The Trader's Arms 2nd Floor

+1 on this yunny. When you’re in sync with market flow and have the right bias its much more likely to pick the right side of the trade as long as you get in at a good price of course

Market bias is like that of having a partner, to be more specific i’m talking of the female variety.

You think you have them all sussed out and then they end up costing you a fortune.

I guess at the end of the day a girlfriend or wife is an investment, but then the unfortunate diminishing returns start to kick in after the age of about 30. Their features start to depreciate, they become annoying, and usually you may find that the interest payments increase as you have to start paying child support.

I’d much rather loan a girl without the commitment, then I can renew my contract as and when I like…hang on…am I talking about hookers?

But look on the bright side jezzode, at least your experience hasn’t left you emotionally scarred or bitter in any way LOL !!

Yunny, I think bias is a great idea. As long as you don’t mind leading the class on the subject then I’m all for it.

Ha, well that was an assumption of mine! I’m 24, so I can only assume :wink:

Oh, women my young friend are EXACTLY like forex. It’s dangerous to assume anything LOL !!

Yes like FX… make the wrong entry and you will be margin called! :smiley:

Therein lies the holy grail

Now let’s go back to our less serious topic :slight_smile:

What is the definition of “Bias”?

Found some definitions:

A preference or an inclination, especially one that inhibits impartial judgment.
Mental tendency or inclination, esp an irrational preference or prejudice

bias - definition of bias

In trading, a bias is usually understood as a certain preference on price direction and magnitude of the movement, based on predetermined mental notions and beliefs. It is known than when traders are biased, they have not objectively acknowledged the available data, in other words, they are not listening what the market is telling them. Sometimes, despite all evidence traders opt to ignore the markets messages and trade based on a bias.

Bias - Forex Glossary

Biases are human tendencies that lead us to follow a particular quasi-logical path, or form a certain perspective based on predetermined mental notions and beliefs. When investors act on a bias, they do not explore the full issue and can be ignorant to evidence that contradicts their initial opinions. Avoiding cognitive biases allows investors to reach impartial decision based solely on available data.

Bias Definition | Investopedia

Do you agree with the above?? or do you have other meanings?

Please share… I am learning here too… :slight_smile:

What Is Bias?

A bias is a tendency. Most biases—like preferring to eat food instead of paper clips, or assuming someone on fire should be put out—are helpful. But cognitive shortcuts can cause problems when we’re not aware of them and we apply them inappropriately, leading to rash decisions or discriminatory practices (based on, say, racism and sexism). Relying on biases but keeping them in check requires a delicate balance of self-awareness.


Bias means that a person prefers an idea and possibly does not give equal chance to a different idea. Bias can be influenced by a number of factors, such as popularity (for example, a newspaper might be biased towards a particular political party due to their employees sharing the same political beliefs as that party).

Bias also means mistakes in measurements. For example, a person may measure the height of another person wearing shoes. The shoes make the height more than the same person without shoes. If the extra height of the shoes (extra bias) was not explained, someone might think that the person had been measured without shoes on. Data with extra parts not explained is called biased data.

Simple English Wikipedia

A brief contribution from me on bias. Correct me if wrong guys. EU weekly chart making lower lows and lowers highs indicating a bearish market. If continues then IMO bias should be shorts! Of course that doesn’t mean you can’t get longs :slight_smile: Rushed the chart so apologies if its not pretty enough!

You are correct…in the weekly time frame we are in a bearish market…

just a small observation… the last lower high you marked, it has not been confirmed yet. I usually wait for at least 50% retracement to consider a new high/low

I totally agree yunny. I overlooked that completely. Especially as right now its a bullish bar looking to test the high a few weeks back! But yes the 50% retracement is a solid confirmation of a swing. Thanks for the correction

Let’s start…

I pick out some phrases that caught my attention:

-A bias is a tendency
-A preference or an inclination
-Based on predetermined mental notions and beliefs
-Biases are human tendencies that lead us to follow a particular quasi-logical path

Seems like this Bias thing has to do a lot with human nature and personal experiences. So, this makes me think that there are 2 biases… one thing is our personal bias and other the bias of the masses who trade the market

Then what we have to do is to sync this two… easy uhh?

And the best tools for the job would be?

(I have to be honest yunny, I may struggle to sync myself with Templar. He’s a Coca Cola man and I’m a devout pepsi-ist. It’s difficult for a sane, logical person like me to sync myself with such craziness LOL !! )

Pepsi MAX FTW :slight_smile:


Don’t worry HoG … I will talk about the tools to sync your bias… in the meantime… do you think you are part of the 95% herd is in the wrong side of the trade in FX?

I have to leave now… the next post will be a test to see if you really are part of that herd… :slight_smile:

Can you share us some books or ebooks to study?

Honest answer?

Yes, since I have already done one account I would have to say I DO think I am part of the herd right now. But then there are a couple of things I think right now.

  1. I think I have a theory as to WHY I am part of that herd just now.
  2. I think that you having to leave just as the anticipation was at fever pitch is enough to start me smoking again :smiley:

And number 3…

Since I am terrible at these abbreviation things that people use, FTW could either stand for,

Free The World
Feed The World
Feel The Wand

And I THINK I am terrified it is the last one ! :18:

For The Win!

What did you think LOL stood for first time you read it? Lump of Lard? :stuck_out_tongue:

You mean it doesn’t ?? :18: