The Trader's Arms 2nd Floor

Hi ST. Thanks for popping in. I totally understand the points you and salim have made. Wishing you all the best for the year ahead and hopefully the group will touch base again in the future.

Thank you, you too. And should you ever come across an old post of mine somewhere and want to ask a question, follow up, whatever, by all means PM or email me. You are proof that not all new aspects around the forum are part of me problem!

All the best to you, too.


Yep the mood around here has certainly changed for now. It does has some direct correlation with why the mouth from the south daily post count has dropped. I do miss some of the older members (dont think senior is quite the word I am looking for I dont walk with a cane just yet). However The new lady I have has noticed a few more greys in my hair than I care to talk about.

I think this year I will try to talk less and trade more. After all that is the goal in the end anyway. I have also found myself losing my cool in here lately which is not why I come around. The traders arms always seems to put things back into perspective.

As far as trading I am still a couple weeks away. The bobmaninc seems to be in a tight range so nothing interesting going on there to be honest. Hoping things pick up soon. I hope to improve from last year. Last year was not bad but even though my win% went up significantly my overall profits didnt even come close to the previous year. I did accomplish what I set out to do last year which was pick up that win ratio so last year was a success in my book. Just my overall outcome was not what I expected. This year I will look to find a happy median.

Good to see there are still some of you guys around these pages. I dont see the traders arm going by the wayside as it tend to keep to riffraff out.

Hey all,

I hope you are all keeping well! I was reading the last few posts with disappointment. Not disappointment with anyone but more disappointment that this wonderful thread is thinning out.

I really don’t want to see that happen! I think there are too many wonderful minds and personalities here. Reading on here has always made me feel like this trading business was attainable to the average Joe. The language and the banter has always been so inviting while the information discussed has been of such a high quality.

I can imagine that if the traders arms gang had been together at school together they would have caused mayhem! They would been the envy of everyone else. So much cooler than the nerds with just the right amount of brains and attitude.

I really hope we can give a kick start to this thread. I think there is a wonderful foundation here so we owe it to build something on top of it.

It’s true the forum is a bit of a mad house at the moment. But this thread has always had a good bouncer on the door making sure we had somewhere to come to be free to discuss many topics in a constructive and (mostly) focused way :slight_smile:

I respectfully submit that we turn the lights back on, get the proprietor back in and get on with the business of learning to tame the forex beast!

Peace out :slight_smile:


Maybe we need our own forum :slight_smile: I’ve been thinking about it a few times last few days.

:slight_smile: Perhaps! But regardless, I do hope we can keep this community together. I know HoG was a fan of starting different topics which were then discussed and debated. I really enjoyed those discussions so it would be great to get some more going.

I am quite certain we have not covered everything :slight_smile:

Discussed that very idea with ST in private not too long ago Aesthetic.

“Invite only” I think was the very phrase we used.

Yes Hog. Great idea, not that I’m automatically granted an invite or anything LOL :slight_smile:

Hi guys completely understand the sentiments being muted here, a time comes when
the fora do not hold the same mystic as they once did, your knowledge has outgrown,
in a sense, the boards.

I hardly post here anymore because of a combination of reasons the above being one,
also when you master the beast which is forex it is time to find other business opportunities.

Forex in itself is very boring, I do not mean to denegrade anybody in this statement,
however in the end it will not fill so much time & there are other avenues open.

Also you will find that what makes the fora is the opposing discussions. That is where
the learning is found. I don’t mean the stupid name calling & p***ing up the wall
contests, I mean differing opinions, discussed in a civil manner.

The link below is self explanatory, paying for a forum is expensive.

Free forum - - Free forum

I really want this thread to get on his feet again… I will try to share some setups for next week :slight_smile:

Me too. I don’t post here often but I enjoy lurking. Next week I think we will see both the fiber and cable go north. Today was the first day we really saw them go in the same direction for a while. I think they are friends again. lol

Hey Yunny. Yep that’d be great to see. You use a variation of Seiden don’t you? Look for price entering long term supply/demand zones then wait for a reversal signal?

I’d hate to see that HoG. Is it really necessary? I mean, there haven’t been many examples of this thread or the previous one being disrupted have there? So why shut anyone out? What goes on on the rest of the forum doesn’t matter. It’s what’s in here that counts. I also believe that, as traders, we should value diverse input. We should be ready to have our thinking challenged from any direction. An insular little group can’t evolve, and could soon wither and die.

