The Trader's Arms - Now Open for Business

If you feel the need to relocate do not head my way unless you are an avid swimmer. What was once called Jacksonville Florida is now called Lake Debby. After this last tropical storm my poor city is under water. In the last month we have had almost 20 feet of rain dumped on us. Rivers are over flowing, bridges are falling, hell the zombie attack was not to far away. The apocalypse is upon us now. Just need a few more zombies to start walking around and I will have to break out the survival kit sent to me by baby pips.

The only good thing I see here is with all the talk of rampant noisy sex and pictures of Rihanna I guess after the zombie attack I should have no problem repopulating the earth. I can see it now just a bunch of mini bobmanincs running around. God help us all!!!

There can never be enough good people bobmaninc so don’t sweat the amount of clones, but the task of single handedly repopulating the earth? Wow, I think I may have the population of a small youth hostel in me, but nothing more.

Anyway, getting back to the trading, can anyone explain to a guy who’s been out shopping all day what happened to the euro?

Well there are these things called cliffs. the Euro decided to jump off one this morning.

What did I win :slight_smile:

I personally think it was a larger shake out move to throw out some longer term stops… Remember that line you said you drew on your charts the other day, under the triple bottom of the - the 2450/2440 area… All got blown out today… I think we should be gearing for a bounce higher on the daily now if we get rejection from here… It’ll be in line with its seasonal tendencies too for higher prices going into July…

Btw, just realised your only 20-ish posts off becoming an FX-Honorary member! Maybe these super cool decoder rings that ive heard so much about will give you all your FX related answers :smiley:

Ahhhh…so obviously the euro was out bikini shopping with IT’S 15 year old daughter as well this morning. All makes perfect sense now !

It is a most enjoyable roller coaster! And good luck finding that skeleton!!

Crikey, not envying you any of that, Bob, hope it all works out. Your zombie made the news again here this morning, I gather that there were no hard drugs in his system?! The world’s gone mad. I just can’t believe that the victim survived, and am wondering whether he will be glad that he did.

It’s a mess out there at the moment, which is why I am not intraday trading much, but one thought: looking at the EUR/USD Daily, we could get a nice double bottom somewhere in the 1.2300-1.2350 zone, at which point I’d be looking at a Long, maybe.

Bob would you PLEASE send some of that rain our way?!?

Even here in the wooly west there is talk of Armageddon :stuck_out_tongue:

Either way I just bought the pound at 1.55370 so lets hope the UK stays on the map for a few minutes longer…

Dont hold your breath I am still waiting for mine

Crikey, is that happening now? Where is that? Tell me your own home is a long way from those houses in the foreground… Presumably that whole area has been evacuated?

It’s a flawed system in any case - those of us who talk more than other get that tag, then some new joiner assume that it means that we know what we are doing! - but in any case I think they’re pretty soon going to have to move the bar up to 5000 posts or something, or come up with another layer above, as by the end of the year half the regular posters are going to be ‘Honorary’!

I’m in Colorado USA. Lots of evacuations happening… I think 32000. No doubt more now. Lucky for me I live three hours from there. Even from this distance the smoke is clouding the sky.

Oh I am fine after moving away from the forest fires we had a couple months ago (dont think they are an issue anymore) I learn a lesson out of that ordeal Location Location Location. This time I moved to a place I will not have to worry about fire to much and since I come from miami I am used to these storms and I chose the high ground. No floods for me :slight_smile: the rest of the town is not so lucky. I will say I have never seen so much damage from a little tropical storm. There is one good thing that came of all this. I bet the next storm people around here will take it a little more seriously. Growing up in miami I know what mother nature can do. People around here seem to think i is a joke well I bet there not laughing now.

As for the markets why oh why could the Aussie not go up another 40 pips I had an entry resting at 1.0180. Oh well I said I was not going to trade this week and well I guess the market will hold me to it

Wow I see its everywhere. Not just my little town but our little rock that spins around the sun. We must have got a little to close. Stay safe

Blimey. And here in the UK, we only need one thunderstorm and it’s arma-flipping-geddon. What is it they say? Britain doesn’t have a climate, only weather. It only has to get above 30c and people are flaking out in the street. A few inches of snow and the whole country grinds to a halt.

Anyway trading yes. Just gone short EURAUD. Looks heavily bearish across all timeframes and has just retraced to 61.8 of previous drop. Also a previous strong support level and v close to 1.2400.

A couple of aptly named Chatsworths may be required to loosen that tongue a little LOL.

And as for the rest of you guys, I was complaining about the rain showers in Glasgow earlier this morning, I ain’t complaining so loudly after listening to you. Best wishes and best of luck to all of you, and everyone else caught up in it all.


Not a happy camper today, 0 pips after being 70 in black. Fortunately I had moved my SL to breakeven before going to bed.

Well bring on the apocalypse osama care just passed through the supreme court. Now I get to pay even more money for services I will never get. The United States of America= Hand over your wallet and shut the F up :frowning:


What a difference a day makes. Yesterday it was rampant noisy sex. Today we’re losing our homes, giving back profits and Obama care. Mind you, either way, you’re still getting f***ed

He is supposed to come to CO to “assess” the damage of the fires today… In my opinion he doesn’t want a perfectly good crisis to go to waste. Who knows… he might end up flying in a “little to close” to those forest fires… :smiley:

Bought into yesterdays sell off of GU and just closed out 07:00 GMT. Looks like I can take the rest of the day off. See you on the other side of the weekend.

Have a good weekend RC, well played on the GU.

I sold EU spike this morning @1-26, gimme 1-2530 and i’m happy.

just heading off to work now so if If I don’t post again today I hope you all have a good, safe weekend