The Trader's Arms 2nd Floor

HOG, that sounds very much like my childhood! I use to think women were crazy and would snap at the drop of hat, based of life growing up with a couple older sisters. I soon realised that all women aren’t crazy just the women in my family lol

That’s brilliant news, congratulations!

I know what you mean about the end of pregnancy - we’re stopping at four and we’re slightly nostalgic already at having our last baby in the house and she’s still only 11lb. We found two kids more work than one, but frankly three was just more fun and barely more work, and four looks like being the same. And yes, I know what you mean - nothing like a family to motivate us to iron out the mistakes and get stuff right.

Lol if I had 12 kids I reckon the last thing I’d be noticing was how dim the streetlights are!

I remember the first time I read RC had 12 kids. My youngest daughter had just came into the house with her wee pal while I was reading the post that included the 12 kids info.

Anyway, the girls told me that the ice-cream van was outside and they needed 2 quid each so they could both have a 99 cone and a packet of bon-bons. So I duly parted with the cash and then read about the 12 kids situation.

I remember thinking at the time that financing the ice-cream desires of 12 kids AND associated pals could very well lead to bankruptcy.

RC 12 kids? Blowing my mind right now :slight_smile: Ages?

Well guys I just closed my long at +40 pips and I think I am out for the week. I am going to rethink that PPL as today I got the landing down well. Some drunk ahole rand a red light and clipped me on my motorcycle. I seen him coming but if I hit the break I would have tboned him and would not be here now. Instead I hit the gas and he barely clipped me but at that point I was close to 100 MPH. I flew like superman. Good thing is I have rode motocross for many years and know how to land. I am ok missing a patch of hair with a nice cut in my head (was not waring a helmet) and a little road rash on my side. Other than that I will be fine. I will be hurting tomorrow I am sure right now I got adrenaline on my side. The messed up part is I thought of 2 things while flying in the air tonight

  1. My kids
  2. I did not set a stop loss

Well those 2 reasons made me come home tonight alive. With the bike yeah I drove it home. Only left hand turns at 5-10 MPH (front end messed up so bad it would not turn right). Bike is a total loss (maybe will see tomorrow). I am good but out of trading there is one thing I remember from motocross today I feel fine tomorrow I will remember why I am no longer 18. This is going to suck. I think I will post pics of the war wounds in the mug shot thread lol.

For anyone that wants to know how the hell you survive this. Its not hard. Just accept the fact your going down and get as far away as possible from your bike. Keep in mind your landing point (very important as landing surface makes a difference). I landed in a grassy ditch with a 500 pound bike flipping over me. Tuck your arm around your head (if not waring a helmet) get into fetal position and roll. After that if you can get up GET UP. Do not lay there for others to tell you how bad you are hurt. If you believe it the pain will come. GET UP AND WALK IT OFF. Let others know you are ok and back up till I ask for your help. If you can get up after a wipe out like that stay out thats mans way. He is pissed and in pain and dont really know what the hell just happened (HE WILL KNOCK YOU OUT).

My thoughts of the day as my takeoff was perfect and so was my landing (hence I am alive (again)).

[QUOTE=“bobmaninc;481892”]Well guys I just closed my long at +40 pips and I think I am out for the week. I am going to rethink that PPL as today I got the landing down well. Some drunk ahole rand a red light and clipped me on my motorcycle. I seen him coming but if I hit the break I would have tboned him and would not be here now. Instead I hit the gas and he barely clipped me but at that point I was close to 100 MPH. I flew like superman. Good thing is I have rode motocross for many years and know how to land. I am ok missing a patch of hair with a nice cut in my head (was not waring a helmet) and a little road rash on my side. Other than that I will be fine. I will be hurting tomorrow I am sure right now I got adrenaline on my side. The messed up part is I thought of 2 things while flying in the air tonight

  1. My kids
  2. I did not set a stop loss

Well those 2 reasons made me come home tonight alive. With the bike yeah I drove it home. Only left hand turns at 5-10 MPH (front end messed up so bad it would not turn right). Bike is a total loss (maybe will see tomorrow). I am good but out of trading there is one thing I remember from motocross today I feel fine tomorrow I will remember why I am no longer 18. This is going to suck. I think I will post pics of the war wounds in the mug shot thread lol.