I sometimes hold training sessions for people who are new to my business and - often being quite young - don’t like to ask questions in case they look stupid. I always quote the phrase: “The greatest breakthoughs can sometimes begin with the words - ‘this might be a silly question but…’”

Also be a shame if novice traders couldn’t benefit from some of the insight of the people who would contribute to the closed forum.

It’d be easy enough to ban anyone from a thread if they kicked off.

And of course, as Groucho said: ‘I wouldn’t want to belong to any club that would have me as a member’. :slight_smile:

Be interesting to see how EURUSD reacts to resistance at 1.3485. If indeed we haven’t already seen that reaction.

I feel those peering through the windows of the Trader’s Arms but not actually entering the doors are legion. It is a most lurk-worthy thread.

HoG gives us much needed humor. His psychological self-analysis posts are invaluable.

Simon Templar delivers nuggets of trading information couched in what can only be described as prose and his posts are always enjoyable to read.

I have printed out every post and chart Yunny has contributed regarding supply/demand levels. I have only been able to use his actual methods with very limited success (meaning utter failure) but there is definitely something there that I feel the need to one day master.

Bonmaninc’s never-ending struggle with the… well, the “Bobmaninc” are legendary. He is Captain Ahab living to conquer the white whale.

The rest of the regular posters each have there own unique contributions that are read-worthy (but mentioning them all would simply be a link to this wondeful thread).

It would be a pity if this thread were to become inactive or, worse, move on to some clandestine location where those lurkers could no longer lurk. As Ukdave stated, [I]“Also be a shame if novice traders couldn’t benefit from some of the insight of the people who would contribute to the closed forum.”[/I]

Oh you’d be there boy !!

Like ST mentioned above, the love has been lost a little recently. That said, I’m working hard at learning and I’ve just recently signed up for a university course (completely different subject matter) which I’m also studying hard at. So between the two I really don’t have a lot of time left for the forum.

But I’ve always really enjoyed these threads. As bob mentioned we’ve always seemed to manage to avoid the idiots. Always been a good mix of trading discussion with the odd tangent thrown in, ie…you guys have good trading discussions then I usually disrupt that with a tangent.

But it would be a shame to lose that focus completely. Something will be worked out, trust me.

I’m writing this on my phone right now as for some reason my pc won’t connect to BP. This also adds to my abscence as it’s taken an age just to write this. Have a good weekend one and all


Have a good weekend to HOG and good luck on your endeavors. I wish you the best.

I will bring some content through these doors soon but I got to get my computer at home set up. I thinking something along the lines of R:R as that has not really been covered on BP to much other than numbers and what a good R:R is. I am thinking something along the lines of how to spot it on a chart (or at least how I do anyway). After all IMO that is more important than a high probability trade setup. With out R:R you got nothing

Dave, Pipmart - this is, for me, what Babypips is all about - provoking thought, provoking anaylsis, questions like were cable and fibre diverging?, how do we deal with that, how do we guage it, how do we alter our approach to trading them if at all, and so on.

I really suspect that developing the skill of good anaylsis is an attribute all traders require, good anaylsis comes from experience, but it also comes from interaction of ideas, stories, snippets of information.

I am very aware that there are many brilliant anaylists who do not make good traders, but marry the two, a good anaylist and a good trader - now you have something.

It is for this reason that all fora on babypips offer something, yes even the silly ones, from reading other peoples thoughts and ideas I personally have gained a great deal.

For example both your comments above there is a wealth of information for those willing to look - students may look to see the regaining of correlation, they may think about it and recognize later when they diverge. They may look at 3485 and see the resistance and watch the price reaction when / if it arrives there, they’ll remember what you wrote and learn.

Sorry for rambling on, just saying the importance of posting.

what are you studying

I’ll tell you a strange thing. No…I take that back…I’ll tell you a VERY, VERY strange thing.

I’m lying in bed the other night…and what do I suddenly start thinking of??? (I can almost feel the moderators beginning to tremble !)

Of all the things that are contained within a universe of imagination that it is possible to think about while you are in bed, what thought do you think suddenly barged it’s way to the forefront of my attentions???

Yes you guessed it, it was Bobmaninc !! Obviously !!!

I cannot begin to tell you how worrying I find that, even though I do have a feeling that I don’t find it as worrying as Bobmaninc himself finds it LOL !!

So, to cut a long bizarre story short Bobmaninc, I was wondering if you wanted me to re-send the Chris Lori DVD’s since you’re house was broken into and you’re computer was taken. You can let me know mate.

As for R:R, I think that would be a good topic