The Trader's Arms 2nd Floor

I have similar issues, PC won’t run BP, so I’m just iPhone/iPad these days, hence no charts etc. between that and being in Cornwall on hols I’m not on as much, it’s just too fiddly for every day without a PC. Crappy market at the moment, anyway, nice moment for babies and holidays!

But HoG, you’re still trading? Just no BP?

Sad day to see such a good thread slowly dying out tbh…

I havent been around much BP these last few months - more lurking and checking in every so often…

Strange so many are experiecing issues with the browser though, i personally quite like chrome and runs fine for me. As a last resort, HoG, have you tried to clear your browsing history and cookie cache in firefox? I know sometimes that can give you the fix you need…

I tried all that a few times - it just lets me log in once to BP, then next time I switch on the PC in locked out again, the whole BP site won’t fire up. I just get a 404 error, page does not exist.

So there’s more to it than just the browser history, and I’m just not clearing that every time I switch on the PC. Quite apart from anything else, Mrs Templar will think I have something to hide!!

I clear mine every week just out of habit lol. Mostly I use my phone for this site. The world is moving that way anyway and they still have problems with the app. And no iPhone 5 resolution support. Babypips needs to get with the times.

Agreed - but I have no charting on my 'phone, so can’t post them on here without the PC.

HoG, et al Trader’s Arms 2nd Floor denizens,

Sorry to read of your various problems with BP. Running IE9 on the laptop and IE8 on the desktop with no problems accessing BP, either this forum or other areas of BP, at all. Am not a fan of Firefox and have never tried Chrome.

Although not much of a contributor to this forum, I am a fan and frequent visitor to catch up on what’s happening here. If it goes defunct I think that will be a shame. Understandable if people have problems getting to it, but a shame nonetheless.

I’ll keep checking back. In the meantime, good trading to you all!

I’m running IE8.

Has anyone who is having connection difficulties informed the BP folks? Silly question, perhaps.

Trading has all but ceased too ST. Same old HoG self destruct button recently wiped out 4 weeks profit has left me wondering if the mental game is there at all. Maybe take a break for a while, regroup, hit some golf balls for a while.

I hear you there HoG, i had a pretty bad last week too, few losses on my part which wiped out my months profits and thrown me back a little deeper in the red. The long weekend here though (plus my drunken 22nd birthday antics of last night) have put me in better spirits and im back today (though hungover) in a much better mindset…

Think a break will always do some good, especially in trading…
Would love to see u stick with it mate, its a bumpy ride but we can only hope there is light at the end of the tunnel…

I’ll tough it out Sanj, just need to get away from it for a week ot two. Girls all down in Blackpool this week because the smallest HoGette is skating in a comp so I’m home alone.

No charts or trading, just golf, oh yeah and work. Will come back recharged.

Can’t even get IE to connect to babypips now on my pc so I’m now asking if I can’t even post a chart now what’s the point of even coming here, apart from the good company of y’all that is.

Yes, not a problem at the BP end, apparently, but I have my doubts - BP is the only website I can’t run, I inhabit other fora (boxing and old cars, as well as a little trading) without any issues, I’m a moderately heavy Internet user and BP is the only site I can’t run. I had installed a new security suite, so enquired with them, they claimed that it was not them, suggesting I clear Internet history and cookies. That got me one login and then it wouldn’t run again. My view is that it is something in the BP code that doesn’t like some UK-running IE systems. But it’s too niche for anyone really to investigate. So it’s no charts for me, sigh.

I’m in Cornwall on my 'phone so but really on here much but sorry to hear that, HoG.

Do stick with it if you are committed to it, and is be very sorry to lose you from around here - but don’t let it rule your life, if it just hacks you off then give it a time limit and drop it if by then it is not making you money, would be my advice.

Either way you have my email!

And how is the skating comp going?

Just heard she came 4th from 32 ST, so delighted with that.

Actually it isn’t the trading that hacks me off, it’s me that hacks me off. I seem to go through a spell of reasonably strong trades, build a little profit and then bring out the Atomic Bomb trade that not only hurts my account but also rips the enthusiasm out of me.

If it was a simple case of constant losers I could accept that I just don’t get it and quit, but it’s not. But then I always end up going for the home run and BOOM !!

Funny thing is I even know WHY I do it. I reckon I do it through dissatisfaction with my current job. I hate it so I try to speed up my departure from it with the riskier trades. Ironically though the very attempt to speed things up is the very thing that slows it down.

Yet I still repeat it !!!

Man this is frustrating.

Say hello to the family for me ST. Hope all are well and having fun in Cornwall.

Tell me though, is daddy well and truly twisted around any little fingers yet?


HoG, ive had some time today and been going through some of the older posts on the forum. I redirect you to this post purely for motivational purposes, and not to simply kick a man while he’s frustrated…

I hope reading it will help to keep you on track and push you towards your end goal. Honestly, this was one of the first threads i got involved with when joining BP, and wouldn’t wanna see you or any of the rest of the gang fade away…

Take as long of a break as needed, but make sure you pop in to the Trader’s Arms for a pint or 10 whenever needed :slight_smile:

Looks like I was wrong in the last part of that post Sanj, I DID forget it. Thank you very much for reminding me my friend.

Time to get back to work I think

Just uninstalled Firefox from my PC and re-installed it. Got the connection to BP no problem. Then went into my emails to click on a link back to babypips that Padraic sent me over the weekend and not only will the link not work now but Firefox won’t connect to babypips at all now either.

IE has also decided it doesn’t want to connect now either. I keep getting a “method not implemented” message from both of them.

Only way I can get here now, as ST has mentioned, is via iPad. Which is all well and good but again as ST says, that doesn’t let me post charts or anything.

Now there is a great bunch of people on here which I honestly do not want to lose contact with, but we all come here to discuss trading, and if I don’t have the ability to do that well what is the point?

Might go and start my own web-site about forex trading with a twist to attract people. Naked girls I’d call it and we would specialise in top down analysis. Only interested in the break below the neckline of a head and shoulders and never a hint of a double bottom.

May have to have a special trading room though if PipNroll or sweetpip drop by, but god knows I ain’t trading in that room, not unless they like to trade a pin bar !!!

HoG, done a bit a Google-ing, might be worth a try in an attempt to fix yours, and others problems with the internet loading BP…

I’ve read that sometimes an out of date ‘Java’ plug in for your browser can sometimes cause web pages not to load correctly, or sometimes not at all. Some browsers do not update this automatically…

How do I test whether Java is working on my computer?

^ Excuse the link posting, but try and access this and see if it loads correctly, if not it should provide you with a link for the latest version of Java. Install, refresh the page and then try BP…

May all turn out to be a waste of time but figured nothing to lose…

That’s a kind thought, thank you. I’ll give it a bash when I’m back at home. Although bit with much optimism- everything else works. But as you say, nothing to lose. Thank you. And hope the hangover’s better!

Sounds just like move. Are you running McAfee, by any chance?

And in terms of why stay on BP, the general exchange of trading ideas is useful even without charts, if more limiting, that’s always I stick around.

Although I have to watch it, and basically avoid talk of my own results, generally, despite three years plus on here - the new guard just deploy their hare- trigger, beloved new mantra ‘myfxbook or STFU’ too readily, these days, which kind of dents the joy of trying to help!

Fourth place is epic, btw, pass on many congratulation from south of the border - personally I’d consider standing up an event win. So very impressed!