For anyone that wants to know how the hell you survive this. Its not hard. Just accept the fact your going down and get as far away as possible from your bike. Keep in mind your landing point (very important as landing surface makes a difference). I landed in a grassy ditch with a 500 pound bike flipping over me. Tuck your arm around your head (if not waring a helmet) get into fetal position and roll. After that if you can get up GET UP. Do not lay there for others to tell you how bad you are hurt. If you believe it the pain will come. GET UP AND WALK IT OFF. Let others know you are ok and back up till I ask for your help. If you can get up after a wipe out like that stay out thats mans way. He is pissed and in pain and dont really know what the hell just happened (HE WILL KNOCK YOU OUT).

My thoughts of the day as my takeoff was perfect and so was my landing (hence I am alive (again)).[/QUOTE]

Daaaaayummm!!! 100 mph motorcycle wipeout without a helmet and you get up and drive it back home… I think it’s time to buy a lotto ticket man. Better start taking some pre emptive ibuprofen! Don’t ignore the signs of a concussion or internal injuries either… Be careful

What kind of bike do you have?

Well keep in mind I drove motocross for years. Hitting the dirt is something you do best. I will say I was lucky (good landing) it hurts but I am fine. Minor headache and I am sure major body aches tomorrow. I will post the pics of the war wounds and they are not bad considering. Pretty bad but could have been worse a lot worse. To bad the ahole did not stop. Probably for his benefit (and mine) or I would be in jail tonight.

Take care Bob, Get medical attention and Don’t forget to use helmet while riding Bike. But man, you are cool and Brave enough. :slight_smile:

Bob, glad your ok mate, the last accident I had was from a drunk driver cutting me off in Sydney. I ended up sliding into a gutter with my bike sliding on top of me. I was going around 60 kmph in full gear but that still hurt so I am impressed you walked away given no helmet.

Btw maybe you should change your avatar to superman as it seems you have flying and landing pretty much down pat… although the take off could use some work! :slight_smile:

I’ve never been a fan of motortcycles bobmaninc for the very reason you’ve just highlighted, when it all goes wrong there’s nowhere to hide.

But get yourself a bloody helmet mate !! The shine would definitely be off of this place somewhat if we ever found ourselves short the REAL bobmaninc.

Most of the pairs I trade are already close to extreme points on the daily pivots, so there REALLY IS nothing I fancy this morning.

The only ones I have a notion for are the GBP/NZD (short) and the GBP/CHF (short). But I guess they both depend on the UK GDP figures coming out at 8:30 am. The figures may not change the overall direction of the pairs, but a reaction may be enough to stop me out of the trades.

So I guess I’m the same as bobmaninc for today, no trades, just without the flying through the air and having part of my hair missing bit !!

Crazy the things that go through your head at a time like that, kids and a stop loss. Can’t get over how lucky you’ve been mate. Hope you don’t ache too much today. :slight_smile:

Just before I head off to work, I’ve just read an article on the internet saying one of the Bank of Japan’s top officials has said that he expects the government to tackle the problem of an ageing society and low birth rate.

So how does the government do that exactly???

Robots, lots and lots of robots :wink:

Jeepers Bob, really glad that you’re mostly okay. I’m into old cars for this reason - even when things go wrong you have a little more time to think about what you do next.

Trying not to preach, but how about you buy a helmet with the proceeds from your next successful Short?

Seriously, really glad you’re okay - there are so many idiots on the roads, these days, and even crappy cars are faster than they used to be so it’s harder to avoid them. Very glad you only lost a little hair.

How does the bike look in the cold light of day?

I was thinking more The Terminator, the man’s unstoppable!

Free porn on every street corner and ration condoms?

Its a damn shame I didn’t leave my SL alone, this turned out to be a nice trade. :frowning:

LOL… since PA hit R2 on the daily I was short. Plus 34 pips and bang! Through the roof. What was that? 0.5 seconds? Luckily my SL was just inside the trade by then, so no harm done. I’ll se how it looks at R4 daily/ R2 weekly, for a possible short. Surely we should get a decent fall off at this level.

Get well soon Bob! Had a couple of spills way back when, but not at that speed! Gave up bikes after I had kids.

Least you caught some pips on your long on cable, the other day. I am waiting for a retrace to go long again.

Alright mates. Not been contributing much to the thread because I’ve been busy with the planning of my wedding but I’ll try my best to check in from now on.

Nice impulsive breakout to the upside on the GU. Maybe it would offer a counter trend setup back down to 1.5400 but I myself will be waiting to get in long there.

Sorry to hear about your accident mate. Hope you make a speedy recovery. Pics of bike? Fellow R6 rider checking in…

Listen, if you think “I was busy planning my wedding” is going to wash as any sort of excuse in here mate, you’re sadly mistaken.

'Tis nice to have you back though. When is the big day may I ask??

Will get to the trading stuff soon enough