The Trader's Arms 2nd Floor

its hard to do my trading, and my strategy when i talk about my trade then other people just say the trade is no good, and they say i shouuldnt be buying or selling and stuff like this. like i want to learn but also want to stick to my proven strategy too…does that make any sense???

Oh you didn’t keep me awake aquapip, too many cups of tea last night did that !!

I’m just saying be careful of depending too much on demo results as a guide for what will happen when you go live, it’s two different mindsets all together.

And I don’t think the other guys are too critical of your system, it’s just like I said earlier, when I do something they think is wrong, they’ll tell me straight that they don’t agree. Doesn’t mean I need to listen to them, but usually I do, but they certainly don’t mean any offense by it.

Two trades from during the night:

May actually look to get a better price for trades in the same direction this morning

Anyone see that movie “Primal Fear”?

Gotta love Edward Norton playin a guy with split personalities, eh? :wink:

[QUOTE=“The Home Of Golf;480714”]Two trades from during the night:

May actually look to get a better price for trades in the same direction this morning[/QUOTE]

HOG, I can still see your account number in the lower left part of that image. You tried to block it out on the right, but forgot about the other one.

Much appreciated piptronix, not that anyone would get very far if they raided my account, maybe a good dinner and a bottle of wine at most LOL !!

Thanks anyway my friend :57:

EDIT: I think the Aussie is now on it’s next down leg, just broke down through support, will it stay below it and why did I close out, that’s the two big questions for me right now LOL!!

Took the Aussie short @ 1-0261, stop put at 1-0288 (just above high of the last 1 hour candle) Target for now is at the S2 level around 1-0225,

You panicked because you didn’t have a plan. Rookie mistake.

Then it’ll be me that has to live with it won’t it?

Another possible answer is that your SL kept being hit because you placed it in an overly-vulnerable position. Personally I’d always trade with a Stop, protected by an area of S&R - quite apart from anything else, what if there is a power cut? You break your leg? Your girlfriend proposes to you and you forget to look in on trading? An earthquake in Japan? Any number of other things. In my view, trading should be low stress, so having the Stop there as an insurance policy can only be a good thing. There is generally a point on the chart where you can think ‘if Price gets there, then this trade is a bust’. So why let your account fund Price moving too far past that point? Particularly if you are holding trades overnight, I’d always want to trade with a Stop. Once you’re past demo, the consequences of loose trading are real-life consequences. You only need to be very unlucky once and months of hard work is gone. If you’re trading full time by that point, it’s also months of living costs.

I think Yunny knows plenty about brokers and Stops. I’d suggest to you that if you don’t trust your broker, you need to change. Particularly if you go full time with real money, you have to have a solid infrastructure in place, surely?

In my view, HoG, there’s a simple formula to successful currency trading (beyond my regular ‘trade what you see, not what you think’!) - ‘mechanical execution of an effective strategy’. So you need to treat situations the same every time, and you need to plan for as many eventualities as possible.

For instance - you saw two setups you like. Two options: take them both at half risk, or pick one and don’t take the other. You went with option three: take both at full risk. So you ignored your risk management rules, doubling your risk at that moment. Sure, you didn’t expect them both to trigger, but in my opinion you needed to plan for them both triggering by going for either option one (half risk) or option two (only take one setup). And why do you need to do this? Because that’s what you will do next time. And the next time. And the next time. Because you have rules and you stick to them. You don’t make off-the-cuff rules afresh each time.

Once you woke up and saw them both up, you could have left them open, but trailed your SL to BE on one of them. Or both. Or halved your risk on both then. Or any number of things - but just closing both is not mechanical, you can’t have a rule for that. As you said - it was 0545, you needed a pee, it was cold, you weren’t on all cylinders - which is why you make your plan when you’re in the zone, when you’re placing the order. Then all you have to do at 0545 is trust it.

So well done on the money - but you know that you could have woken up to find them both stopped out and the account 6% down. And that’s not how we roll, now is it?

I’ll remove boot from arse, now, but you’ve been a very naughty boy. When we want this as bad as we want to breathe, we make rules and become excellent in detail. Now repeat after me: ‘trade what you see, not what you think!’ ‘Mechanical execution of an effective strategy!’ ‘I am the Terminator of Trading, I’m relentlessly efficient!’ ‘Im a tiger - grrr!’ Okay, just do the first two. But stick to it!! Once you’re off the naughty step, that is :wink:

If you want to trade demo for so long, I personally would strongly urge you at least to trade an account the same size as your intended first live account. If you’re going to start with $1500, demo $1500. It gives you more chance of developing better habits, IMHO.

It does make sense. Any discussion forum can be distracting, and you need to be able to tune out stuff that is a distraction, or which advocates things that don’t suit your style. Ultimately we might all be clueless and you know better than all of us - it’s an anonymous forum, you don’t know us. But if you get consistent advice from a number of sources, then personally I’d look at demoing some of it, see whether it makes sense to tweak things. When you’re making consistent profits doing consistent things over a few years, then you’re good. Until then, always be open to tweaking things. I don’t see you going live in the Summer with a $50,000 account, trading without a Stop and still being sane or successful a year later, personally. But even if you are, always remain open to other ideas, even while deciding that many of them are not for you. I don’t scalp, but I just tune out the scalping advice on here. There’s also a lot of conflicting advice on this (and other) site. This is largely because there are wildly varying skill and experience levels on any forum. It just comes down to tuning out the noise while learning the helpful bits. Sometimes subtle stuff, but worth working on!

To quote a friend of mine on a boxing forum I inhabit: true dat.

I love Edward Norton.

Bit blunt, that, particularly from a guy chucking around demo money. And doubly particularly when you yourself have complained of feeling attacked on this very thread!

I know that you didn’t ask for my thoughts or opinions, but I hope that you will take them as constructive, as that is how they were intended.

And HoG, you can come off the step, now.


Perfect sense aquapip. My comment was not to state your trade was ‘no good’ just stating that if the trade was a longer one (and having read your posts it seems it might be), then as of yet I don’t see a short on the 4h time frame. But as I say, good luck.

[I]‘I’ll remove boot from arise, now, but you’ve been a very naughty boy. When we want this as bad as we want to breathe, we make rules and become excellent in detail. Now repeat after me: ‘trade what you see, not what you think!’ ‘Mechanical execution of an effective strategy!’ ‘I am the Terminator of Trading, I’m relentlessly efficient!’ ‘Im a tiger - grrr!’ Okay, just do the first two. But stick to it!! Once you’re off the naughty step, that is ;-)’[/I]

Very funny ST :smiley:

What do you guys think about going long on cable? Thinking of buying at 1.52, its a nice round number and previous level of support. Also in line with the upward trend line. Take profit at 1.54 (previous swing high).

Personally, Im actually hoping for a bearish market this week. Weekly chart showing signs of rejection away from the 38.2 fib, and the daily we have a confluence of lower highs, lower lows…
My actual only winning trade last week (which corrected my other couple of losses and left me only slightly negative for the week) was short on the Cable at 1.5350… Gave quite a nice slide, taken off 80% of my position and letting 20% run, hoping to see some lower demand levels tested…

But of course, anything is possible!

[B]Bitterseatrader[/B] - ‘What do you guys think about going long on cable? Thinking of buying at 1.52, its a nice round number and previous level of support. Also in line with the upward trend line. Take profit at 1.54 (previous swing high).’

Looks entirely possible. In the interim… I’m expecting GU to hold around the current level 1.5227- 5215 and bounce.

Honestly Simon Templar… I didn’t expect you to come out and agree with me in such a succinct manner. Bravo my good man!

AK out. :57:

If only they could all be like that last trade SanJ. I agree that the immediate trend is looking south but I think the overall trend is now up.

I am in for a half a position at market, and now waiting for the drop to trigger my 1.52. Hope the bounce comes sooner rather than later.

Lol well life’s full of surprises! There was actually some helpful trading content in this one, so I let it go - but ftr the Primal Fear reference, in that context, was a little much and kind of blew the reveal. But it’s all good fun, and yielded some helpful discussion points for the thread so it’s all good.

You must be seriously bored, though!

I’m glad you see the fun in it, usually you don’t Mr.Serious. Your hobby trader friends get pretty upset though! :34:

I’m on leave recovering from a surgery, I will be slightly less bored when I go back to the “minimum wage drudge”, haha. I forgot who said that but it was sharp and accurate, and I loved it

To me as long as 1.5200 holds… we are in a bull market


To me as long as 1.5200 holds… we are in a bull market[/QUOTE]

For which to take long?