The Trader's Arms 2nd Floor

Do you mind sharing the app you using to trade on the iPad?

I’m using fxcm trade station, it’s better than the others, but still woefully short compared to mt4.

Hi Niki,

I’m happy to share, but I am afraid that I was unclear - I am iPad/iPhone only for BP, but I trade on a PC.


Hope you’re well,


Really big hammer fixes all problems man :wink:

Stop out for a 40 pip profit… I was looking for 120 pips :56:

Sometimes there’s just no substitute!

Hi Niki

Unfortunately the FXCM app is the same for the iPhone and the iPad. It’s pretty basic and pretty sh*t to be honest, it’s also the same app for Android. The only way you can get the actual trade station is to buy a windows based tablet like the new microsoft one and download the actual tradestation. This would give you all of the features of tradestation II, not sure about MT4, but at 3 or 4 hundred quid a pop, it’s not the cheapest option.

Archos does a “Archos 9” tablet that you can do the same thing with but I don’t know how much that is.

Another viable solution would be to have the platform running on the PC and just remote desktop into it from the ipad with something like teamviewer? Or if you don’t want your PC on just set up a VPS online.

Ok explain that one to me. What is “remote desktop”?. It sounds magnificent.

Please do remember in your explanation though that you’re talking to the guy who never completely mastered video recorders before they became DVD players !! And there’s another enigma while we’re on the subject LOL!

Hey Hog, Remote desktop is basically a functionality that allows you to connect to your home pc from another device. Before it became popular with home users it was a norm in the corporate world for troubleshooting employee’s having issues with their PC’s without actually physically being there.

You have full access once connected, so you can control the mouse, keyboard and open apps etc.


And that post right there is a key reason why this is the best bar I’ve ever been too that doesn’t serve alcohol. And coming from an Irishman I hope you appreciate the weight behind that statement ;).

I hope you guys are all having a great Wednesday evening :slight_smile: Thanks HoG, I am fully stocked on Mr. Lori now…it is much appreciated :slight_smile:

If I may go back to touch on the R:R subject for a moment or some element of it if possible. I wondered what the opinion was as to what is the correct amount of currencies to monitor? Is more really less, is less in fact more or does it depend entirely on the person?

I have often believed that I should focus 2 or 3 currencies only, get to know them and their patterns. To this day my charts show EU, GU and AU only. I rarely look elsewhere.

However, I begin to wonder if this is the right approach. Some markets make you work extremely hard for your pips. You search for set ups that may not be there. You take chances where the probabilities are not stacked in your favour increasing your risk in the process. These charts and your analysis of them do in my opinion improve you technically.

However as important as improving yourself technically is ensuring your profitability and survival in this industry. And we must always remember the KISS principle. If there is a market heading vertical getting on board at safe entry points makes life so much easier than waiting for your chosen one to wake up and show you some attention (I’m still talking about the markets by the way).

Anyway, sorry for the ramble - just one of the 3 thoughts rolling around inside my head (the others being ‘How good will Dallas be without JR?’ and…) Ok I confess there is only one other thought rolling around inside my head.

Great to read you all by the way :slight_smile:


Damn, I hate it when I only walk away with 40 pips profit…:32:


First of all, how many bars have you been in that don’t sell alcohol?

Secondly, you are more than welcome Re: Chris Lori stuff. Thank you for the PDF.

Thirdly, how many pairs to monitor? I think you could probably monitor as many as you want as long as you do your analysis on any of them before you decide to make a trade on them. I’ll tell you what I mean by that.

If you remember a while ago I posted some stats regarding the movement of the EUR/USD against the pivot points of that pair. Out of sheer laziness I took it for granted that OTHER pairs would react the same as my analysis of the fibre to their pivot points. But they don’t, I believe some analysis is NOT generic and you have to be sure and comfortable with each pair as individuals, unless that is there is a known and proven correlation between a pair you are familiar with and the “new” pair you are trading.

My main pairs are EU, AU, hate GU, UJ and I always try to watch the dollar index but not to trade it, just to try and see what way the dollar is thinking of going.

I won’t comment on the KISS system and your chosen one waking up to show you some attention, that’s for a different forum all together

As for Dallas being as good without JR, that’s just crazy talk man !!

I have to give that a go. What’s the worse that could happen? Might end up switching the entire computer system off at Glasgow Airport from the comfort of the front seat of my taxi mind you, but hey, I’m game !!

I like to keep an eye on a number of correlated pairs. If you see a potential entry on a particular pair then a quick check of a correlation table will tell you which other pairs you may want to glance at.

Let’s say you have a potential long signal on EUR/USD. Let’s also say that GBP/USD and EUR/JPY have been strongly correlating with EUR/USD and USD/CAD and CHF/USD have been in strong anti-correlation mode.

If you notice that USD/CAD and CHF/USD are also giving long signals when, if anything, they should be giving short signals, then something is probably not right. If GBP/USD and EUR/JPY are also giving short signals then a big flashing warning light should be going off in your head. Every one of the pairs that has a correlation is doing the same thing, as you would expect, with the exception of the one you are about to trade.

It is probably best to sit out the trade in this situation or wait for the EUR/USD to indicate that is preparing to get back on the same page as everyone else and take THAT trade or, if EUR/USD happens to be leading the way, wait for the others to indicate that they are reversing and, assuming they give you whatever signal you are looking for, trade one of them.

It is true that pairs fall in and out of correlation to one degree or another and can do so at any time but it at least helps to know what the other pairs should be doing and what they are actually doing. Keeping an eye on the correlated currencies can give you a big picture view of the market instead of a myopic, one currency view of things.

Just something to consider, anyway.

Just to continue my recent fascination with the USD/CAD pair, I noted the inverted hammer daily close on the chart. By all definitions an inverted hammer is supposed to be a “reversal” signal after a down move.

Right now however, imho, there seems to be too many bearish signals and I’m probably thinking this pair wants to go a bit lower, possibly through the red support zone I have marked to around the 0.9968 area before it turns back up.

Must stress however that I am NOT trading this, only using it for practice purposes of my analysis. So that means the pair will immediately ignore everything I have just said and go through the roof imminently !

An inverted hammer is a bullish reversal signal only in a clear down trend (swing low) and needs a bullish next day to confirm it… but here shows that sellers do not want price this high (at least for now) so the most likely outcome for the next days is more bearish pressure.

I think the 0.9968 level may well be reached thursday trading yunny. But like I say, not trading it cos I’m still long UJ.

Yunny, just a quick question about the level you have noted as “first daily support” on your chart above. Wondered why you noted that zone and not the swing high to the left just before the gap down?

In the dentist waiting room just now. Not a happy boy !!

Because that zone (swing high) has already been used by price action in the daily chart, so its importance diminishes… I am not saying it won’t work… remember that level is last month high.

I am absolutely no expert at the types of Supply/Demand levels used by Yunny and others on this thread but here is my assessment of the point you are looking at:

When price was last at that particular level it moved down indicating supply exceeding demand. It was not just a bit of supply but it was a rather large amount of it as it gapped down quite a bit from that point. If price should hit that level again I would expect price to again fall with the assumption that there is still a bit of supply lingering at that level.

Therefore, the first bump in the road where there may be demand exceeding supply would be the area marked by Yunny, an area of consolidation where price forcefully left the area moving up.

Since I haven’t gotten the swing of using these types of levels yet you should feel confident in dismissing anything I say as the ravings of a lunatic. I just thought I would put my view out there so that I can compare with the what the resident experts have to say later.