The Sex of Trading

I’m a woman with a mentor LOL


Wow! You are the next Warren Buffet, then ! :slight_smile:

I envy your odds :slight_smile:

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@justshell! What got you interested in trading? Is your mentor in your family?

Is it Uncle Ted?


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I actually met my mentor on Instagram,and I was a bit weary in the beginning because there are a ton of scammers on social media. But, he actually knows how to trade lol and he has the most simplistic strategy I’ve ever seen. I’ve followed his journey from when he had a job, to him quitting and going full time after 2 years of trading

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He! He! Who is it? Who is it? :slight_smile:

LOL I wish, but you can listen to Uncle Ted for free with Raja Banks every morning while they trade LIVE…check out WicksDontLie on youtube and you’ll be able to watch them there. Thank me later :slight_smile:

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Uncle Ted is just one of the best retail traders I know,he makes crazyyy profits


Great, @justshell , this is the best thing about social media: there are.genuine people willing to help. I saw that you have created lots of posts already so I will go and read a few :slight_smile:

Thanks for your candour.

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Thanks for the tip, I will certainly check it out.

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please do, it will definitely help you out, along with other new traders


This one?

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can’t see the thumbnail, but if it has WDL in the pic then that’s it lol

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Just checked it and it looks good. Coming from a WOMAN trader, I am taking this very seriously :slight_smile: and will check the videos later, I am sure it will be worthwhile.

Thanks for the tip, once again.



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No problem,and watch ALL of them when you’re able to…some are long as hell, but the value is incredible. I just like helping people honestly,it’s a good feeling.


no problem! anytime :slight_smile:

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Really? That good?

If you insist that much, I am really going to check as many as I manage.

Since I didn’t finish the course here, and I am eyeing some other free resources on the web already I don’t want to get too crazy with learning neither, but if it is worth it, I am there. Thank you once again. Very kind of you to share.


Thank you, very kind of you.

If you really mean it, I might bother you with a couple of questions in a few months time. Right now it is not even worth it as I am still too “green”.


anytime, I’m glad I can help :slight_smile: :muscle:t5:

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