The Trader's Arms 2nd Floor

Just as a matter of interest yunny, why would you not take the trade now if you still think it will rise?

Is it purely a matter of the risk/reward not being so good now?

i still like the bobmaninc down to at least the S2 …bobmaninc.

EDIT: probably around 1-0170 I’d start to look to get out

So you going to short it Bob? Only my 4h has triggered a long signal on the last 4h bar. Watch out for a possible breakout long.

Just as a matter of interest to you all, before I slope off to bed a bit on the early side tonight, does anybody else find it a bit ironic that we now have adverts for “love buddies” at the header of the page nowadays???

Kind of makes me think that it doesn’t really matter whether you go long or go short, you still stand a good chance of getting humped !! :10:

Oh now they’ve went and changed my advert to an advert for OANDA. What happened to the classy looking bird with the suspenders and the beer gut sprawled across the manky looking bed??? She was kwality !!

Yes, I do not like to chase price. If I enter now my stop loss would have to be at least 120 pips and the first resistance is just 50 pips away (last higher low)

But that is just me… maybe other trader can be bolder and take it.

Actually, the sequence of the adverts could be doing with a review. First I had the voluptuous Chantelle shoe-horned into a pair of sussies and a wee tight bra and next I got an advert for Poker Stars.

It’s just not right just before I go to bed y’know.

You sure you caught sight of an add like that on BP… Hog? Two things spring to mind… first I must be Advert blind as I missed it and second, BP must be low on cash? :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: Just thought of a third possibility? Sure you had the right screen open? LOL!!!

Next time it comes on I’ll capture the image RC. Obviously I’ve captured it mentally and it’s burned deeply into my mind, I’ll probably even think about it during my sleep tonight. But I’ll try to physically capture it too.

Not tonight though. In bed reading right now

I might have jumped the gun but I went in already @ 1.0270. If we close above the 128 fib I will close out but for nowI am short. I probably should have waited for candle confirmation but I have been missing a lot of trades lately waiting for a candle to form. Currently up 3 pips + spread. So I am pricing in my next private jet. See a great deal on the airplane trader for just 2 million. Hmmmm if the Aussie hit 0.00 I could still not afford it lol

Well I was figuring I would not need a PPL or CPL. I thought just a regular DL should do just fine since I doubt I would be able to get the thing in the air anyway. I think I have just enough skills to make it all the way to the crash site.

You’ve mastered this thing Bob, so 40 hrs for a PPL will be a walk in the park! Night rating is a bugger though! LOL

I am up around 50 pips on my first entry at the moment. Technically this is a good trade but fundamentally there’s plenty of reasons for cable to fall. I’ll also short if this sufficiently breaks the 1.52 level.

Well played… I follow the ‘tech’s’, its the ‘fundi’s’ where I loose interest! LOL… long standing joke… I’m not partial to analysts! They present a concrete picture on Bloomberg and the like with what seems incontrafutable evidence as to why ‘X’ and ‘Y’ will do such and such. Then after it does ‘W’ and ‘Z’ explain in great detail why they were not wrong, just that the prevailing uncertainties changed the dynamics. :stuck_out_tongue:

[QUOTE=“R Carter;481063”]

Well played… I follow the ‘tech’s’, its the ‘fundi’s’ where I loose interest! LOL… long standing joke… I’m not partial to analysts! They present a concrete picture on Bloomberg and the like with what seems incontrafutable evidence as to why ‘X’ and ‘Y’ will do such and such. Then after it does ‘W’ and ‘Z’ explain in great detail why they were not wrong, just that the prevailing uncertainties changed the dynamics. :p[/QUOTE]

I would “dislike” this post if such an option existed lol…

I love ‘Spagbogmore’… no really I do. ‘Rigatoni Con Manzo Piccante’ Go figure? LOL!!! Fundi’s are longer term, days, weeks. Most in here don’t operate on these longer TF’s. Dislike away… lots of round disaproving ‘smilies’ to choose from… heck some even have arms! :60:

[QUOTE=“R Carter;481068”]

I love ‘Spagbogmore’… no really I do. Go figure? Fundi’s are longer term, days, weeks. Most in here don’t operate on these longer TF’s. Dislike away… lots of round disaproving ‘smilies’ to choose from… heck some even have arms! :60:[/QUOTE]

Smilies can be misinterpreted … I want something more official

Why did God create economists?
In order to make weather forecasters look good.

Absolutely agree but I still like to be aware of the fundi’s for market sentiment.

you know those adverts are chosen especially for you based on the websites you visit… heheheh

Well I missed the fun with the now banned incarnation of AK but took a look at his GJ short. Remember what I said about the underside of a swing high acting as resistance.

And Strong moves getting gap filled… GU

Why… it’s sometimes almost predictable.