The Trader's Arms - Now Open for Business

HoG, don’t take this the wrong way, but I can’t see that anyone who likes looking at pictures of Rihanna is ever going to want to pair that poster with one of your good self. I’m sorry to be the one to break this to you, but it’s just a question of markets. However many riffs you learn, Rihanna just has a few things that you can’t hope to compete with. Like her, um, wardrobe.

Good luck with the guitar lessons, though - gives your promised videos a whole new slice of potential. Losing trade - HoG sings the blues, or Avril Lavigne or something. Winning trade - HoG sings Hanson.

Fantastic post ST !! obviously though, you’ve never seen me in a pair of high heels and suspender set. Eh…

Somethings are just better left unseen my friend

Bob, I could not agree more. I’m not sure that I’m looking forward to HoG’s promised video as much as I was to be honest!

Hope they are red and black respectively

I just hope that now we’re back to talking about Rihanna and not HoG!!

Oooh naa naa… what his name?

HoG, i think we know what song you need to learn on your guitar now!

Simon Yes I hope so.

HOG I mean this respectfully (as possible) if I see you poster on my kids wall I might be a little pissed. Especially if you are in high heals. Just the thought of it now me and my son are going to have a long talk. He thanks you already I am sure.

Any requests then gang ???

HoG and the Pipettes, appearing at a town hall near you soon. Posters available at the door bobmaninc !!:smiley:

God I’m laughing now !! The moderators must be asking themselves, “How in the name of God did a Forex forum, that was going so well, descend into this???”

You know you are, ya just don’t wanna admit it LOL !!

SSsshhhh, Don’t give too many secrets away Niki :wink:

Good god! The word ‘pipettes’ is suddenly taking on a whole new meaning LOL

And just to round this entire debacle off, just for future reference, what EXACTLY does Rihanna have that I don’t??

I mean, can she sing? Ok then, does she have the body? Alright, what about the money?

Right then, if somebody jumped into Rihanna’s taxi, and asked to go to Sauchiehall Street in Glasgow, do you really think Rihanna would have a clue where that was??? I rest my case.

Listen boy, you’re already in the misdemeanor gang with me and ST, you better start brushing up on your “shoo-waps”, cos you might just find yourself as a backing singer LOL !!

Hey sanj,

What’s the chances of you, SimonTemplar and bobmaninc having this routine down in the next couple of weeks then ?? LOL


On a slightly more serious note, I drew the green line in this image on my chart pre-trading on Sunday night. EU seems to have touched it exactly and bounced. Trouble is, I don’t remember why I drew the green line and can’t seem to find the answer.

Must have been distracted by some nonsense recently or something :smiley:

Could be the triple daily lows?? :slight_smile:

The thing is, HoG, I don’t think I’d mind too much if she got lost and it took us all afternoon driving around aimlessly.

I actually quite like the song, but it’s the wardrobe that presents the problem. I just can’t carry off a polka dot, HoG. I’m more of a pinstripe man.

Ok, so I get that most of you, if not all, would rather spend the day in a taxi with Rihanna than me, sad but true.

Green line was a low from 6th of June, 8th of June and 12th of June. So I think you are right on that front Yunny. May well look for an up day tomorrow then, depending on how the remainder of the day goes.

All that said, better go now, get ready for lesson. Had some fun today gang, talk to you all tomorrow !! :smiley:

PS, “[I]not into polka dot”[/I] ST. How does the saying go? “Fool some of the people…” LOL!! Catch u later mate, guitar time.