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Well, all that Euro silliness in the night took my EURAUD trade to 3.8 pips of being stopped out. Now 30 up. Glad I missed all that while happily sleeping and dreaming of dancing a sultry tango with Audrey Hepburn. In a moonlit sheep field. Naked.

LOL!! Naked ?? Would that be you, Audrey, the sheep or all three Dave ???

All 67. There were a lot of sheep.

My goodness, doing a fare from Glasgow to manchester. That’s the most pips I’ve done all week

Took a GU short just before close @ 5700. Daily looks pretty stretched! Weekly… hmm… could bite my ass? But on balance, looks to have ticked the boxes. :33:

Looks like its a winner.

Good call RC, if momentum stays to the upside I have a short order ready around 1.5750

Went to a wedding on Saturday night and got drunk for the first time in years, and I do mean YEARS.

4 days later this is me just coming back to life, that is exactly the reason I’m a tea and Hobnob man these days RC LOL !!

So, went long EU 1-2577, looking for around 1-2620 at least, stop at 1-2555. Even if it goes wrong the pain of the loss could be nothing compared to the last 4 days !

Should be more like me Hog… ‘all things in moderation’ and if you believe that, you’ll believe anything! LOL!!!

Don’t like EU today Hog, more downside than upside I think. Currently short GU off 5672. Will close out half @ 5621 and leave the rest to run to TP2 (56003.

I was short E/U from 1.2590 down to 1.2662. After watching price flop around there I got in again short at 1.2560. That’s finally given away just now and nailed those stops below 1.2540 so I’m leaving that run for the ECB rate cut announcement tomorrow and hope I don’t get spiked out.

Not even the amazing restorative powers of Irn-Bru could bring you back to life? I thought you Scots suckled that stuff like a newborn baby after a heavy night out.

Not even Jesus Christ himself could have brought me back to life on Sunday PB, even if he was turning water into Irn Bru and lumps of wood into deep fried Mars bars and giving it all away with 30,000 Tesco clubcard points included.

And as for the “all things in moderation” Mr Carter, hhmmmmmm, me thinks a small white one has just escaped LOL!!

No damage done really in the EU long from today, demo account only. Back trading live as on Monday coming, no point getting involved at this stage of the week so soon after my reincarnation!!

3 Litres??? My God man, you’d have me in a body bag !!!

Took the short AU @ 0267 based off the daily chart.

Picture not looking so clear EU, (yesterday’s low -2509 being the first hurdle to get through)

GU hinting more down than up right now in my opinion.

3 Litres would be the most impressive short of the night though, just wondering where the stop loss goes though LOL!!

Closed my E/U short yesterday evening after that bounce from the 62% Fib on the hourly. Entered again this morning at 1.2532 but with a small size. Think that 0.25% ECB cut is pretty much priced in already but we might get a Pavlovian response to take us down under 1.25 anyway and I’d probably look to get out then as probably sovereign and ME bids will soak it up. Can set my SL to around BE at this point anyway to limit risk in case 0.25% cut is fully priced and market finds itself too short Euros in or if ECB decides to hold at 1% for now.

I to was able to get short last night after all my celebrations. I got short the AU 1.0268. For the same reason I was stopped out earlier this week. I wish I could sleep for 4 days as I am not sure how my 3 yr old talked me into getting a puppy from the pound today. But yes I someone got suckered in. Not sure if I can get out of this one

We got our puppy about a month ago bobmaninc. So far, “our little darling” has chewed his way through 1 pair of curtains, my slippers, my patience and I noticed this morning he has made a start on the kitchen table leg.

Do yourself a favour now my friend. Tell your 3 year old the dog is incurably ill and needs to go back. It may hurt the young’un, but tell them goldfish are great pets too !!

Its funny you mention that. It has actually crossed my mind. I was thinking about getting him a goldfish and a picture of a puppy in the background lol.

Well the goldfish idea will not work. My for some reason decided not to trouble me to drive across town after work to the pound. Instead I am now the proud owner of a 1 yr old boxer/pitbull mix. He come weighing in at a whopping 41 lbs and is apparently a lapdog lol. Oh the joys of fartherhood

Yeah but once they grow up out of puppy-hood they’ll be the only member of your family that believes you’re perfect, even when you pass a bit of gas! :wink:

Well I like big dogs. We always had boxers when I was growing up, I bought a boxer pup when the lovely Mrs HoG was 6 months pregnant with our first child (I’ll let you guess how well that went) so i love big dogs. Problem is, Gus ain’t a big dog, Gus is a small, get under your feet, bite your toes, yap yap yap dog who suffers a classic case of “small dog syndrome”.

That’s where an extremely large dog is born trapped inside an extremely small dog’s body, and they know it. He has all the attitude he could ever want, but is constantly tormented psychologically because he doesn’t have the big boy stuff to back it up.

One of the very few advantages of a small dog though is that when your out walking it, the ladies tend to stop you in the street with the “Aw, isn’t he just gorgeous?” routine, which they don’t do when you’ve got Godzilla on the end of a leash.

But they do indeed become your best friend, and unlike the wife, your dog will never be upset if you come home at night with the smell of another dog on you, and even if your dog SEES you stroking another dog, they get over it in no time !!

This may be true but I do prefer mrs bobmaninc not sniffing my crotch everytime I walk in the door