The Trader's Arms 2nd Floor

Hehe… behave! LOL!!!

Another one busted, here’s a very interesting thread from last year on the same topic.

I stand corrected Bob… one lear jet coming up me thinks! Take the PPL mate, you’ll ACE it!

lol thanks man my short is moving along quite nicely. I took some profit at S1 daily pivot and moved stop to BE. Smooth sailing (or should I say flying) from here.

Hi TalonD

Those areas are supply levels where traders try to get the best price when selling

While the sell now looks good… it was against the obvious trend.

Here is my take on it:

Oh I’m not complaining about the adverts. So far I’ve bought a washing machine, a laptop and a Russian bride. Well…truth be told they’re all the same thing really.

Yunny, with the recent bounce off the 23.6 fib and rising trend line, are you going to take the trade?

I went long at -5220. I know me taking it is probably not as good a vote of confidence as yunny bitterseatrader, but I’m in nevertheless. Can’t post charts tho cos I’m on my phone. Targeted today’s high, stop 5 pips under today’s low

HOG, you taking the trade is as good as any other :slight_smile:

I am in now for better or worse and wont be changing my position regardless of skeptics or supporters. But since Yunny said he missed the boat on this one, I was interested if he would now jump in. My second trade triggered at 1.5195 so my stop is a bit lower but looks like we are in for the same :wink:

Then we ride the same wave bitterseatrader. Good luck to us. Nothing we can do now 'cept watch, pray and hope that the “love buddy” advert comes back on.

Oh…and that price goes our way too!!!

You better pay lady luck or so help me I will… <shakes fist>

It has nothing to do with luck. It’s about us, or skills as traders, the vast depth of our analytical skills. It about our deep understanding of the markets, our willingness as free men to do battle with the savage enemy.

And just in case none of that works out too well, you wouldn’t happen to know lady luck’s phone number by any chance would you?

The problem I have with lady luck is she is the same as most other women. I pay and pay but still have not got lucky yet

My trade last night went ok. Cash out some at S1 and the rest got stopped at BE. Currently long on A/J up 50 pips

No, I trade mainly S/D zones and usually do not use the same area to enter more than two times. Right now cable is too choppy for me.

If I had taken the long trade yesterday … most likely today my SL @ BE would have been hit

That is my style of trading, maybe I will miss the big move but I have to stick to my system. :slight_smile:

Like most women, she won’t even talk to me… but if lady luck happens to end up at my door I will pass along your number HOG :wink:

P.S Non trading related, just finished watching the latest episode of Game of thrones and I believe I am falling for Emilia Clarke (don’t tell the wife) :wink:

I had a similar system previously Yunny, where I will move my SL to BE to mitigate losses. Missed a couple good trades, you know the ones where price hits your SL and than proceeds to bounce back up to where you predicted <face palm> but found that my wins were bigger, my losses reduced and I could be more aggressive with position sizing. Trying something different at the moment though.

Just took my money off ghe table at -5274 bitterseatrader for +54. It’s thing I know I need to work on, letting my trades play out that is, but it has been a bit choppy as yunny mentioned and at this stage I’m not gambling with 2 lots @ +54 each lot.

Stick the cash in my bank for now and look for the next set up.

I’ve had a great week so far and it’s only Tuesday. Balance now $171 something from this week’s open from around $152 or $154 (can’t remember believe it or not, I’m at work just now)

I’m actually considering not trading at all for the rest of this week just to guard against the “I am invincible,” syndrome.

Just be sure you don’t start shouting “Emilia, Emilia.” In your sleep mate. I can’t believe there are TWO women in this world who would fall for the , “Oh, that’s just what I called my first car.” excuse.

Good to hear you doing so well. You could quit for the week or do what I used to do when I had a weekly goal. Take what you are above your goal and only risk that. That way if all goes wrong you still hit your goal and if all goes well then well it money in the bank. One thing I have learned is dont get c.o.c.k.y but when you have momentum on your side keep it on your side.