The Return of Alphahavoc II

R. I. P.

19 Aug 2018 - 20 September 2018

Naaah, not even close Alph, you just need to work on your Horse Stance. Then it gets easier.

The Ever Coaching VIPER

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You too smart to be dead! Now get up, you lazy fool! :laughing:

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C’omon, brush yourself off, it’s not the end. You will learn more from you errors than your correct answers.

The Ever Coaching VIPER


“Not on my watch”

The ever not on Viper’s watch julakis

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EURAUD closed at 1.61610 +9pips





Bless you, Alphahavoc! Thanks for that video, it was interesting.

I can tell that you are very intelligent, and you can think on your feet and adapt to situations quickly. I think you know that too.

Is it possible that those undoubted strengths are also turned into weaknesses? Are you trying to outsmart yourself?

Just some food for thought from a friend.


What has happened here @alphahavoc!!? :flushed:
I haven’t been following this closely but last i looked you were breaking through $700 level? That was only maybe a week ago?

Are you really down to under 100? How?

Or am i missing something here?


I cannot believe it :flushed:

EDIT: Two things I noticed

  1. Over Trading - the positions opened in a day were just too many to manage.
  2. For a $700 account to have 1 position reaching -$400 loss means one thing; no stop loss and/or position size calculation.
  3. Letting losers run too long, like waaay too long. Cut loses and move on, your losing trades should be small in size short in duration.

Hey Alpha!
I hope you’ve noted down your mistakes and have plans on correcting them. Don’t give up, stay strong and watch the money come right back in.


Been a while since a last came back to BP and this was one of the first threads that I read; I actually really wanted to see success, not on a personal level for the OP but more so as evidence that one can succeed in a ‘retail’ forum!.

I like this thread, unfortunately for the OP though it’s a perfect text book example of what not to do, emotions against reality of staying cool, calm and collective. Not to mention the obvious error of letting the losing trades run, hedging against a loss and trading against the HTF trend.

Time to reload his account and take those lessons on board!



“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.”

“The good fighters of old first put themselves beyond the possibility of defeat, and then waited for an opportunity of defeating the enemy.”

“One hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the most skillful, subduing the other’s military without battle is the most skillful.”

Sun Tzu, The Art of War

You will do better next time!



Though it is really a sad situation for you @alphahavoc, yet I don’t have any word to encourage you. However, I would only paste here one of your Never Give Up Message posted on someone else thread.

Best of luck my friend.


Words could not express how i feel at the moment. I would like to thank all the Babypips member for their heartfelt support and encouragement.

Last week, i snapped and my Live account went bust again. After i went bust, i couldn’t stop asking myself. “Why didn’t i step on the brakes? I could have accepted a smaller loss and start over again on a positive note.”

Viper was right. I was revenge trading. For me, accepting a loss of $200 was a bitter pill to swallow. It took me 4 weeks grind to gain 45% and just a day to lose 20%. That thought was psychologically hard for me to deal with. I lost control of myself and traded intensively. I even manage to recoup my 40% gains but i didn’t stop there, I continue to trade aggressively. Karma eventually catch up with me.

Over the weekends, I kept going thru my mind on what was the cause of my demise. I snapped but why? I couldn’t find an answer. Am i really such a sore loser. Why can’t i accept a big loss and continue trading in a rational manner? Am i such an irresponsible person? Evidence have proven that i am uncontrollable when i snapped. Money management ceased to existence.

Basically, i had lost control of myself. The cool and rational self of me was not there anymore. Despite having someone like Viper to remind me, my ego simply put up a wall of deafness.

I snapped on the 5th week. For the 1st to 3rd week, i was utilising a max of about 15% of leverage, and i was still coping alright. Into the 4th week, leverage increased beyond 20%. After that, tension builds up, and i seem oblivious to the fact that i was threading on thin ice. It was like the story of the boiling frog.

Last week, I was in a state of despair, i am so sad and feel as though the world is caving in. At first, i felt insignificant and worthless. The whole world knew that i bust my account again. It was a really embarassing moment for me and i just felt like running away, don’t really feel like talking about it. However, if i keep running away from my fear, when does it end? I will not be able to move on. The only way for me now is to fight it. Face my mistakes, acknowledge it. Decipher what went wrong and implement a plan to prevent future occurrences.

