The Trader's Arms - Now Open for Business

Happy to be on the same side on this trade. I have all positions still on as I cant close any at work lol. Very nice setup very nice trade. I think mine is sitting at +120 or something like that right now. I was not to happy with my entry though it was a little early and I was almost stopped because of it.

Congrats Bob! 1.200/22 area was screaming SHORT :smiley: plus the Fed disappointing the markets made it a high probability trade

Well so much for my “up to 1-2825” theory. Must’ve been sleep deprivation right enough.

On the bright side though I did manage to take +30 from a long at 1-2650 around london open this morning. Did have my TP at 1-2715 but closed early when price started to loiter around the 1-2675/80 area.

It was only my demo account though. I think the lovely Mrs HoG and the HoGettes are going to Spain at the start of July so probably won’t be trading live again until then, when I get time to sit and concentrate a bit better.

So it’ll be a party at mine for those two weeks if anyone is in the neighbourhood, might even break out the chocolate hobnobs RC !!

Ah the rock and roll lifestyle LOL ! :30:

Got my percentage for the week and normally would leave it at that but seems to me a decent bounce is pending on EU & GU… awaiting the daily close for a long on both.

I fear a drive to Glasgee for chocolate Hobnobs isn’t going to cut it for me Hog, get the beers in and thats a horse of a different colour! :smiley:

Hmm… just closed on daily and in long TP just shy of 2600.

Long 1-2540, stop 1-2515 and TP 1-26 (demo)

No chocolate hobnobs then eh RC ?? Dunno what you’re missing mate LOL !!

I can settle this unequivocally settle this. Beers on party night, with the chocolate hobnobs working as a great hangover cure the next morning. So actually, you’re both right.

Welcome back, HoG, suddenly realized we had done the PM thing but not the public hug part. Consider yourself hugged.


Good to see you back HoG - and this thread active again. This forum desperately needs a healthy dose of realism. It’s been like Fraggle Rock round here sometimes.

I was up your way (ish… not sure) a couple of weeks ago. Had a few days in Edinburgh. Great city and very friendly people. Took a trip into the highlands too… breathtaking. Looking forward to going back with more time and a pair of walking boots.

Young mister Templar, maybe we should change the name of this thread to “A Fine Bromance.” first there was “Yunnygate”, the the Sanj “incident”, now we are publicly hugging, whatever will the neighbours think?

Sentiment very much appreciated my friend. At work now though, talk later.


Like I said earlier Dave, should be back trading live, with all the ups and downs that goes with it, within a week or two. This thread has been very lucky so far to have avoided the “fantasists”, so long may that continue.

If you do ever make it back up here, and if you’re a golfing man, let me know. We have some of the best courses in the world here, you’d be more than welcome.

… And there i was thinking, or hoping that we left the skeleton in the closet!

No trade for me today at the moment, only taken one trade all week, long fiber on Tuesday LO, netted me an average of around 95 pips (as i scaled out a long the way)…

Had some really up and down weeks, but i think the only good think is my number of trades per week is beginning to really drop compared to before, i remember a few months ago i was hitting double digits a week… Really only looking at the EU, GU and sometimes the Aussie too…

Anyway, feel like ive made good progress since i first started, but i know its a long road ahead, which will no doubt be filled with many speed bumps! Planning to go live this summer with a small account! :slight_smile:

I hesitate to say Sanj, that we are all “out of the closet” on this thread, but rest assured the thread has a long, long memory.

On a more serious note, I actually think that is a very good post you’ve just put up. It makes me think of the thread I was going to start, regarding “What was the one thing you struggled with?”

I had intended to start that thread to ask traders if they could pick one thing, and one thing only, that they did/have/still do struggle with the most in their trading, what would that one thing be?

Mine would be similar to what you just wrote. Over my first year, impatience was my big downfall. I just wanted to be “in” a trade, and believe me there were DAYS when I hit double digits, never mind weeks. But I could just put that down to the whole novelty factor of trading. I suppose it is like that with many new ventures, you’re just so keen to get involved and stay involved.

I did, however, underestimate the psychological side of trading. When I first read about it, before I had actually placed a single live trade, I really did think it was the biggest load of s**t I had ever read.

But now, even though I only traded a micro account, I can honestly say that trading without being properly prepared or educated about trading (not that I am now, just a bit wiser) has been the roughest psychological journey I have ever been on, outside of an immediate family trouble that is. And I do mean that honestly.

Like you, I now feel I have lost the “need” or the “desperation” even to be in a trade constantly, more probably because I was so sick and tired of getting my backside kicked. But I do feel more prepared for trading these days. That doesn’t mean I’ll be successful at it obviously, but at least it puts me in a better position to go forward.

Sorry for the ramble, probably should’ve started the “What was the one thing…” thread.

Anyway, have a good weekend everybody. I closed today’s demo long for +27 as price stalled around the 1-2580 area.

Take care all


A ‘Hobnob’ or three for a hangover? LOL thats one or for that matter three I’ve not yet tried. But then again… I’m cursed with a good liver and never get hangovers, honest!

Well that bounce happened off the close but less than expected. :stuck_out_tongue: Still open at plus 21.8. Still good to go I’ll wager. 2600 seems modest and will be looking to a weekend gap and or Sunday to 2600 - 2626. You can mock me at will later! :smiley:

Actually my father was like that RC. If ever there was a man who looked as though he might need a hobnob or three the next morning, it was my dad, but I never ever saw him suffering from a hangover. Should just say that last comment may paint a rather less than favourable picture of him, but I can assure you a more honest, genuine and hard working man I have yet to meet.

As for looking for a Sunday gap, I’m still not comfortable enough in my trading to try that, (still a few thousand hours behind you RC !!). In honesty I did try it a couple of times just after I began trading live, but always got my backside kicked.

They may mock you if you get it wrong my friend, but think if the admiration and adulation if…, no I take that back, WHEN you get it right. Children across the nation will hang your poster on their bedroom walls, right beside One Direction and Rihanna !!

LOL!!! I lurk in this thread for two reasons alone. One, your in it Hog. And two, there are more than a few solid traders! Nice to see you back in here… notice how things got pretty quite in your absence? As for kids hanging up my poster? I have 12 kids and not one of the buggers remembered Fathers day! Oh yes I feel quite special! LOL!!!

So as well as good traders, there’s also me? LOL!! :18: I’m sure that’s a compliment and I’ve never been known to pass on a compliment so I’ll take it my friend.

As for the father’s day thing, it was actually my birthday a couple of days before father’s day, and Mrs HoG and the HoGettes gave me money in a card, (since they claim I am an awkward bugger to buy things for). And when I opened the card, Mrs HoG promptly took the money back off me and told me she would put it away for me, as I would only spend it on sh** !! As of yet I still have no idea what “we” are going to spend my birthday money on.

As for father’s day, I was presented with a pc microphone headset which I had been dropping less than subtle hints about. I was actually going to make a video and post it on here tonight. Yes, you did read that right, a video.

Thing is, when I was absent for a couple of weeks, I still traded my demo account a little, but I went back to trading almost purely S&R levels. Pivots and Fibs to help a little, but mostly just S&R levels, and it seemed to work quite well.

So I was going to do a little video just as a “these are the levels I’m watching for the week ahead” sort of thing just for any really new traders who may be looking in. Not that I am in any way shape or form any sort of expert, just thought it may be of some interest to some to hear what someone else is thinking.

But I’m not doing it now this week, mainly because the big pc I use is in the little ones bedroom and she is safely tucked up in bed right now, snoring like a mini me.

Don’t worry though folks, I won’t get carried away with the video thing when I do decide to do it. You’re not going to be forced to sit and watch me do my ventriloquist act with Gus the dog, (can’t work out where I’m supposed to put my hand yet) or my “improve your golf swing video” (actually I’m still banned from using a golf club indoors since the living room ceiling incident).

Anyway, I’ll get to it at some point. So just noticed the time while I’m rambling on, trading is now open for the week, not trading at all tonight, another new “rule”.

Best of luck to all for the week ahead, hope you get your 1-26 and more RC, talk to you all soon.


Just closed the last 1/4 at 0.9990

might look for another short around 1.0187 or a short term long at 0.9930 :slight_smile:

Mine was stopped on friday. Was hoping to get a little lower than I did but whatever it was a great trade none the less. Have a great week everyone.

Took 25 pips from AU earlier today, still only demo but builds the confidence a little nevertheless.

First guitar lesson tomorrow night, and NO, that’s not a new indicator, it’s an actual guitar lesson. God I love this mid-life crisis thing, can’t wait to sell the house and buy a ferrari !!!

gotta love that! you rock bro!!! uh or sis hehe

Me’s a he !!

45 and haven’t given up the hope of becoming a Pip star or a Pop star !!

Hoping MY poster will one day make it on to the bedroom walls along with Eminem, one direction, Rihanna and RC !! LOL.