The Trader's Arms 2nd Floor

Excellent !! Now, how are you at sorting the weather ??? :slight_smile:

Just been looking at the Daily Euro/Dollar chart.

Could be in the process of creating the latest top to continue the recent downward bias going from 9th September ?

Bobmaninc, last of the emails should be with you now. Let me know if you got all 12 discs ok.

Hellogoodbye, sending the first 3 discs to you now which hopefully should give you all 12 discs. It says it will take six hours from now to get them to you (current time 9:20am uk) so let me know if it all comes through .

Talk later guys

You asked for it!

That’s very kind of you to say, thank you.

We have been using the Land Rover for the school run this week as the extra ground clearance has been useful for the flooding. It’s crazy waterlogged up here at the moment.

Lol I’m glad it was not just me. I’m a car nut, too - just did the school run in a 33 year-old car - and it had me stumped.

Sorry to hear about the leaks and rain - similar issues up here, in terms of the weather, but mercifully we had just finished a new roof rather than still being at the stripping back stage. You have my sympathies!

But on the plus side, at least our cars go round corners… :smiley:

See what you’re saying, but personally I prefer the PA for GBP/USD, cleaner cycles plus yesterday’s Daily high test is also a rejection of the 61.8 Fib.

And sorry, where are my manners, good morning by the way!

Morning Mr Templar, (even though it is early afternoon now ! )

Ended up taking a cable short from the mobile office ST @ 1-6010. Closed at 1-5980.

May try to get back into something if the start of New York throws up an opportunity, failing that I’m just chart gazing for the rest of the day.

Sorry to hear you guys are getting it so bad with the weather right now. Mrs HoG’s family down south (Stockton-On-Tees) are getting weather warnings again too.

And you were right in your previous post, I did ask for it !! LOL.

Thanks hog I didnt get your emails but I seem to be having trouble opening the files. Pretty sure the problem is user error though. I will try to get it worked out after work today. maybe wave a hammer in front of the laptop that usually opens locked files

Our cars go around corners just fine. As long as its a left hand turn we are good to go. 500 miles 1 corner that lasts the whole race. I just dont see how you figure this :stuck_out_tongue:

Files are zip files bobmaninc. You may need to use a programme that “unzips” them. Can’t remember if my pc did it automatically or if I had to download a programme. They won’t send at all if I don’t compress them.

If you still can’t get them opened do a google for Chris Lori Allstarfx and you’ll find torrents you can download. Failing that there’s always the hammer LOL

Let me know how you get on

Well you know what they say - ask and you shall receive! The weather is fine, that’s why we bought a capable car, nothing stops the Safari, and our house is high, so it just makes journeys a little more… interesting. If this house floods then the country as a whole has far wider issues!

One question, though, if I may: why did you close your trade? I’m still short, my ultimate TP is just above the 1.5800 level, although I’ll trail down and don’t expect to get there. But it’s nice to leave the option open…

We once hired a car in LA to drive to Las Vegas via Flagstaff, Arizona. We were in a group, so we got a Chrysler Grand Voyager, it was a 3.3 petrol automatic. When the guy was giving me a runthrough of how to drive it, he mentioned ‘cruise control’. Cruise control!!! I thought? Why would I do that, I’ll be turning/braking so much it’ll just be a pain switching it on and off. Several hours, lots of sand and no corners later, I finally got it… It was like sailing on dry land!! A lot of fun, though, it just made driving more like a video game than I’m used to. I used to like seeing the confused looks on the petrol pump attendants’ faces (we seemed to need to stop at every one) when I asked for petrol in my slightly-Bertie Wooster accent.

That said, I have been to Indianapolis… but to watch F1, and they turned it into a proper track for that…!!

ahh yes now I remember I had to download a program on the last computer to “unzip” files so this machine probably need the same thing. I forgot about that minor detail.

Cruse control is for when the cops are behind you. I always tend to go faster for some reaon till I get a ticket for speeding. Now I just get to the speed limit and set it take my foot off the gas and cruse. But yes I know the roads out west (and out east for that matter) are long and straight. The turns are always good as it keeps you awake

Is petrol what we call gasoline? I’d like to visit Scotland. For 2 reasons. Scenery and golf.

yes petrol is what we call gasonline. Hence BP stands for British Petrol

No Iya, petrol and gasoline are two different things, which, funnily enough, actually do the same job.

The reason they are the same is that you put either of them in your car and either will make your car go.

The reason they are different is that gasoline is the thing that comes out of the pump at less than $4 a gallon. Petrol on the other hand, is the thing that comes out of the pump at nearly £6 a gallon.

And if I knew anything about currency exchange rates, I’d be able to tell you what that is in dollars LOL!

As for the scenery and the golf, we have that in abundance. just remember to pack some sunshine cos we’re a wee bit short on that right now

Wow rough guesstimate thats about 9 dollars a gallon (little higher actually)

Sorry I didn’t get to answer this earlier ST. Unfortunately the mobile office manager forgot to take the mobile office power lead with him this morning and by the time you had asked this, the laptop was flat.

Anyway, here is my answer. Recently, as you may have noticed, there has been some discussion regarding a dvd set of Chris Lori’s, which Sanj originally passed on to me and I’ve been passing it on to whoever (or is it whom-ever? without the hyphon).

Anyway, in the second disc I think, he deals with support and resistance and how he deals with small dealing ranges which price moves in. He says that price actually spends 60-80% of the time in a range, be it a small range or a large range.

So anyway, he goes on to show how he trades these small ranges and discusses prices tendency to revisit a previous range and use it as support or resistance. (You know the saying - old support becomes resistance, old resistance becomes support).

Right then, looking at the GU 1 hour chart), I had decided that price had been moving in the range between the two blue lines, and since the two red candles(before the white inverted hammer with the pink line on it) were showing weakness, going short from this range was a better option than going long.

I had watched price for about half an hour trying to break through 1-60, and when it bounced back up to 1-6010 I went short, since it was the best price for nearly an hour by this time.

1-5980, where I closed out, is the daily S2 level, where I thought price might bounce back up and test the lows of the range again, before heading south once more.

As it turned out, as you know, price fell a little further than 1-5980, but has since bounced back up into my ‘range’.

Now the top of the range lies around 1-6020, (price at 1-6010 as I write this). And if price should wander another 5-10 pips further up. I intend to short it again.

Probably doesn’t make a bit of sense, but I hope I’ve explained my thinking clearly enough

EDIT: As a matter of fact ST, I’m going to send you the S&R disc (disc 2) right now. If you’ve got it already you can just delete it when it comes. May not be any good to you but it’ll give you something to pass a hour or two with if you’re bored someday.

If you want to have a peek at the other 11 discs let me know and I’ll forward them as well mate. This disc will take a couple of hours to get to you, just uploading it now.

I can beleive I just spent about 10 minutes trying to figure this out but thats a 31.5 hour chart

You mean you don’t use the 91 hour chart bobmaninc??? LOL

Forgot to use the shift key mate. Came out as a 9 instead of a (