The Trader's Arms 2nd Floor

My plan is to wait :slight_smile: I am stalking a short in the Yen and Franc crosses

yeah, as everybody. I’m goin on a short on EN at a level, but still waiting.
in the meantime NU will go back 8313, where it losted something. I don’t suggest it, just thinking loud:)

Good choice mate. I’m also looking at EURAUD daily (nice pin rejection+engulfing PA) for a possible long setup.

I usually do not use to much of PA below the daily time frame. When trading the 1H chart I’d rather trade only S/D levels with tight stops.

as I know, if AN goes long with EN short , it adds EA short. but I just supposed. these are just if-s… and I see, ifAN stays, EA can go long

I don’t trade this way but if I must respond with an informative comment I can say that the euro has shown more strength against the dollar and the yen then the Aussie dollar. So therefore the euro is stronger than the Aussie and a valid long setup on EA is fine.

Yen is going down like crazy and crossed very easily the 89.10 resistance… next stop in my charts is the 91.50 level

Ever trade a break do S or R? Like it broke that89.10 level. And it pulls back to it. I’ve been thinking about trying that out as a strategy on a demo. Just trading the support and resistance no PA.

No. I do not like to trade breakouts although they are very profitable when you catch one. You need tight SLs. Trading swings are more easy to me.

If is a pullback in the direction of the trend then I might join the party… for example in the UY 88.40 looks like a good place to go long

EURAUD has gone to the upside without me lol. Well it didn’t really give me an entry opportunity anyway so I’m not mad :). Maybe a retracement/retest of 1.2545 next week will provide some interest.

wow, how funny to think through that AC is shortable while EC seems going up neverending. but as sily as I am, I may be on the wrong side of the horse. lol

how do they name this thing, that GU plays? it wants to go down deliberately.
the Queen is a great player.

The question is, how long can AC short, while AN long. terrific.
AN has a limit at my chart, 1.26,1.2655, 1.27 - from then on, world changes? :slight_smile:

where is yunny, the king of EG. hope you got the TP :slight_smile: I’m hunting for sell. whatcha think?
one thing I’m not convinced: why am I think that EFranc will go 1.27, GFranc 1.51, and why am I shorting EG right now if they both will long…

Hows everyone doing? We need to keep this thread going. One of the good ones :smiley:

I’m not sure that this thread is going to get back to where it was, to be honest - HoG said before Christmas that 2013 would be the make or break year for his trading, plus I think that with the way the forum has gone recently I think that he has lost the love for BabyPips so barely posts at the moment. I have basically left, too - I would post in here if it were active, but I don’t post elsewhere and am exploring alternatives (which include giving up fora). RCarter, Yunny and several of the other regulars are not around in general half as much as they once were. It happens on fora from time to time - new members join who change the feel and move it away from others’ preferences, a couple of vogue new topics arise that become prevalent but aren’t of interest to some of the older members, so you get a rotation of much of the membership.

In terms of my own trading, it has been a very quiet start to 2013, lots of research but little trading, I expect to pick it up next week. I’d post about that in here were the thread active, but tbh I see it dropping to the archives. It’s just no fun swimming against the current and being baited so often!

I could obviously be wrong, though.


Same thoughts here. I can see overall the forum is inactive mood. When I came here there were lots of senior members here. From buckscoder to bob. All are left. I’m feeling this. No more fun here.

Now, what I see here in forum is attacking between members. I’m seeing it in ICT’s new thread. In my thread I got many irritating posts from a mentor. I’m not sure what is going on here. I think people realized that making easy money or rich quick is impossible from Forex trading and discussing about anything here is total waste of time.

Anyway I hope everything will be okey soon.

Happy trading to all.

Happy trading to you, too, Salim. I expect that I will just keep my head down for a few weeks/months/ whatever and see whether the current vibe is permanent or just a phase and then take a view.

I trade fine without BP, so if it becomes combative or unconstructive or snippy or whatever then it kind of serves no useful purpose in my working day. I’m here principally for some virtual colleagues, not to justify myself or wade through reams of rude/arrogant/etc posts!

Anyway, good trading to you,