The Trader's Arms 2nd Floor

The excel sheet is simply a blank excel and I filled it in like this.

Starting balance was $100. My % target for each week is 3%. My risk is 2%, so that means on $100 balance I can risk 20 pips on 1 or all trades. 3% gain on that balance is $3, so finally if I hit that target I should have $103. Last column is what I actually have. It isn’t a program, it’s just an excel sheet I’m filling in week by week myself.

hey be kind to yourself HoG, you sound like a really good guy that is trying the best he can. totally got it right… never give up. failures give up, its that easy, just think about it. i totally bust my first account, and i just wanted to give up. but after a few weeks i realize what a baby attitude that was and i tried again and had much better success. that eric thomas guy may not be a trader but he know what it all about, that for sure, good video thanx for it.

im sharing my chart on my journal (did you see it?), is it okay if i just post to here too? it your thread… i dont want to take over your space with my journal stuff. is this thread kind of like your journal too?

Post whatever you feel like aquapip, this isn’t my thread, there’s a few of us who lay claim to this place. As for it being my journal, not really, it’s kind of like a bring your own beer pub with a trading twist. We just treat this place as though these are the things we’d talk about in the pub.

But feel free to post any ideas and/or thoughts, the more the merrier in fact

awesome! i think this is my favorite thread so far on babypip :smiley:

okay this is just a copy of what i post on my journal thread. GBP/JPY trade (sell) on 15minutes chart:

(if you want learn my strategy behind the entries, just check the journal thread)

Hey how do you post an excel file on here. I have never successfully done it but I think I got an excel file Aquapip might be interested in when stating an excel file to track trades. I dont personally use it but it is quite nice.

wow that would be awesome bobmaninc!! why is everyone so helpful on this forum?? you guys are great, wish there really was a 1st floor, i owe you all a beer or 3

HOG your analysis of the bobmaninc is spot on me thinks.

By the way how did you get the USDX on fxcm?

What is your target? Stop Loss?

Remember everyone in the world is selling the yen like crazy trying to reallocate their assets. So it is better not to go against money flows.

i learned last year that stop loss is how the broker going to get your money, so now i just exit somewhere around 100-150 pips loss when im pretty sure the trade isnt coming back to me. i don’t really have a target like i have seen others trying out, generally wait a few days sometimes takes a week and take profit there. watching the stochastic help me decide the exact exit point too, because i read you should always be trading in overbought/oversold region (for exit too)

The broker gets its money from the spread unless you are trading with a bucketshop

If your style of trading is medium/long term… why are you using the 15 minutes time frame to make an entry decision? Stochastic is an oscillator better use in line with the prevailing trend… in your chart you are going against the trend.

hahaha i guess nobody told you that your broker knows where your stop is!! they can make the price hit it and then the trade goes your way and they have your money! it happened so often i realizsed it was a joke for new traders, you realize it or lose all your money.

anyway, i look at the 15minute and 1hour chart and if it a sell or buy based on trend, i look for stochastic reading and if it overbought i will sell and if it oversold i will buy (can be 15min or 1 hour). i saw trend on GBP/JPY 1hour to be down and so when i saw overbought on 15minutes i sold because the candle patterns said “reversal” to me. not that hard, how long have you been trading yunny1?

the c.o.c.k.i.n.e.s.s is strong with this one…

okayyyy thought this would be a good thread to share my ideas, just getting made fun of look like. just so you know this strategy turn my account from $50000 to over $80000 since october last year, so i been doing pretty good without thinking about money flows and stops and stuff. maybe you want to help guy like me but you make it pretty rude

Easy killer no one is making fun of you. But to tell someone that they have not heard about brokers running your stops does prove you are a rookie. For them to run your stops they are either manipulating there price feeds. In which if they do that to run your stop think of the others on the other side of the trade they are helping. Or they are just manipulating your only which would be easy to prove (hence using a bucketshop broker). The only other way it could be done legally is to push actual price into your stop. Now do have any idea how much money it takes to move a currency pair even 1 pip? Do you honestly think they would risk that much to push price 100+ pips into your stop just to take your little chump change?

I got to agree with yunny you are a little c.o.c.k.y here

Is this a fairly short term sell GJ trade aquapip? The reason I ask is I don’t yet see a sell on 4h. Good luck anyway. :13:

Ok, this is going to sound crazy but I assure you all it is true, I will post proof later.

Before I went to sleep last night I left TWO sell orders on my platform, one was a bobmaninc sell @ 1-0300 ( not 1-0330) like I mentioned earlier.

The other was a cable sell at 1-5240. Details to be posted later as it is much too early here for all of that.

The thing is, I didn’t ACTUALLY think any of them would get filled tonight.

So, I’ve just got out of bed to do a pee, checked the forex world on the iPad to see what was going on and found that BOTH of them had been filled and both of them were in profit, SO I CLOSED BOTH OF THEM IMMEDIATELY.

why close both trades? Well like I said, I didn’t think they’d both get hit, but since they were BOTH for two lots each, both trades together represented almost 6% of my account and that’s too much for me now.

So I closed them, luckily for me, for a profit, they could’ve both been losing.

Strange thing is my balance is now at $158 something, which is ABOVE my target for this week !!!

Incidentally, in case it has just occurred to anyone, “Why close BOTH trades, why not just close one?”…Hhhmmmmmm…like I said right at the start, I’ve just got out of bed to do a pee, it’s 5:45am here on the Scottish Riviera, my thought process ain’t working properly for AT LEAST another two hours guys.

Anyway, back to bed again.

FXCM has their own dollar index mate. Not entirely surely how they calculate it as their readings are different from the actual USDX, but the candles are the same

Was reading through the posts made since I went to bed last night. Just went back to bed but something was bothering me, couldn’t work it out. It wasn’t Mrs HoG snoring because that always happens, I’m used to that.

So I’ve got back up to re-read the posts. You said in post 1312 aquapip that you blew your first account and then above that your strat has taken you from $50,000 to $80,000 since last October.

Did you really blow your first account and then refund it with $50,000 of real, live money or is this a demo account we’re about?

Think you’re either very brave or wealthy already if it’s real money and if it is demo then just be careful, trading demo differs from trading live in a few, vital psychological ways. I’m not having a go at you, but just be aware that there is no pressure on in dealing with demo money, real money is a different animal completely.

yea its demo accounts, but i want to trade real money this summer, its my goal. i just read last year that good indication to go real money account is when you can double your demo account… meaning turning 50k to 100k. im kind of nervous for real money but that is why i practice my journal on here to get confident in my system! sorry to keep you awake HoG, dont wake up because of dumb aquapip lol :24:

ok i am a rookie!!! i know, but i read things and i really thought it was true. my account proved it to me. i guess i dont really know anything :frowning: