The Trader's Arms 2nd Floor

So forgive me if I’m missing something, or being overly-simplistic, but looking at that chart, does that mean that S&D just boils down to horizontal levels of Support and Resistance?

Ooohhhh…The suppliers and demanders will be after you now boy !!! That’s clearly a declaration of war LOL !!

Lol I can take it! A 100-page PDF to teach some new labels for S&R is how it looks to me. Bring it!!

Lol, the gauntlet has been thrown, don’t go out at night alone Mr Templar, that’s all I’m saying.

Lol I’ll keep my guard up at all times!

I promised you some help with Supply/Demand but, as usual, ST is right that it is just a fancy way of saying Support/Resistance…

This place doesn’t need “more knowledgeable traders”. It needs a Drill Sgt. to cut the fat and prepare it for war!

Awwh, shucks! If you stuck to the trading and some lighthearted banter you’d make more sense, more of the time!

But I don’t need a Drill Sgt…I already have a brother who is in US Air Force (oh bless his heart), 2 cousins in US Navy, 2 uncles whose retired in US Army and Navy …:slight_smile: Yup, I have a big family :)…

We needed more knowledgeable traders!

I’m neither a great or experienced trader however there are subtle but important differences in my understanding of S&D and S&R.

With S/R you are looking for price reactions to levels, the more reactions the better.

With S&D you are looking for consolidation or areas where buying and selling is balanced, this is your base. It is very defined and not subjective.

You then look for a strong move away which is imbalance in buying or selling.

The first time price returns to the base is the most important. You are looking for tell tale signs (in price movement more than price action) that imply there will still be supply or demand sitting at that level where the base was.

If price returns to the same level again it is not ‘fresh’ and so you are less inclined to take a trade.

The pdf explains in more detail and succinctly than I can at the moment.

Reckon we’re just about to see how that supply zones gets on then eh??

Who says you can’t predict price? Feel the force Luke, trust the lines.

I’m going to take AK’s advice and get off forum for a while and focus…

Greed is good, take all the pips !

Lol, you mean whether the Support Price found at 1.3000 or so really was the start of a phase two trend continuation? With us finding further Support from the EMAs and Weekly Pivot is certainly is on my chart at the moment…! Double Bottom on the Daily from 27th March and 4th April, the right-hand leg of which gives us the first touch of the new rising trendline following the reversal at the Double Bottom. It all just boils down to TA of S&R if you ask me.

Supply generally refers an area where price will decrease, I think HoG is referring to 1.3174 or so as a supply level.

Not convinced by the base myself but as I said before I’m no expert and the price movement certainly seems good.

Go back a bit further though and it may not be a fresh level.

Can I ask ST if you use daily pivots, weekly pivots, both or neither and if you do use them do you place more faith in one or the other?

Just as a question ont hat point then Slip, how far do you go back because surely no level is a fresh level technically, (if you’ll excuse the pun)

I believe the theory is that once price has crossed in front of a level all history is wiped unless it becomes a swap zone but this is an area I would love for someone with knowledge/experience to chime in on.

These are the things I have a hard time identifying with S/D Slipp. First of all, in the consolidation zone, what points to use as the top and bottom of the zone.

Then how to determine whether a zone is “fresh” or not. And thirdly what point of the zone in the “point of origin” as yunny calls it, of the move.

So basically all of it !! LOL. But I’m reading through as much as I can just now. Not trading this week to try and give yself a chance to read.

That’s the problem with trading, while your doing it, it doesn’t leave any time to learn how to trade LOL :smiley:

As dictated by the pdf the consolidation zone or rather the points to use for entry and stop are the body where price left the base for entry and above the top of the highest/lowest wick of the base for the stop.

I’m looking to use price action on M5 for entry but apparently others use purchase orders on the best fit trades.

Freshness simply means that price has not returned to the level before.

Of course you can ask!

I have a Daily Pivot on some of my Intraday charts, although not all.

I use Pivots more for my EOD trading - I have both a Weekly and a Monthly Pivot on my Daily TF up charts. With my EOD trading I always want at least three or four reasons to be in a trade - a reaction to one of those would count as one. I find they often act as a decent level of S&R - the Monthly is more powerful than the Weekly, as it generally represents a more respected level, but I get a lot from each.