The Trader's Arms 2nd Floor

These three links may help…

How Bond Yields Affect the Forex Market Part 3 - InformedTrades

(watch other parts)


What Treasury Bond Yields Mean to the US Dollar | Forex Blog: Piponomics


Bond Markets, Fixed Income Securities, and the Forex Market | Intermarket Correlations | Learn Forex Trading

I have no idea about the terms… :smiley:

The short answer money seeks yield. So if yield go up the currency goes up

Evening Gentlefolk

Closed out my bobmaninc short earlier today for +40. Closed it before it got low enough to hit my target mainly due to the fact I was watching things unfold on my phone, +40 equals roughly 7 or 8% of my balance so thought that was good enough at the time to bank some money.

Having said that, I’m now short again at close of UK trading day (10 pm GMT ) at 1-0373. Here is the thinking on that one.

Since we had been talking about bias recently, the 4 hour bobmaninc chart below shows a series of higher lows from 8th October.

Today’s price action came within a few pips of making a lower low since then. Now granted, nothing says just because it makes a lower low it will definitely go lower, but nevertheless, if you ARE looking for a signal that things have turned, a new lower low would be as good as most signals for starters no ??

Anyway, this is the daily with the same lows marked on it;

As well as getting very close to the previous low, today’s price action seems to have formed a good bearish engulfing.

So, if we ARE to assume (always a dangerous practice with forex and women ) that price is going to fall, where is the target? Here is a daily bobmaninc chart zoomed out a bit to take a look at previous lows which could now act as our target.

Does our target become one of the lows from the 4 hour, one of the previous swing lows from the daily zig zag, or do we just get +40 again and close it out.

Have to admit to y’all that I ain’t too practiced in the art of trailing stops, so not entirely sure how to set or use them. Maybe that should be my next thing to read up then eh ? :smiley:

Just as a quick update, I’ve set my target for the above trade at 1-0330, which was the next ‘Higher Low’ down since we just broke the last one, or at least touched it anyway. Stop is at 1-0395 which is a swing low from the 1 hour

congrat for the Bobmaninc and the HOG trade :slight_smile:
E/U is at a resistance I think, so it may switch back to a limit. I’m curious if turns to buy.

Aaahhhh if only Kores, if only.

The analysis of the trade turned out to be quite good, the confidence in seeing it through to completion unfortunately wasn’t so good. When the drop stalled in the low -0350’s earlier today I just closed it out for +18.

At this stage though, closing out early doesn’t bother me too greatly. Primary focus has to be the analysis, and in getting that correct as often as possible, then surely the confidence to see the trade through will come for doing that part well.

A good thing though is that I resisted the temptation to jump back in purely based on the falling price later on today. Yes I know it did fall and to have jumped back in blindly may well have turned out to be a winner this time, but I don’t think that will always work out that way.

Times gone by I would have jumped back in blindly, so happy overall with this week. If I don’t see anything in the charts tonight before I go to be that will be me finished for the week.

Think you might be right Kores. Took two contra trades these last few days against the trend for around 60’ish pips off the 4h. But right now (03:00 GMT) Ive just gone short EU @ 2773. As always… we’ll see? :19:

hi, I shorted it too from there, now I’m out cause I hear these talks to buy. EUR/USD: Time to Buy? | Forex Blog: The Loonie Adventures of a Forex Noob still a bit confused, cause I heared it could reach 1.20 - from Saxo bank eg.
I suspect E/A can gutter down, if it will be slow on the up … but it’s a mess. I think I will wait and see till 1.27ish

Start of the week just moments away gang, (oooh the excitement ).

Bobmaninc has given a bit of a hammer on the daily, you pays your money, you takes your chance !!

Morning all!

