The Trader's Arms - Now Open for Business

Where did you get short from?

Went short from 3251

Attached chart to see my thought process for the daily TF. Note: I am a beginner!!!

I’m seeing a trend down from the high of 29 Feb. The price has occasionally broken through the 3050 area, but it seems to me a bit of a bear flag forming.

The fib shows current price around the 61.8 retracement of the recent down trend.

My TP is currently at that level of support, although I may remove it if I catch it getting close and replace with a tightish trailing stop. A continuation of the down trend at the current rate would see the price down where I want it to be within the next two weeks, at which point I’d expect to see a significant breakout up or down, my guess would be down.

Feel free to tear analysis apart, I won’t learn anything if you are nice to me :wink:


I am also a beginner at this so believe me, I’m nobody to critize, today was just one of my better days compared to the rest…

To be honest, your analysis seems sound to me, but the only difference is I believe your analysis is more long term based…
I try to have a general bias for the week… Once I missed the big drop in GU this week I went top down analysis for this week and have been bullish since…

Your short seems sound, but personally I’m looking at any bearish action over the next few hours as the NY retracement and I may look to see if I can get in long again with a small position - maybe 0.5%…

Again, I can’t criticise your analysis but I think our trading strategies look different, my analysis doesn’t look as far as yours…

Good luck with your trade! :57:

Well, having missed a textboook drop off a supply level in USDCHF this morning and ended-up in some half-baked going nowhere trade elsewhere, I’m going to buy myself this parrot:

The Fast Show - Unlucky Alf - Parrot Sketch - YouTube

More importantly, welcome to the 50 posts club… we now have the facility of private messaging. Such an important milestone in our trading careers.

Personally I celebrated with a cup of tea and a digestive biscuit. Might push the boat out and go for last orders at the local tonight!


I have a speculative short on EU also.

Main reason entered, got a SL of 8 pips including spread and all.

So reduced risk, put in the SL and lets see if I get lucky.

I’m still holding my 30% from my last trade, i personally think were shooting for 1.33 before the bears come out to play!

May hold out for the weekend depending on what price does the rest of today…

Well plainly I didn’t get a short GU entry this morning! LOL Maybe this afternoon? But not holding my breath.

The Japanese Govt released a Monetary Policy Statement at 0445 this morning, it was scheduled, made my AUD/JPY Long a little exciting, briefly, but seems to be back to business as usual now. Summed up why I monitor news closely when intraday trading, and barely glance at it for end of day.


If I were to go short in the EU or GU, I would wait for the end of the day or monday morning

Wouldnt that be the same?

No, remember that fx markets are open during the weekend…

Point made

Lets try not to make a habit of this lol

Donated 8 pips to the market and forgot to take the 80 pips NZUSD entry gave my by getting out at 8223. Could have had Would have got a 1:12 Risk : Reward ratio!

Well, next week is another one.

I think im done for today.

Closed out the rest of my trade at 80 pips, it was up nearly 100 at one point…

Ah well nice way to the end week, best trade ive had all month… 4.2% :smiley:

And allowed me to end 2.5% up for the week, which didnt start out too well!

Congrats to both of you. My week ended on a sad note. Did well monday but shorting the Aussie all week was probably not the best idea I have ever come up with lol.

Just had a look at the AU for the week, ouch, i can see your problem - bar Monday the largest drops were about 30/40 pips lol

Next week could be your week though, looks like its reached a strong resistance level…

I hope so, on the daily chart I still have two AU shorts open, –127 pips & -65 pips. real money too, not on a demo. :56:

Ouch :31:

Don’t take this as condescending… But SL? lol

I just had a great idea. I am going to short the crap out of the Aussie next week to lmao