Love every word of that post. I remember telling SimonTemplar quite some time ago that although I had been trading for a while, I still had the feeling that I knew nothing. ST commented at the time that he didn’t accept that I hadn’t learned anything at all, and looking back now, I can see that we were both right in a sense.
I was right because I HADN’T taken the time to go through the very basics and progress from there. And ST was right because although my trading was suffering due to a lack of education, what I WAS learning is that this isn’t a “take it lightly, make a million.” game. You need to work, and work pretty damn hard to get anywhere with this. But the good news is that it’s possible, for anyone to succeed.
Truth of the matter is that as things stand, I have no plan, no strategy, as I am going way back to the beginning to build these things for the first time. I’m lucky though, I’ve got a great bunch of experienced guys and a great bunch of new guys in my corner, all enjoying each others “company”.
Of course you’re welcome. The mark of any successful person, in any walk of life, is their ability to adapt, to change and be flexible. You seem to have recognised that your plan wasn’t working and have made moves to change that, and you’re to be commended for that.
As for this being educational, well that may be slightly misleading I suppose. Because this is not experts training beginners (I’ve grown to hate the word “Newbies” for some reason) This is about learning FROM THE BEGINNERS POINT OF VIEW, with the experienced guys being our “Nudge” (Re: the stick in the river quote ) I could reel off half a dozen names of experienced guys on this forum that I really can’t thank enough for the time and input they have given me since I started here.
Shame I wasted that input previously though. And even though my account has came and went, my confidence came, went, grew too big, got destroyed and left again, the same half dozen names remain regular conversationalists with me every day, or most days at least.
Point is, I feel able to make a point with these guys without fear of being shot down in a ball of flames if I am wrong. They have their own subtle ways of telling me I’m on the wrong path. So please do hang around here, and I’m sure we will all move forward together. It may be basic for a while, but better to make sure the foundations are strong before we build a tower in the sky. All we have ever asked on the Trader’s Arms threads is the same level of honesty you showed in your last post and we are good to go.
Welcome aboard