The Trader's Arms 2nd Floor

Few people actually know that the 91 hour chart IS the holy grail bobmaninc

Even better the sun and I have never gotten never bronzes me only burns peels and repeats.

Are you sure you’re not a Scotsman???

Just glanced at EURGBP and… well, I always thought that the donkey chart pattern was the stuff of legend, spoken in hushed voices around camp fires in a forest somewhere. But lo and behold…

The question is, will the donkey spit or will the donkey dribble?

Question: How many different forum sites do you think that question has been asked on ???

Yeah thought it had a familiar ring. Well donkey, sheep, Irish Wolfhound… same difference.

Actually ive got quite a bit of Irish. Grandpa last name O’ Conner and I have a red beard lol pretty mismatched to my brown hair. I get jokes a lot lol.

Irish…Scots…close enough mate.

HoG et al.,

Found this thread (Or was it the original The Trader’s Arms thread?) while searching BabyPips for either “supply and demand” or “Sam Seiden.” No matter. I found it and am genuinely pleased to have done so. I especially appreciate the honest and respectful exchange of ideas and information. In fact, after reading it once (It was only 48-49 pages long then.), I re-read it and took a few notes. Mostly I needed to nail down which pair the “bobmaninc” trades, which I did.

Being a newbie to actual trading, after reading multiple trading books & articles and watching quite a few webinars about different techniques and strategies, not all related to Forex, I have decided to concentrate solely on Forex and use the supply/demand strategy taught by Sam Seiden from Online Trading Academy as the basis of my own trading. I understand it (I think.), at least as much as I have been able to learn from the free material on the Internet. I’ve sketched a pretty basic trading plan. Now, I need to get on with the chart reading and demo trading. Actually I’ve needed to for awhile; I’ve spent a lot of time treading water.

If you all don’t mind, to help me get off my duff, I’m going to check out the trades you all are posting as a starting point for applying supply & demand zones, with the odds enhancers, while trying to grasp your strategies as well. Sort of shadow trading.

By the way, HoG – I prefer Pepsi too. Simon Templar – Liked Roger Moore as your namesake, and enjoy one of his all-too-seldom shown movies “ffolkes.”

Just re-read the preceding and hope it doesn’t come off as pompous as it might/could. Good grief.


First of all welcome aboard, or should I say, welcome to the second floor.

Second, the whole pepsi / coca-cola issue and SimonTemplar. Listen, I happen to like ST, he’s a good guy, but he’s flawed. This coca-cola fixation of his is neither healthy, nor does it make any sense whatsoever, but we overlook that here because, as I say, we like him. Apart from this glaring mistake that he maintains a preference for coca-cola over pepsi, he’s a decent, honest guy.

We’ve all been a wee bit quiet recently, but hopefully we’ll get back to the more serious stuff sooner rather than later.

As for the “bobmaninc”, well as you know that is the screen name of a trader here on babypips, but it’s also Trader’s Arms speak for the AUD/USD pair as if it ever pops its head above water, bobmaninc (the trader) shorts it on sight,.

So if you ever hear me saying I’ve sold the bobmaninc, I’m short the AUD/USD pair

One last thing, let me know if you would like a copy of the Chris Lori dvd education set i’ve been sending to some people recently. Just PM me your email address and I’ll start sending it to you. It’s good stuff to get you started.

Think I need a glass of pepsi now.


lol well speaking of the bobmaninc it stuck its head above the water last night so I shot it :slight_smile: Could be my last trade of the year but we will see.

welcome to the second floor cdog if your in later I will buy you a pint or 2 or 10

hey HOG are any of the videos missing in your set of Chris Lori dvd collection? I downloaded a set from a torrent site and most of it is there but there are a few videos missing. Don’t remember which ones right offhand

HoG and bobmaninc: Thanks for the welcome! “Welcomes” doesn’t seem to be a word and it looks strange anyway. I’ve been in and out of here a couple of times today and something always seemed to interrupt.

HoG - I appreciate your offer to share the Chris Lori dvd education material. Not sure how to send you a PM so I left my e-mail address in a message in the Visitor Message box on your profile. Hope that was correct.

Have a great Friday!

I was going through disc 5 yesterday and there were a couple of files on that missing, but so far that has been all. Grand scheme of things I don’t think they were very important as they were only simulated trades of stuff he had went over previously anyway.

Never let a minor detail like the fact that a word doesn’t exist stop you from using it on this thread cdog. I’ve made up a whole list of new words since I’ve started trading.

I’ll start sending you the videos over the weekend.


I think that anyone who minds that oughtn’t to be posting in a forum, so you fill your boots and I’m sure that we collectively hope that it helps you.

This section of your post, to be honest, it started poorly. But much like the ‘which girl in Friends was the hot one?’ question, this is one of those discussions where we all just need to accept the others’ viewpoints, however unfathomable. Even if deep down we all know that coke is best. But you rallied with your second part. I genuinely watch episodes of [I]The Saint [/I]pretty regularly - during Mrs Templar’s every-other-week business trips to London - as they keep me centred and on point, reminding me how simple the important stuff is. Then there are the underheralded (and as you say underscreened (while we’re on the subject of making up words)) films - N[I]orth Sea Hijack,[/I] anyone? [I]The Wild Geese[/I]? [I]The Sea Wolves[/I]? And we have not even got to Bond. If ever I need cheering up, I watch [I]The Spy Who Loved Me.

[/I]’‘But James, I need you!’’

‘‘So does England’’.

Cue a chase (on skis!!) and a daring escape using a Union Jack parachute. Plus a cracking Cold War plot, exotic locations, an iconic Bond car and a (very) hot Bond girl who is also playing a spy so has a proper role. What’s not to like?!

So I feel able to overlook the whole Pepsi thing. You’re very welcome around here, I think that it was a great opening post, and anyone who likes Roger Moore is alright by me.

And yet the rest of the time you seem like such a sensible sort.

Our gracious host trades the bobmaninc and calls himself HoGster. ‘Welcomes’ doesn’t even register on our collective ‘that’s not really a word’ radar!

Seriously, welcome, always good to have a new face around.


When I was a boy I drank pepsi. But when I became I man it was time to put childish things away.

That’s really what happened. Pepsi is just to sweet now. I read pepsi does better in taste tests because of this. But over the whole soda Coke come out the winner.

Lol in context that is one of my all-time favourite BP posts! To be honest it’s how I have been feeling around HoGster for some time now.

You mean you think I should be put away ?

Lol. Don’t worry, we’ll get you out on special occasions, or when we all just need a chuckle.