I was coping fine when my use of leverage was confine within 15% boundary. The success of 30% gains in 3 weeks time got me Euphoric. I became risk intolerant. Risk management became insignificant and was completely ignored by me.

After much contemplation, here’s my plan to cope with losses. For every ONE trade closed on a negative note. I will have to perform one demo trade, and it needs to be closed on a positive note, before i can return to make another live trade. My use of leverage shall not exceed 15% at any point in time.

With the help of my youngest biological brother, i got to reload my live account today. However, at the moment, my confidence level is overwhelmingly low, and i dare not make any trade. Perhaps, i shall perform 3 demo trades and get at least 2 out of 3 correct, before i proceed to live trade.


Oh! Welcome back Alpha…

I’m actually happy to see you return back #thereturnofAlphahavoc2
I am sure the outcome would be tremendously wonderful this time



26 SEPT 2018

0937HR SGT

Current Demo trades

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courage. Every one in the trading business make those mistakes. Trying to fight against you and human nature is hard and need training… about training… my advise is not to return on demo trading because you won’t have to deal with your fears/greed anymore like when you trade live. Best of it is keeping live trading but seek for broker with cent account. Put 30$ or 50$ and you can trade like you got 3000$-5000$ with same leverage and overall you get margin like when you go on standard account. Because that the capital you need at least on standard account to survive… less than that you just got margin call and give it to the MM.
best regards,

@alphahavoc, I see you have decided to utilise… an MA Slope Oscillator (with Signal)… makes the chaotic mess of candles and glut of MA’s on the chart look far to complicated for mere mortals to choose a definite market direction…

Backtest how much more profitable you would have been just trading off the Oscillator’s arrow signal…

Just have to tweak the periods and MAType to get a smooth accurate colour change (ie: EURCHF)

So, so simple…

Buy the way… Alpha unfortunately overlooked sharing this great Indicator with all of us so I have added the link FREE download.

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26 SEPT 2018
1853HR SGT

Today, I managed to bag 52 pips with my 4 demo trades. I got 4 out of 4 correct. I shall proceed to Live trade soon.


26 SEPT 2018
2332HR SGT


細佬, welcome back.

A few observations.

  1. You need to wipe the slate clean and start over. Learn to read what the market is doing, not what you think it will do.

  2. Confirm your context. Whatever that system is that you are using did not keep you out of those bad Yuppy trades, you need to learn how to read patterns, and overall market direction. A good trader can out trade a “system” anyday.

  3. Get a handle on your emotions, if you are doing this for any other reason than to make money, you will fail.

  4. Leverage: trade at the us$ equivalent of .01, until you have at least 6 months success, I would normally recommend 1 yr, but since you have been bouncing around here a bit the 1 yr may not be needed

  5. 3.5 % on all trades as an aggregate

  6. Your hedging concept is not done in the professional world, it is worthless.

  7. Stop trying to reinvent the wheel, learn about the pair you are trading, watch it till you understand how it moves.

  8. Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your

    Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.

    “Showing off is the fool’s idea of glory.”

    “A quick temper will make a fool of you soon enough.”

I strongly recommend taking all of those indicators off of your charts, then put only one, LRC set at 22, and then just watch until it makes sense, and you can see the moves. practice drawing trend-lines and channels until you see them in you mind without drawing them. Then work on drawing levels till you can see them the same way as the trends. Start with a daily fractal, and work down to 15min, identifying trends and levels. This is a good base for attempting more advanced techniques.

The Ever Aware VIPER

“Fear comes from uncertainty; we can eliminate the fear within us when we know ourselves better. As the great Sun Tzu said: “When you know yourself and your opponent, you will win every time. When you know yourself but not your opponent, you will win one and lose one. However, when you do not know yourself or your opponent, you will be imperiled every time.”

PS algos


27 SEPT 2018
0227HR SGT

It seems that i’m off to a good start! My 1st 4 live trades managed to hit my targets.

Thanks Viper. :bowing_man: I’ll constantly remind myself all of your advice. I’ll re-look Linear regression Channel from a multi timeframe perspective as well.

27 SEPT 2018
0310HR SGT

My 5th USDJPY trade hit target as well. After hitting my target, price promptly retraced back to my entry point. I’m entering another long position again.

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