The Trader's Arms 2nd Floor


So the resounding message I’m receiving from the Babypips community is “Please let us be failures in peace! We are beyond hope and we know it, have mercy!”? Do I got that right?[/QUOTE]

John everyone wants to succeed here, I’m not saying that. What I’m saying is they don’t want it bad enough. I’m sure some think they do. But results are the reward for paying the price. If you aren’t getting them you probably haven’t paid enough. Time.

Maybe by the time I have 3003 posts like you do my Gramm[B]a[/B]r will be perfect! :wink:

Yeah, just wait long enough and the profits will come! (ha!) You mentioned that you felt “World of Warcraft” had a negative effect on your trading. Let me ask you… have you made any steps to stop yourself from playing that game? How about a commitment to stop playing that game? I have vague knowledge of the game, but I do believe it involves setting up an “account”. Perhaps you could delete that account as a sign of good faith towards your trading career?

Oh man, you got me so good R Carter. Good one, ol’ chap!

LOL…welcome to my world for the past 5 years of sifting through all those different strategies, methods & systems trying to find that right combination. Funnily enough earlier today I made a list of everything I’ve tried, that I can remember, and it’s quite a list! It takes a long time to learn and test each one…especially part time. I think I’ve given equal time to indicator based and price action trading. Learning to read charts (price action) IS a harder skill, so without knowing better it’s easy to get sucked into indicators to just display a visual cue for when it’s time to enter. However, they keep needing more & more filters to prevent fake signals and then it becomes too complicated and messy. Then I became aware that not all sessions are equal opportunity times for many systems to produce a setup…and there I was trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. It then became my mission to find something that I could work with during the Asian session. It’s not been easy or quick but I haven’t given up yet in spite of the doubting Thomases…or Johns :wink:

I’m going back through the technical templates thread and found this quote :

Originally Posted by [B]Tess[/B]
Actually, whether you realize it yet or not, you’re in quite an enviable position as an independent retailer…If you get to the stage that you begin to understand how you react to whats going on around you, you’ll begin to positively process all the turbulance & chaos playing out.

From that, will come your unique game plan & your various edge(s). Remember: you’re not a MM. You don’t have to play ball every minute of every day. You can sit back & wait for the market to dance to your tune. A good % of the market doesn’t have that luxury.

As long as we play to our trade plan rules for that specific trade, having given all the available information due consideration then we’ve done our job!

The rest is down to the money flows & how we manage the trade!!


Yeah, just wait long enough and the profits will come! (ha!) You mentioned that you felt “World of Warcraft” had a negative effect on your trading. Let me ask you… have you made any steps to stop yourself from playing that game? How about a commitment to stop playing that game? I have vague knowledge of the game, but I do believe it involves setting up an “account”. Perhaps you could delete that account as a sign of good faith towards your trading career?[/QUOTE]

No John I haven’t. Wow takes my time. Also my full time job and family. But when I have free time instead of studying or spending it trading or looking at charts or reading I play wow. I’m very good :-D. In the top 100 on my server. Out of a few thousand. I have moved up the timeframes tho. I’ve only looked at the daily for the last few months. I have a method of trading in my head. But I fail to follow it consistently. And I fail to go back and see what I did wrong when I have a loss. These things would help me. But I’d rather play a game. There’s always an excuse.

Sweet pip. How many months have you spent on each one? I would think at least 3 months is necessary.

Squeals a Real professional! Oh boy oh boy! Now I can hardly wait for wait for the second week …surely then I’ll be able to read the future! squeals again

Obviously it’s your life and your time, but don’t you think a grown man with a family should be starting to ween himself off the passtimes generally reserved for teenagers?

I see a lot of Demo trading in your future. Don’t get too excited about that, the money isn’t real :slight_smile:


Obviously it’s your life and your time, but don’t you think a grown man with a family should be starting to ween himself off the passtimes generally reserved for teenagers?[/QUOTE]

Lol what should I do then grown man? Hunt? Fisk? Work on trucks? I work full time and overtime every chance I get. I have a credit score above 750 own a house and paying off another. Never late on my bills. I think I can spend my free time how I want.

Hey don’t get defensive! I’m only bringing it up because it really sounded like it was a detriment to your trading career. Those are all worthy accomplishments, no doubt, but it seems like what you would really like to have is a profitable trading career. Maybe you are going to have to make some sacrifices to get there. Because like you said, a lot of your time is already being occupied with your family and job.


Hey don’t get defensive! I’m only bringing it up because it really sounded like it was a detriment to your trading career. Those are all worthy accomplishments, no doubt, but it seems like what you would really like to have is a profitable trading career. Maybe you are going to have to make some sacrifices to get there. Because like you said, a lot of your time is already being occupied with your family and job.[/QUOTE]

No you read it wrong :-D. I was boasting because I’m very proud of those things so I tout it every chance I get lol. It does irk me when ppl say that though ill admit. Hobbies are hobbies. I don’t know why people assume certain ones are only for a certain type of person. I enjoy other things but mostly video games. I would like to have a profitable trading career with as little effort as possible. Mostly so I can do what I want. Not have my employer dictate what car I drive or where I vacation or what hours I work. Remember it’s all a question of how bad you want it. I guess I just don’t want it that badly.

Imagine you are the recruitment manager at a prop trading firm. Would you hire yourself after hearing something like that?


Imagine you are the recruitment manager at a prop trading firm. Would you hire yourself after hearing something like that?[/QUOTE]

No. But I’m not trying to get hired there. I wanna work for myself.

You missed the point. The point is that they wouldn’t hire you, and they wouldn’t hire you because you’re pretty much guaranteed to lose the firm’s money with that attitude. If you think you can make money with that level of commitment, you are clearly delusional.

Well, what “is necessary” is unique and different from system to system depending on why style of trading is employed…ie scalping, position trading, etc. What if your system only generates a signal once every 3 months?

I’d have to go back and check the time stamps of the posts for each system to be sure, except for the system I tried live which has been purged from this forum, but about a dozen systems over 5 years averages about 4 month each although I’m sure I spent much longer on some than others. I’ve only spent about 2 months on the method I currently employ but it’s generating a lot of trade samples to indicate that it covers most of the criteria I’m looking for in a system. :slight_smile:

Ah…I knew you weren’t for real…sigh

Oh am I wrong? Making the jump to real money in the near future?

I said back in Feb that I would try real money again around now, so ya. Haven’t had the best of luck with brokers…first FXCM decided not to do business with Canadians anymore and shuffled us off to MF Global, who went bust a year ago, so I have put in an application with a new broker.

My sincerest apologies Sweet Pip, I was not aware of your plans. I’ll be sure not to underestimate you in the future. Good Luck with your new trading account.