The Trader's Arms 2nd Floor

Haha agreed but we do need some threads that a kept for learning only…

I dont know I have never really used skype much I did sign up for it since I have an icon on my laptop for it. I have it running no beeps no chirps just silence. Should not be hard to find me the screen name is oddly similar to the one I use here.

As far as advise from here you are correct. There is very sound advice on here. Like I have stated many times before I learned most of all of what I use in my trading on this site. At least as far as technical side of trading. As far as risk I seem to have always had a good understanding of risk and not to bet the farm on any trade. I know not to count my chickens before they hatch. Not sure where I learned it but must have got it from the man I call pops.

Sad things is though nowadays you got to have a myfxbook with millions or STFU. Well I dont have that so my posts have dropped a lot. I do feel though I have done my best to help others learn what I have. You have done quite good. Heck just the HA candle advice was enough to spark in interest and you know what? I still got a ways to go to figure out what I am looking for exactly there but it has merit. There is something there worth putting in the time. I (besides some of you guys that seemed to have been put in a corner of this site we call the arms) I have learned some great things from traders that admittedly were not profitable. We learned together. Somethings they were trying I still use to this day. Thats why I dont see why everyone has got to this point and its sad.

Its ok though I have a funny feeling in the next few years they will still be looking for that person (kinda sounds like the holy grail search). Its because when they find that person they are going to realize they are saying the same stuff that is on every page of this forum.

Dont worry when you are assigned to page eleventy hundred you will still have a wing man.

I don’t understand that at all. What did we do?!

Mine’s silent, easy to turn off the beeps, and HoG doesn’t chirp too much!

Hey Bob… the bobmaninc (AUD/USD) is looking good… hopped on long @ 1.0173. :57:

Buying or selling?

Forex 101
Long = buy
Short = sell

Sorry, I couldn’t resist.

Haha I swear that word wasn’t in the post the first time I read it!

I’d like to believe you, but his post was edited 10 minutes before your response.
Would you like an ebook on forex basics, there’s lots of free ones going around, lol

Sorry guys, there were a couple of edits… chief among them were spelling errors! USD/ JPY looks to be taking a dive as well… short from 98.96.

EDIT: LOL!!! Couldn’t resist. Still waiting on AUD/JPY to make up its mind? If I had to guess? Long? Key support @ 100.677

I guess it was long then. :smiley:

Time to throw all our money of AUD/JPY!

Far be it for me to say what you do with your hard earned cash BST. Just without HOG steering the ship, felt I should put my two cents in is all. No top in mind as yet. Obvious areas to watch are 101.18, if it holds? after that I guess 101.34 and 101.93 etc.

Thanks mate, appreciate the feedback. Was only kidding anyway but I do have a buy at 101.15 and 101.00. Will look to take profit at 101.60

Just be mindful of the daily chart. 101.18 is a pull back area historically, ideally, not the best place for a buy? Not saying it won’t go higher, just an obvious area to expect a possible retrace is all?

HOG’s thread on page 3!!!

Here’s a potential trade setup:

Swing trade
Long or Short: Long
Entry Point: 1.5335
Profit Point: Previous High

So we have support from the upward channel and on an area of previous resistance turned support.

200 SMA coupled with an area that was previously tested many times before it gave way.

Fundamentals, the UK has been printing better reports recently which has put the currency on its current upward trend. Recent loss in value was predominantly driven by USD strength. We have retail sales coming up at 12:30 GMT and I believe that will be the momentum needed to get this pair back on track.

So you don’t think there’s a chance of a positive release from the US then?

Not sure, it’s just a guess at the end of the day based off what I’ve read. I have no data to back it up. My expectation is the reports will be slightly negative and at best in line with market expectations. So either way not ground shaking for the us dollar

Maybe I can take profit from my short before the release lol

Nah stick to your plan mate. Can wait until after.