The Trader's Arms - Now Open for Business

just closed the rest of these two trades A/U 240 pips profit and N/Y 170 pips profit

I think there is still room for these pairs to move up but I am not as patience as SimonTemplar… yet :smiley:

Lol patience, my young Padawan…!

Seriously, I appreciate the thought, but don’t think of me as patience-perfect; it took me a couple of years of cutting trades earlier than optimum, and a lot of patience (!) from my coach, before I finally found the cojones to sit in trades to a more optimum conclusion. And frankly if your impatient approach netted you 410 pips then you’re laughing! Nice trading - I’m currently rueing my internet connection going down and preventing me placing an AUD/JPY Long on Friday, would be looking pretty nice about now… :frowning:



A little time between all of my projects. As we can see it’s not going far from 125. I mean eurusd. However, I think it will test the 118 sooner or later. Just my fundamental “gut”, as I have no time currently to look at charts. Happy trading to you and all!

Purple Patch Forex just started a thread and Hog is on unpaid leave from Babypips and the rest of the guys were awfully quiet on this retracement that has been going on in USD pairs and it got me thinking of you Bucks.

Lo and Behold, talk of the devil, and here he is with a post!

Hope you having a gala of a time.

Where is the Honeymoon?

Nice to see ya BC, if only breifly! :smiley: Looks based off the last two days as if EU & GU are trying to reverse direction? However, until I see a definate and convincing reversal I’ll trade both ways some… currently short both off institutional levels… EU @ 2600 and GU @ 5600.

Welcome back BC… I miss your charts! :smiley:

RC I like the E/U trade… i was tempted to go short at 1.2618. but didn’t cause I am already in other trades

Edit: looks like it is bouncing now… better to cover any shorts…

Nice entries for those shorts! I caught today’s long on GU, literally about .8 pips from the low :). Waiting to see price break .5600 or retrace back to .5500/.5550

Just a quick 50 and out off the touch of the 20:2 boll. As I say nothing longer term for me just yet… waiting to see if were into a trend reversal or fake out.

Second EU short has run its course for me guys. Approaching median on the 4h, so a possible bounce there abouts and frankly ENOUGH screentime for me! See you all on the other side of the week. Good hunting!

Beautifully read, especially the D TFs.

Heard this version of this song for the first time a lifetime ago, couldn’t ever find it on a cd (or vinyl as it was then !!) Just found it on youtube.

If this doesn’t just sum up forex trading, then God knows what does:


Hopefully be back soon guys, all things going well this end now, little one doing a million times better, thanks to all who sent wishes recently, Ya know I Luv ya really !!

Good to hear things are on the up HoG!

Cheers PB,

Well we ended up buying the puppy ( don’t do it Sanj, ask your girlfriend if she wants a goldfish instead !) Little bugger goes off like an air raid siren every morning at 5 am on the dot. Just trying to work out what profession the previous life owners were in if the dog does this so consistently !

Anyway, since I have been up since ridiculous o’clock this morning, I think EU is heading towards 1-2825 ish. I know it still has to clear the 1-2750 area, but I’m looking low 1-28’s before it resumes the drop, if it does resume the drop.

Thinking we’ll see a drop to low 1-26’s before the move up through 1-2750 and eventually stalling 1-2825 area. Mind you, I may well just be suffering from sleep deprivation, that could all be completely in my head !!

Good to hear from you again HoG :slight_smile:

And glad to hear the situation is doing a lot better at home…

Hows the trading been going, did you manage to switch to higher time frame trading or is this the big return after a long break?

Think your return was well timed, things were getting quiet without you!

welcome back HoG,

Back to trading, short entry in the A/U triggered at 1.0214 with TP 1.0074 SL 1.0280

Provided my trade didnt get stopped (its close but I think I did) Im with you all the way. Will look to get back in hopefully

:slight_smile: Hope you trade is still alive

Here it is the analysis:

Solid I got in for a few different reasons but along the same lines. For me I seen a nice figure that was previously a S/R level dating back to last year. Also lined up with ICT’s concept of OTE that has worked well for me this year.

Today I am happy to say even though my trade is not in profit (you sure get some nice entries) I was not stopped. Made it by 3 pips. This is a 15 min chart here and looking at it I am not clear to my entry but I think I based my entry off the 4hr

Hey Sanj

Only traded demo, didn’t reaaly change time frames, but did go back to using solid S&R levels as almost the sole entry/exit criteria. Obviously bigger account balance in demo account, but keeping it simpler has seemed to work.

Not back trading live account yet, still a bit short of time right now, but overall things going in the right direction, hopefully trading live again soon, but like I say, still trading demo.

Nice to hear from you mate, never a quite moment when there’s a Glaswegian in the house !!

Ok that was quick :smiley:

I have taken profits (3/4 of the position) at 1.0074, the rest 1/4 still open targeting parity, SL at breakeven.

A evening doji star is forming off resistance in the daily chart, so I think I will favor short trades for a while… :slight_smile: