The Trader's Arms 2nd Floor

That’s the issue with trading, a high degree of personal preference of what is and isn’t significant levels of S/R. It all comes down to experiences

I’ve been trading a nice GBP/USD zone for the past year, between 1.52 and 1.63, lol

Hehe…if he says that word one more time… perhaps he should be ‘committed’? Yet another one of those US ‘get in the right mindset’ and your ass will follow vids! :smiley: Sorry to the guys across the pond… I know this sort of thing is big in the States. And I must confess to buying into Tony Robins books and tapes (yep, tapes… was a while ago) and it did help some. But honestly, is it enough… being committed to being committed LOL!!!

Pretty much nailed it Banker. Take any tf and draw horizontal lines and it seems to me PA rarely reacts exactly to previous S/R. Conclusion? S/R is more about zones. This to me begs the question, why look to S/R at all? Why not just look to PA as confirmation to enter or exit a trade? Particularly if looking at mtf’s.

I have to disagree here… what you do with a zone is seek for PA to enter a trade… for example if some reversal PA takes place in a well identify S/R zone then the chances for a good move increases… the exact level of entry can be given by the previous interest from the “big guys”.

RC but the same can be said about PA, you can spot a good PA pattern (not necessarily candlesticks) and price go to the opposite direction… the thing is to be good enough at drawing the really important the zones according with the trend in your trading timeframe

Sorry HoG not too much time free to post here :slight_smile: being a parent takes away my time…

Here is a chart with the three levels of resistance… what happens at those levels is a move that can only be done by the “smart money” so the hypothesis is that Banks, huge commercials, sovereigns, hedge funds and macro funds are interested to sell at those levels (of course if fundamentals remain the same) at least one more time.

and now… can you guys draw the next support area in the chart? :slight_smile:

I totally agree with the statement.

If you are trading small timeframes, then yes.

My trades usually have no less than a 60 pips SL but that is because I trade off the daily chart

Yes you are right but remember that the FX market is fractal. What changes is your targets.

Definitely, I think you trade off the 30m and 1H so I guess your SLs are between 15 to 40 pips?? :slight_smile:

Okey yunny, Below my chart. Let me know how I draw the lines.


Ok, Agree with the first level :slight_smile: , let me show my charts for that area:

If I trade only S/R then I set my limits orders at the levels I am showing, but for a wider ranges I’d rather wait for PA confirmation and then jump into the trade… for example in the E/U i am short from 1.3078 playing the doji evening star…

Wow… yunny thanks a lot… There are lot of information on the 1H chart. So we should look for PA to enter a trade from the zone. Right?

You said you enter a short at 1.3078 in EU, but which time frame?

WWWW…IYB ( Rapidly becoming my new favourite thread saying since ‘Bingo Bango Bongo’. Those of you who weren’t there in the beginning won’t remember that. Big hello to Buckscoder if he does look in)

Anyway, the intention was to move on from S&R this sunday. However, just crawled out of bed after my Saturday night shift and saw the stuff that has been posted and got to admitt, I think it’s nothing short of gold, so I think we’ll keep on as long as people want to talk about it.

Having said that, it may be a good way to go to do a “here’s a pattern that falls within this S&R level”. Tell you what would be good as well, since RC looks at reactions from swing points, it would be good to have an example of how it can be looked at from a S&R point of view, AND from the PA point of view, if y’all see what I mean.

Obviously I’m not asking anyone to give away the family secrets as usual, just whatever anyone is comfortable in sharing.

Anyway, let me get myself cleaned up and fed, get to the shops 'cos Mrs HoG is banging on about 2 desks she wants to buy and I should be back and good to go.


So has to be yunny saying fatherhood is taking up so much of his time. Brilliant mate !! You just wait 'til the second one comes along, or the third, or if you’re a real glutten for punishment like Mr Templar number 4.

Then, and ONLY THEN, if you go completely crazy and decide you never want another good nights sleep for the rest of your life, you might decide to go for Mr Carter’s total, but gee whiz that’s way beyond my level of bravery LOL!!

Talk soon guys, I kow I’m a little late to proceedings, but I’ll try to get my version of the above charts posted as soon as possible.

LOL !! I suppose it’s a personal thing mate. May not work for one, might work for another. However you can’t deny there is a huge industry built around it. Sports psychology alone is massive now and if I’m honest I’d have to admit I’m in to it. I enjoy watching it, Eric Thomas gets me fired up I have to admit.

In fact, I watched one of his videos last week and straight afterwards I wanted to put my jacket on and go out and invade England, all by myself !!! However, Mrs HoG had just made a cup of tea so I let the feeling go.

Is being committed to being committed enough ??? Probably not, but I for one think it’s a start :slight_smile:

PS; TAPES !! you old fart LOL!! (actually I still have a cassette player in my taxi, no cd’s, but ssshhhh)

Evening all.

Reaction levels for this week:


Then, what I meant to do on the video, but totally forgot, was add the Daily pivot points, as such…




Yo, great video…

My 2 year anniversary is This Wednesday, Im about to take a journey, Who’s comin with me. 365 days

I’ll ask Mrs HoG if I’m allowed out, I might have to be home before 5 though :10: