The Trader's Arms 2nd Floor

Its an odd combo to be sure. A touch of compulsive obsessive dissorder, a sprinkling of full contact sport (Rugby obviously… lol) and a light dusting of uncertanty? :smiley: [B]Hog [/B]did you like the Golfing reference in the clip? :smiley:

Back long on A/J 4hr hitting support and not showing signs of enough momentum to break it. Dont worry about the fib I just didnt delete it as I am lazy (it was a trade setup from a few days ago)

I thnk that price might bounce off 1.3160 and go as high as 1.3281. If it doesn’t bounce at 1.3160, I think it will continue down to 1.3053. New to the S/D analysis and IDing the levels.

Hey HoG,

No disrespect here but if you continually have problems with Firefox, why not just use IE?

I 2nd, 3rd, 4th others when I suggest that you not leave here. Was looking forward to exploring S/D trading with someone as new at it as I am. Whatever you decide, good luck!

Hi - Yunny1 posted a link to the S/D PDF in Post #1550.

Yeah HOG, or just jump on Chrome (the only good browser)…

Thanks mate

Nice work!

I’m being a little more conservative in the current market, just looking for something slower off the Daily, for my money it never decisively broke out so I’m still looking for an opportunity to go long. RSI etc seem to be powering weapons, though!

Agree entirely on the overall upside bias, but to my eye we’re almost in a symmetrical triangle on a few timeframes, so I’m sitting on my hands.

Sorry to hear that, for the sake of this site, but I entirely understand. I’m sticking around, but similarly distrustful if people I don’t know and having exactly the same connectivity issues, as we discussed yesterday. I can generally get on via iStuff - although not yesterday morning - but that means no charts from me, so I’m in a gunfight with a broken trigger finger when it comes to the analysis cut 'n thrust.

There’s a major difference between BP and trading as a whole - I don’t see HoG quitting trading any time soon. But the issues getting onto BP wind up a few of us Brits. It’s a technical issue on the site.

That’s all I’m left with, sure - I can’t get on using a regular PC/browser at all, these days - but I can’t post charts, the use of ‘likes’ is very cumbersome, and it still locks me out for several hours a week for no apparent reason, on both iPhone and iPad, yesterday morning, for example.

Half right! You can see for yourself, soon enough, this is the year we get HoG onto FB.

Are you near the doughnut or the old one?

I love Floored: Into The Pit, would recommend it to anyone here. Helped me with my immersion strategy.

I can’t get onto BP with IE, Chrome, Firefox or Safari - IE used to work fine, then at Christmas is finally stopped. It is not at my end, as everything else works. I’m also on a few other (non-currency trading) fora and they all work fine. One is boxing, and if all the cr*p on there can run then it isn’t my system struggling. It seems to be a UK-only issue, however, so the powers-that-be here don’t really engage on it.

I hate Chrome! And it won’t run BP for me.

Sorry about the hellaciously long multiquote, all - but it was HoG who first taught me to multiquote (cue David Prowse accent - ‘once you were the master, but I’m the master now!’), so it seemed appropriate if these are, indeed, his final BP flailings.

I understand you quitting as host and major poster, HoG, and we’ll be in touch regardless, but for my part I hope you make the odd reappearance as ‘poster-at-large’, telling a few of the kids the way it’s going to be.


Good luck mate. This is one of the very few threads on BP which I keep up with regularly even though I’ve never really posted very much, so thanks for that.

You might not need it but, just for future reference more than anything, you can download an add-on to your browser called Xmarks. You can sync your bookmarks with it and they’re saved somewhere on t’internet, then you can just import them to your browser if you ever lose them from your computer

Found my way on to Skype, grich48, just in case anyone is in the neighbourhood.

Anyone else just pocket some extra cash!

I never trade NFP - don’t need the grey hair!

My internet disconnected right after the release… I have no hair anymore!

Lol. At least there are many role models, these days, to help all those NFP traders.

I should of had a good day today but got greedy last night trying to lock in profits before NFP and tighten my stop on a long position on AU. Wound up getting stopped sometime last night.

Oh well those things happen. I took a loss yesterday after getting out of drawdown (which but me back into drawdown by 1%). So I didnt want to gamble on NFP and wind up back in the hole again. Still all in all I had a good week I might be down 1% again but thats a lot better than the around 15% a couple of weeks ago.

Hi All,

The thread is being cleaned up. Try to stay on topic and treat others as you want to be treated. Warnings/Infractions/Bans will be given to those who continually derail the thread.

Email us at <[email protected]> if you have any questions.



Aww… Pip… its not like the old days on BP. Didn’t you see the funny side of Bob blowing off steam? I thought it halarious anyways. A positively mild exchange of opinions on balance… not a ‘naughty’ word uttered! :smiley:

Well there was one but I editied my post. The cookie monster already warned me to take it easy. Its all good though we all got to blow off some steam every now and again. Besides I only found the upstairs because I was on the first floor and fell up the stairs. So far no one has told me to go back down the stairs. Guess I make good entrainment.

I do have a question though

Cookiemonster how do you stay on topic and not derail this thread when pretty much everything gets talked about here. Some trading related some not.

Well Bob, no one can say your not a solid trader. There’s a lot of advice to be found on BP… some good, some well meaning but misguided, but few will actually walk the talk and post live trades and expected up coming moves. This thread is one of the few. Sadly though, without Hog at the helm to keep all here, soon I suspect to be assigned to page eleventy hundred! I guess well have to seek our entertainment elsewhere? And I loathe Skype too… all that beeping and chirping! :smiley:

Maybe its time to start the traders arms 3rd floor - automatic ignore list for trolling…etc


Maybe its time to start the traders arms 3rd floor - automatic ignore list for trolling…etc[/QUOTE]

Where’s the fun in that…? Lol a lil trolling never hurt anyone…