The Trader's Arms 2nd Floor

The home of golfxxxxx Think you may be partially
If you are a pain in the new year and then my not fine here, mainly in England not calling you

I am sure there is something to this post but I just can’t quite put my finger on it. At first glance it appears to be English… no, that’s not it. American? Definitely not. Scottish? Maybe… but, no.

It is written in a language all its own that I am just not familiar with:54: Any linguists in the house willing to translate?

fluent drunk glaswegian, thats my guess:54:

If I only read it last night then I would have understood perfectly!

Combination of drunken fingers and predictive text?

In the past, I have always tried to be as honest with you all as I possibly could be. When I’ve wiped out I’ve manned up and told you so. When I was down, it’s probably been more than patently obvious in my posts, mainly due to the fact that I’ve said, “I’m a bit down right now.”

So I know this may seem a bit bizarre, but I promise you all I have no reason to lie…even though the evidence may well be more than stacked against me on this one…but…


I have no idea who did, even though it’s my avatar. It says it was posted today, but I was away to the golf at 7am this morning and I’m just home and it’s 9:35pm here in the UK…but I didn’t write that.

ST has just PM’d me to see if I have lost my mind LOL!! And I wondered what he was talking about until I looked at the thread.

As for being a bit on the drunk side, I assure you all I haven’t had a drink for quite some time now.

Even if my little one was using the computer today while I was out, it doesn’t have predictive text and I doubt very much whether she would have come up with that.

I don’t understand it guys…:confused:

Hi HoG,

I rather hoped this was a taster/sneak preview of your upcoming novel (in which case my feedback would have been ‘needs a bit of work’) ;).

Oh well, another of my hopes dashed. Hope the golf was fun!


Ah, must be the “phantom poster” then. I’ve heard tales of him operating in these parts.

Golf is always fun Padraic, it’s just my ability that spoils it LOL!!

I know it sounds like a totally lame excuse, but I can’t explain it LOL!

Only thing I can offer in any form of an excuse right now is my 8 year old, an iPad and predictive text. But would she really have come up with that message??? Hhhmmmmm. Kind of think if it was my eight year old there would have been far more censored bits LOL !!

Maybe it had something to do with babypips getting hacked??? Although you’d think there’d be similar posts by other users who said they didn’t…hmmm.

Maybe we’re just a schizophrenic

At least you never have to drink alone.


You need to blame the 8 year old - that’s what we have kids for!

Anyway, I don’t see what all the fuss is about. It’s my Avatar, it’s my username and the post makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

I thought you’d all be used to that combination by now LOL!!

Hi Gang… just dropping in to replenish my home keg of ESB… stocks are running low! So looking to GU what do we think? To my mind were at ‘fair value’. Ten weeks of straight fall off and now a bounce. Three days of recovery. I went long @ 1.4936. Looking for a solid breakout above 1.5131.

Evening Mr Carter

Funny you should post about the cable idea. I have recently “discovered” (better late than never) Captain Currencies 3 Ducks thread. Only started reading into it over the weekend.

The “3 Ducks” were not lining up on Fibre so I have not long ago had a peak at Cable. As far as I can determine from how the method is supposed to work, I was just thinking to myself “Right, if the 5 minute chart breaks the latest swing high above the 60 SMA, then we go long.”

So what level was the the latest swing high? Yep, you got there first, 1-5131. So if it goes there I’m in.

Incidentally, help yourself to the ESB, anything for a fellow golfer :slight_smile:

I’m not sure thumping ‘girt big holes’ around the fairway qualifies me as a Golfer Hog? LOL

Three Ducks Huh! So your trying out the three moving average crossover? I hear it works pretty good on the longer TF’s… 1h and 4h. GU seems rangebound at present, 5080-5131’ish. Still in the trade though… looking more to the daily and weekly for trades lately. I still see a high probability of a breakout, just a question of time and pressure.

You decide to stop in for a pint and find the joint is all boarded up…


Yet again I tried to connect to babypips only to find my browser (firefox) will not let me do so. Just plain old fed up of uninstalling firefox, re-installing it so that it connects for a couple of weeks then buggers up again.

So I just decided to quit all together. I know it could be suggested to use another browser, but chrome slows my pc down, I hate IE and firefox works perfectly with every other site.

So with that I offer my apologies to all, but the proprietor has sold up and moved on.

I wish you all the best of luck in whatever ventures you pursue in life.

HoG :23:

Well I surely hope you get firefox sorted out hog.It works fine for me and I hear ya about chrome to me it is not worth it.

It is nice to stop in for a pint or 10 after a week like last week.