Never trying to knock, HoG, but for me, particularly on a Monday morning, that’s a little in the middle of the range. RSI etc are not oversold, the 240 and the Hourly are pretty stalled, the Weekly is bang in the middle of the range, and the Monthly put in a low test last month and this month is looking more like a doji or high test, obviously too early to tell. So personally I wouldn’t take this AUD trade, as it is really just a pure PA trade without much supporting evidence, and (I’m assuming that you were thinking of going long?) the low test highlighted in your chart has actually broken the low of the previous low, so the signal even from that bar is mixed. I’d be waiting to see what Price wants to do next. But then I’m a cautious trader.


Morning ST

Can’t disagree with anything you mentioned. Didn’t even take the trade myself.

I ended up shorting GBP/AUD @ 1-5340 this morning and closed out for +20 after allowing myself to be spooked by the article on BP homepage about how RBA may be quietly engaged in QE.

Even though the short still looked good at the time on the chart I confess I got spooked and bottled out. +20 ain’t the worse way to start a week though.

ok, better late than never I guess. Finally got round to setting up the laptop in the taxi, mainly so I can get some more screen time in and watch, hopefully learn, to get a better feel for how the market moves.

Also eventually got round to making a start watching the Chris Lori 12 disc DVD set that Sanj sent me a few months ago. Only two discs in and I’m already wondering why I didn’t watch this weeks ago. Second disc deals mainly with support and resistance levels, but Chris’ way of using them. Brilliant stuff.

What have I learned from them already, or at least what do I FEEL I’ve learned from them already? Probably, regarding support and resistance I’ve learned not to trade the break of a level, but to wait for the re-test of a broken level. Used this method twice already this week for 2 x +20 pips.

Only even for the week though as I made one of my own usual classic mistakes yesterday on the GBP/AUD, you know that one where you say, “look how far it’s went up, it MUST fall now!” but it doesn’t, it just keeps going up ? Yeah, that one, Hhhmmmmm.

Anyway, anyone want a copy of the DVD set let me know and I’ll try to work out how to send it.

I’ll post a picture of the new “office” later tonight.


I’m in danger of wearing my drum out, but I’m going to bang it again: trade what you see, not what you think, or you’ll never make money long term.

I was making that point on another thread just this morning and it’s very important, imho. Particularly in the current climate, Price can make new recent highs or lows without blinking, so make sure that you only take strong technical setups, rather than simply shorting extremes because they are extremes.

Sermons over!


Afternoon guys. I’ll definitely want to have a look at that chris Lori set Hog. Shall I give you a shout over PM?

Do that Aesthetic. Sanj sent it to me via a site that allows you to send and download large files for free. If memory serves it’s called ‘we transfer’ or something similar.

sanj still had to break it down to 4 separate emails to send it all to me. But send me your email and I’ll do my best to send it to you tonight. I’m a wee bit pc challenged so I’ll get it to you as soon as humanly possible.

Sermon may be over mate, but some sermons are always worth repeating, so you just keep on banging that drum as long need be.

Hog. Fired you an email via babypips!

And ST, good sermon sir :smiley:

Or if you want to download the whole thing in one piece just goto any bittorrent site and search “chris lori” and download the allstarfx course.

If you stop banging that drum, I’ll leave Babypips! There are a few posts I actually read on this site, I usually skim the rest.
I guess it’s partly because you have a way of stringing words together, which is quite refreshing on this site.

Anyway, that’s an extremely long post for me, but keep it up Mr Bond.

To salimvp, jonnypips, anfearmor and aesthetic

discs 2, 3 , 4 , 5 are on their way to you now. Only worked out late last night that I can send the files to more than one person at the same time. My computer is telling me that it will take up to 4 hours to send these files so it may be around lunchtime (UK time) before they come through to you all.

Aesthetic, I’ll send you disc 1 over the weekend. It’s pretty basic stuff on it, construction of candlesticks etc, but best to have the whole set. just made things easier to send you all the same 4 discs at once then send you the first disc later.

Made +25 from a EU long from 1-2875, (entry triggered automatically) and closed itself 1-2905, so at least the pips made me smile, cos the weather this morning sure as hell didn’t

Good morning all !!!