The Trader's Arms - Now Open for Business

Anybody else catch Uncle Wen’s (slightly late) new year’s present this morning?

Which way you want E/U to go? Up? Ok!

Was flicking in and out when +4 suddenly turned into +45. Thank you Uncle Wen.

Long again from 1.3112 after rejection at 61% Fib. Stop moved to B/E. Some Greek nonsense will probably make or break this trade.

nice trade, pipbandit… I had a limit buy order at 1.3103 but didn’t get filled :frowning:

1.3103 didn’t get filled? That’s a bit rough. I’m back to flat again - closed at +30. Not sure where it’s going to go next. Think it’s looking a little bearish but I’m not betting either way. One of my new year’s trading resolutions was to stop with the NY session entries - made a complete mess out of them too often!

Edit - yeaaaaaah bearish. Must learn more patience…

well, at least you made 30 pips… I had another limit order @ 1.3129… just one pip shy of being filled before that nice move up… :17:

Traders are getting ready for tomorrow’s NFP

Well I have successfully managed to wipe out last weeks profits. But back to where I started and no less. Not trading the NFP, so out for the day. Bring on a new week.


Easily done in this sort of whippy price action. In this sort of sideways chop that can follow a decent move I usually try to play the edges. So short from ~1.32 and long from ~1.3080 worked out decent enough for me this week despite a couple of losses. Maybe NFPs or some EZ debt news might give us the impetus to start a new trend next week but until that becomes clearer I plan to keep playing the edges.

To celebrate 1,000 posts of mostly drivel I believe it’s time to invoke Gamblor, Lord of Chance and place a NFP bet. Long at 1.3162 risking 0.3%.

An Honorary X-Man with swagger! I like your style.


Almost sounds like a ‘rule’ from the ever popular Mornington Crescent!

Did you manage to steal some pips before the journey south?

Nope! Had moved my stop to B/E after that initial pop up and was thinking we’d maybe be on for a test of 1.3250 and a grab of the stops up past that. Went off to do some work and Gamblor saw fit to deny me and stop me out at B/E.

Edit - Now that I’m back at my desk after some turgid meeting I am long from 1.3085. Playing the range edge again.

Edit 2 - closed at +30 - not going to hold over the weekend

was long @ 1.3044, playing again that strong support area. almost closed the trade before the move up… good 70 pips today

My bias still a little bit to the upside… but I will only buy again around 1.2988

Well, we have a range with a slightly bearish tone since a few days. Went in today at 13035 long. ~100 pips so far. Still I am looking for the final run. Imo there is a little room left northbound. :wink:

Just thought I’d pop back in the room for a minute to say hello to you guys. Not trading at all this last week or two, (family things are keeping me way too distracted) But still reading along.

Looks like we ain’t going to visit the mouse after all ST. No worries though.

Hope to get back in the trading seat by the end of this month, sorry for being the invisible host, but some things just can’t be helped.

Have thought a couple of times that EU was set to start falling again after it’s reluctance to break 1-32 with any real conviction. I guess everyone is just sitting around waiting for the Greece thing. Oh well, as long as the range is giving you guys some pips, all is well.

Talk again soon.


Long @ 1.3168 TP1 1.3260 TP2 1.3330 SL 1.3078

small position 0.20%

The uptrend is not broken yet, good support in the 1.3155/40 area

if the daily up trend line is broken, then I will look to exit the trade in any bounce at small loss

the risk is (as always) sunday greek vote…

yunny1 & guys/gals

I don’t know if I should bring up the subject… :56: The most recent EUR/USD COT started to back off the extreme high & low levels.

So maybe there is more confidence in the EUR problems getting worked out and the recent bullish trend will hold.

But let’s just use the recent COT as nothing more or less than a confirmation of what we’re already seeing in the price action.

You know d-pip… anything can happen with this greece rumor bull****… and price can fall down hard… but now i am only playing what I see in the charts…

and yes futures traders have reduced their position 2 weeks in a row…

my bias is to the upside until I can see support turned into resistance in the daily chart…

Seems to me the commercials are in total control of fiber at present so am very interested in this week COT report to see where we go looking to see if non com start to increase their longs then it’s going to get interesting

The very interesting things of the cot report are not so much the raw isolated numbers, but to see the, well let me call it “leverage”, between those large specs who are short and those who are long! If almost all specs are heavy net short and almost nobody long, who may go short again? :wink:

I think it is all very well looking at the CoT, listening to political sound-bites of how a Greek default won’t be accepted etc etc. But how long will it be before the Greek people themselves just simply burn the whole place down ?

Governments can only ignore the will of the people so long, and if the Greek people decide they have had enough of the German Eurozone imposing their will on them, they may just force the government to say “You know what, we’re not paying. We want out and you lot ain’t getting a single penny.”

Then where does it all go ??

EDIT : Anyway, forgot to say hello to everyone. Hopefully back in the saddle now. Might even be able to add the odd useful contribution, wouldn’t that be a novelty ??