed are mine own and carry no weight - other than I feel they may offer some sound advice - others may differ !

I hope that helps, because I do like some of the input and discussions in this thread - and sometimes a little levity can be relaxing ! :slight_smile:


@Falstaff You don’t know me like the others do. :wink:

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I think I remember you telling me that a long time ago. The Ranger Badge is a special club among elite forces, much like the Trident one in the Navy so in some respects I understand.

well all the facts are out and Tommy Robinson was stitched up

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…aah, the youth of today!

Sarge, we’re too old to care… :+1: