The Trader's Arms 2nd Floor

Did go short EU at 1-2975;

Nice one Hog… shorted @ 2984 but paid a 5 pip spread… earlier it was 9 pips. Got to love Sunday trading!

Paid the 5 pips myself RC, nevermind though, nothing a good cuppa won’t sort :44:

You hear stories about it…but only when is your turn you can comprehend the sacrifice you have to do :smiley: … second? third? fourth? :58:

First :18:

Second :slight_smile:

Third :24:

Fourth :34:

I believe Mr Carter is around the 12 mark. I wonder what the smiley is for that??

Yes, in this case I will wait for some PA action, but if there were a very good support nearby… then I could just enter a trade without any PA and place my SL behind it

My short entry was at the pullback on wednesday, playing the evening doji star in the Daily Chart.

Hmm… its 12 (9 boys, 3 girls). There’s no smiley to cover that! I’m so far down the list, I’ve dropped off! My best guess is I rank in 'she that must be obeyed ’ eyes as somewhere between the dog and the goldfish? :smiley:

Edit: Think I’ll take my 40+ pips off the table… bound to get a correction off London on or around about 2940? Good trading all… bed beckons.

RC… you know I have to ask what are those lines…? :slight_smile:

Morning boys and girls, still holiday weekend here in Glasgow so I get to look at the charts again,

41 right now on last night’s trade. Two things to be happy about with it.

First thing: + 41 :slight_smile:

Second thing: Price took a bounce from one of the lines (or at least has paused at ) I drew on the video last night, ie Last week’s low;

Now the question has to be asked, since we ARE in a trade, since it is currently a winning trade sitting at +41, HOW DO WE MANAGE IT.

How much do we lock in, how much room do we still give it to play out.

For me I guess the answer lies in the Price Action. What does it look like? Does it look like it may continue to fall, or correct.

Well I think that last week’s ow may be a tough one to crack, but I don’t want to close it all out, don’t want to give back all profits. So stop gets moved down to 1-2950, locks in 25 pips, still lets the trade play a little.

Cup of tea time I think

PS: Just moved my limit down to 1-29 also

trying to upload a very quick video of how I’m managing my open live trade. Currently + 73, moved target to 1-2885, stop down to 1-2920.

If youtube ever gets around to processing the video in time I shall edit this post and put the video here instead.

The QE3 announcement has been faded… now where are we going??

1 Hour Chart:

Afternoon all!

Sorry for the silence today - I wrote a long response to HoGster’s open question on how we all trail Stops, then BabyPips crashed and I have not been able get back on with posting rights until recently, and with Mrs Templar in London today and tomorrow I am now into school run, teatime, bedtime etc. so today has become a bit of a write off.

I will now be able to kick back this evening and watch HoGster’s latest Eric Thomas video, though, which I suspect will be a good antidote to the heavy and constant rain we have today.

In my earlier, longer post I outlined a few options on how I trail Stops, including a few that I have tried out and rejected. I am actually pretty discretionary - I think that this area should figure large in any trading plan - trade management is, imho, as important as spotting Entries and is much harder to do - in how I approach it, and my methods vary according to duration of trade, but generally my approaches boil down to letting it run, letting it pull back, letting it move off again and then trailing my Stop, and repeating that each time we get a pullback until Price reverses.


EU now

If I was a betting man I’d be temped to go higher, but to be honest I’m not seeing anything that convinces me either way, so I’d probably just be sitting drinking tea right now, which is one of my favourite positions

EDIT: And just for future reference ST, I prefer… YA BOY HoGster

Personally I’d stay out and look to short something else, such as EUR/CAD, EUR/AUD etc…


You know if you are looking to short the aussie is always a good place to go :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve been short AUD/CAD since last week, Bob, I won’t neglect your pet project to short the Aussie altogether!

This is my second support area in the E/U, same technique… look for consolidation/range and a good move away from that area, then zoom in and mark the 3 levels:

Just a quick question yunny;

Just wondered :slight_smile:

I think I might be looking for EU to get up around last week’s close and previous support level (1-2980 ish to go short again )

Hi yunny … By any chance did you learn this method from Chris Lori? Saw a vid and he uses same terminology as you “point of origin”.