The Trader's Arms - Now Open for Business

I hope so… :51: :smiley:

This is THE most entertaining thread on Babypips… lol

Wow, our first groupie !! LOL ! Welcome to the band pipmart. You’ve probably noticed the dissent I have to put with from the other band members in here, but don’t be too hard on them, I love working with them really.

Anyway, the first guitar lesson went well:


I thought I made a slight mistake around 0:58, anyone notice??

And next week, I’m going to learn a thing called FOREX. I’ve made a start already actually. This is a chart from a CURRENCY PAIR called the EURO DOLLAR:

And I have marked on the chart where I think a thing called an “up day” or “bounce” could happen. Can anyone guess where that is?? That’s right, the big white arrow.

Have to admit though, right now the daily and 4H give me more confidence than the 1H, but I think Wednesday will be on the up, we’ll see. Here’s the trade I placed. In at 1-2494 long.

Targeting around 2570/75, stop 2470.

Heck it looks like you keep a pretty tight rein on this wild bunch. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m also looking at a long on the euro dollar. Maybe during New York Open…

Discipline is essential with this mob pipmart. Without it they’re just like a box of frogs, total chaos LOL !!

Waiting to around NY open to see if the long was there is probably the smarter play to be honest. NY tends to mirror London sometimes so that would give a reasonable insight into what may happen NY

Looking back at the trade I placed last night, it probably wasn’t a good trade if it is analysed. Even though I went long, and I still think that will be today’s general direction, the entry and the stop weren’t good, more so the stop. That should really have been placed under low of 26th June daily candle at 1-2440, but that would have given me a 50 pip stop which in my live account would have been way too much, so then you have to qquestion the entry.

I measure that up against the “well if I wait for it to get close to 1-2440 and it never does, thenm I may miss the move all together.” But in the grand scheme of things, missing a move would be better than getting in at a bad entry level and being wrong, there’s always another move after all.

All that said, I did place the trade, and the stop, with my 2% in mind and I’m still in it as off now, so we’ll let it play and see how it goes

Ok, got stopped out on last night’s EU. Probably should have seen the warning signs as price has struggled all day to get above yesterday’s open. Maybe it wasn’t such a good entry level after all, but with the way yesterdays daily candle closed, it suggested a long as much as anything else.

Point it raises, in my mind anyway, is a question for the more experienced guys among us. That being:

when you have been stopped out on a losing trade, do you walk away, make some tea (you may prefer coffee, I believe some people do have that perversion) have a chocolate hobnob and try to forget the whole sorry affair?


Do you continue to watch price, see if there WAS a better entry, work out why/where you went wrong, see if the loss could have been avoided, or was it just one of those “I’d still have made the same play” moments.

Honestly I trade pin bars the a little different than that. I wait for price to retest the 50% mark of the wick (where you placed a stop) to enter. Not saying I would not have gotten stopped to but since that trade was on the daily (I think) you might have been able to get that stop to BE. Guess we will never know.

As far as when I get stopped out I will watch price to see what I could have done better but it always easy to see after the fact. I actually liked your entry. So if it were me I would have been stopped to. Cheers on your chocolate hobnob. Here in the southern united states I dont think we have that. Whiskey yes hobnob hmmm doubt it. What we do have is tee. So I will tip one to you

I took more or less the same trade as you today HoG…
Only difference is i entered this morning at LO… Got an entry at 2490 with a 20 pip stop… Was initially looking ok tbh, i thought we’d see bullish action but it was just so sloppy all day… Ended with a 1% loss… As for the week so far, taken two trades, net loss of -0.21%… Nothing major but still kind of disappointed…

Tbh, im thinking of sitting the rest of the week out, the whole week the charts look pretty sloppy to me, no real set direction or aim, just all over the place…

Btw, i forgot to mention the other day after you said you wanted to do the videos about SnR levels you’ll be watching… Don’t know how much your into ICT teachings, but he recently did an awesome live stream session based on determining SnR… If your interested, shoot me a PM and ill send you over a copy… He really just goes through how he determines his SnR levels for the week and what to watch and stuff… It was the simple stuff but to see it done live over a current chart at the moment felt really helped me… So yeah if your interested just gimme a shout…

Its always better to stay out of the market and wait for that one trade that you know for sure than to be happy with the quick in and out 30 pips. I learned this by watching Bobmaninc.

Often we enjoy the thrill so much, the thrill of being right, the thrill of screwing with the odds, that its akin to being in a casino.

Not a good thing.

Its different if we really know what we doing.

There wasn’t anything screaming a long during New York Open but that doesn’t matter because I slept through it anyway… Its okay, it probably saved me from forcing a trade. Who said being disciplined about getting up is a good thing? haha

Quick question at the risk of getting run outa this place. What in heaven is a hobnob? lol

I will take 30 pips but Nikita is right I will not enter for a take profit of 30 pips unless my stop was insanely small. Witch would be to easy to get stopped so still not worth it on the back end IMO.

Careful on Nikitas advise in red about lots of rampant noisy sex. It does help with not wanting to pull your hair out when getting stopped out but you end up like me with a bunch on kids that make you want to pull your hair out. Best just to suck it up and move on :stuck_out_tongue:

I think it is like the unicorn you hear about it a lot on this thread but I dont think anyone has even seen it.

Hi HoG or should I say Mr HoG as we have not been formally introduced.

I have been a lurker on this thread for a while but never posted & when
you had your problems I thought I had missed my chance. But now you
are back I have my chance to make a post.

So to give my point of view, if I have a losing trade I know that it is just
part of the plan, I will have losing trades because my system is not infallible.
I then move on to find the next set-up. (Throwing large expletives at the screen. lol)

Good to see you back. :slight_smile:

Google McVitie’s hobnob, a chocolate oaty biscuit.

Niki, I’d absolutely love to try the “lots of rampant noisy sex” thing, I even have the outfit for it, as you saw the other day. But unfortunately the wife would kill me if she ever found out so I think I’ll have to pass on that one thanks !! LOL :smiley:

Oh ye of little faith. there have been many sightings of “The Hobnob”. In fact, they’re often seen in my house, but they don’t last long and they’re gone again !!

I think I can confidently assume that this is the first sighting of the McVties Hobnob (chocolate version) on Babypips !!

McVities are the company that makes them, in case you’re wondering. And I live less than 1 mile from that very factory, some things in life are just good !!

Pipmart, as my learned friend daydreamer has just informed the community, a “Hobnob” is a biscuit, but not just any old biscuit, a Hobnob is THE biscuit. When RC, ST and I first discussed opening The Trader’s Arms, I was put in charge as I don’t drink alcohol (for no other reason than I just don’t drink alcohol). My “vice” these days are a good cup of tea and several chocolate Hobnobs. Taking this into account, it was decided that I should be put in charge of this here establishment, more likely just to make sure those two got home safely LOL !!

First up daydreamer, ( or DD as I imagine you will hitherto be referred as ) there’s no need for such formality. I can assure you that as a cab driver in Glasgow, I have been called many many things, most of which I’d be banned for adding in here, so thank you very much for the courtesy, but it’s not needed in this room my friend.

Secondly, don’t ever be shy about adding a post on this thread. I’ve always said we’ve been very lucky here to have the people involved that we have. ( I won’t go through the names for fear I forget and so offend some-one) Just look through the previous posts and you’ll see the regular names. The really good thing about them is their willingness to offer their opinions in a thoughtful and logical manner, so don’t ever be shy. My God man, if I can pose with my sussies on, you have to think it’s pretty much open season here LOL !!

Lastly, I am going to ask my question again, as I am beginning to think it has been slightly misunderstood.

Question was meant to be, in short, if you have a loser, do you instantly forget it and move on, or do you analyse the loss, work out WHY it lost, check how price reacts AFTER you’ve been stopped out to see if there had been a better entry point. I fully accept the hindsight is 20/20, but do you ever ask yourself, “If presented with those specific circumstances again, would I still have made the same call.?”

It wasn’t intended as a “revenge trade” idea, just more of a how do you react to a loss sort of thing. Looking back at the trade I lost on today, I may have waited for a lower entry point, but I still thought we were looking at an up day. Now looking at the charts, as sanj has already mentioned, it all just looks a bit messy and best avoided for now.

Anyway, ramble over, welcome aboard anyway.

HoG, it helps if you have attractive neighbours also! :stuck_out_tongue:

The devil himself resides within you woman LOL !! :smiley:

And in any case, I’m just not a lucky kind of guy. Me and Mrs HoG went to a swinger’s party once, where you all through your keys into a bowl then picked out a set and whoever they belonged to, well that was your “[I]partner[/I]” for the evening. There were some ravenous beauties in the room, so I was like a dog on heat.

But like I said, I’m not a lucky kind of guy. Stone me if I didn’t pick out Mrs HoGs keys !! :34: