The Trader's Arms 2nd Floor

I got to agree I remember these doors talking about crossdressing (cuba) and all other things. I am under the opinion that even though HOG opened these doors (or had to many hobnobs and stumbled through them) its everyones thread (or else I would have been banned long ago).

I have always wandered what RC was thinking in some of his trades and some very nice trades at that. I must also agree trading naked for so long and even though I am struggling right now in my trading I have been playing with some indicators and I do see merit in them. I will say though (as I have said before) is get to know the indicator you are using and why it works and why it dont. Far to often I see people use indicators they know nothing about because someone said to use it like this or that.

Mr, CarPainter (which imo is your real job). I was going to post this on your thread but got tired of reading it. What you are posing does have merit ok fine but riddle me this

What financial institution would risk 10% of the companies pool on a junior trader or for that matter risk 10% on any trader on any giver day?

A firm with 7 traders on its desk would. I’m the 2nd newest hire there, and I’ve been there for 4 years. Gives you an idea of the type of firm we are. Small, experienced, efficient.

Bob… you nailed it both on this… err… eclectic thread lol and on indi’s. I guess if you hang around as long as we both have, you quickly tire of the typical posts… ‘here’s my results, fluke or doing well’ and the same old, same old. Indi’s, I can honestly say, I’ve spent ten’s of thousands of hours on exploring their merits or otherwise and on balance few are actually worth a mention in my experience. Still, I’ll post what I use and do, if it helps great, if not… well lol I’m no ICT nor frankly do I want the notoriety.

They cap my Net Risk in the markets (combined) at 3%. So really, I am only capable of losing 0.3% of the fund’s equity at any one time. That’s a pretty small piece of the pie. “Junior Trader” is just a title. I know it’s not that impressive, but I was never interested in impressing anyone :slight_smile:

Oh well since you solved that riddle solve this one

7 Traders say you and your senior member (assuming there is one no company would have all junior traders or you may want to keep looking for another job as you wont be employed long) are allowed 10% and the others 5% thats almost 50%. I still dont know of a company that would risk that on a day and not worry about paying employees and insurance and other overhead.

Ok you solved that one before me asking (GOOD JOB BY THE WAY). Dont ban me off your thread I kept this here since you were on this one. I will finish reading your thread

Please refer to the post above yours (#1111), I think you are misunderstanding what the 10% is referring to

I apologize, I didn’t give you ample time to catch your own mistake. Not sure why you live in fear of being banned from my humble thread! Take it easy my man, it’s friday after all :slight_smile:

Best post I read all day. I hear you I dont post near as much now as I used to. All the indi’s I have studied are hardly worth the effort but there are a few that hold there weight but its all in the user (right now like I said I am getting my butt kicked but its not the indis its shorting a currency that is defying gravity. Although the last couple years it has gone up it did leave some great shorting opportunities and I am sure this year will be the same. Just not right now. I will be in there when (IF) it does anyway you all have a good night.

Ok I get it and good job for answering my question before I asked I was typing when you posted. But on your thread you say you control 10% now it .3% thats a big difference.

I’m guessing math wasn’t your strong point in school?

Let me break it down for you, real simple-like:

Total Fund Equity = 100%
I work with 10% of that amount.
Of the amount that I work with, I am permitted to risk 3%

So the math is (3/100)*(10/100) = 0.003 = 0.3%

I’ve already made the point that seeking the admiration of losing traders has a detrimental effect on your trading, so why would I paint myself a hypocrite and suddenly seek that admiration? Think about it

All I’m saying is post a few trades live and we can all see the measure of the guy. Simple and effective no? You are to either to be taken as a serious player or no? Cut and dried… you walk the talk or no?

I regard it as extremely unprofessional to discuss real-money trading activities on a public forum. I guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree on this point :slight_smile:

Riiight. Cuz thus far, you’ve been the epitome of professionalism

[I]“It’s like a jungle sometimes it makes me wonder how I keep from goin under”[/I]

If there’s so many “professionals” on here, how come this place is riddled with stories of failure? Maybe you “experienced retailers” and retired professionals should be trying a little harder. I’ve made a number of people question their own motives in trading, and probably put them years ahead of the rest, all in my first week.

Whatever you guys are doing, and have been doing, has obviuosly not been working, so move aside and let the Real professional get to work :slight_smile:

Your effort is pointless unless you can spark a fire in people you may be right but you’re useless.

People want easy money they don’t want to be pros. You really think you’re the first person to come here and preach a professional mindset and sound risk management?

So the resounding message I’m receiving from the Babypips community is “Please let us be failures in peace! We are beyond hope and we know it, have mercy!”? Do I got that right?

You have the floor Sir!

You picked up earlier today on [B]Simon Templar[/B]'s spelling, although I could find no fault? Now you post, ‘Do I got that right’. LOL… beggers belief! Grammer not your strong point? LOL!!!