The Trader's Arms - Now Open for Business

Hmmm here we go. I’ve had my eye on a level to sell NZDUSD for the past three weeks. It’s now edging towards it but guess what? It’s NFP day! I can see what’ll happen. It’ll hit the level about an hour before the release. I’d never normally trade today but… oh gawd! :slight_smile:

EU short in play just shy of 2400 with a modest TP of 2353. Daily and weekly look respectable but not yet happy with the current angle of attack on h4.

hey RC what are you looking at on H4 ? Looks like GU is the mover this morning. How was your trip to Cuba? over here on my side of the pond eh? :slight_smile:

To be honest Mike, I’m keeping it light… just tracking EU. That short worked out but could have gotten a better entry and in fact did. Added two further position off the hi spike (4h) and closed out all three at original TP for 178 pips. Now back in short off 4h @ 2385.

Looks like distribution is about played out on EU? Current short still in play and added another @ 2424. BE @ 2406.

ST are you enjoying the other place? Never been a great fan but they did
come through in the last few days.

Hopefully NY open will reverse the Euro. 1.23 bulls waiting to run amok?

PS Did put bulls waiting to pounce, but doh, bull pouncing. lol


Are you one of the others in that thread? I can’t keep up with different names, I just use the same one everywhere - including in non-trading fora - to avoid confusing myself lol. Google my name and you will soon find that I’m also into boxing and run an old Land Rover…!

I’m not a massive myself - I have been reading for a while from time to time, and joined a few weeks ago, but it seems to go in for longer threads rather than new threads, so I find navigating tricky, plus it seems more of a closed shop than here. I much prefer it here overall, but the constant gurus and attendant acolytes are beginning to wind me up a little…

Yes, I guess bulls run amok rather than pounce… although as I am short I am currently more concerned whether the EUR/GBP bears can break through the Weekly Pivot… sitting on it as we speak, thought we were through a little while back but we’re stalled again, sigh…

I’m the opposite it helps me to keep up with them by using a different
nik, but if I see people I know I usually make myself known.

As you can probably see I have been a member for 4 years? & only had
18 posts before this week.

There are people over there who I have met in the flesh, so that was a
reason to join.

Euro just gone through 1.23 so maybe E/G will find the weekly pivot
turn into resistance. GBP definitely stronger at the moment against the euro.

Makes sense. I’m just easily confused. So do you have lots of grandchildren…?

Yes, agree with your read on EUR, hoping that EUR/GBP carries on falling, my Stop is at BE so it’s a freebie but so many of those have been hit recently that I’m getting a little sick of it!

4 all girls. lol

Same here I started moving up to 5 pips in profit rather than b/e, just
to retain a little profit on those trades.

PS Just had a thought if HoG was here we could have got him to chap on
matty boys door if address on forums was accurate, taxi for scammer. lol

Wow, four girls, bet they keep you busy! How old are they? I find that kids of the same gender almost take on a pack mentality, in a fun way. We have three sons - 7, 6 and 3 - with a fourth on the way, and it’s hilarious, organized chaos. Given that I trade from home, during times that they are at home - like at the moment, it’s school holidays - my working environment is pretty far removed from the Gordon Gekko trader stereotype!

I know what you mean about BE + a few pips not feeling quite so demoralizing. When I have a smaller Stop relative to my target then I sometimes do that. Fortunately EUR/GBP has survived okay overnight so it might not become an issue on this occasion… hopefully.

Yes, where is HoG these days, I emailed him to no avail a little while back? There’s all sorts of fun to be had along those lines.

I get to see them at the weekends, now all of my kids (3 boys, 31, 25, 22, 1 girl, 28)
have flown the nest.

Actually I flew the nest before them, divorced twice, yep I know just needed
to make sure.

So me & my partner, (note not married 3rd time) now live in a quiet bungalow,
she goes out to work & I’m all on my lonesome. Superb. Peace & quiet. The years of
kids banging around the house long gone.

I have that Friday in August feeling coming on with these charts. News at 0930 for
the pound.

The key to success in life, some would say, is figuring out what one wants from it, then working towards it and making it happen. So sounds as though you have cracked the trader dream.

As for the charts - you’re not suggesting that the first non-NFP Friday in August during a deep recession can give us the odd trading disappointment, are you? Where’s your faith lol?!

On that note, I think I’ll take the boys on a bike ride to the local village shop for an ice cream - stay safe out there!


Been away from the charts and the forums for two weeks on holiday - got a lot of catching up to do on all my followed threads…

Just thought id pop in and say happy belated birthday Mr Carter :slight_smile: Hope it was one to remember!

Back on the trading seat as of the coming Monday :slight_smile:

As my first ever post here on this site, I’d just like to make 2 quick points.

  1. Personally, I don’t believe in using an alias in any walk of life. I just believe it opens the doors to any amount of charlatans who have something to hide. Why would you use an assumed name unless you had a hidden agenda???

As for this guy HoG you mention, I’ve actually met him in real life in Glasgow. Jesus Christ what a good looking guy he is !! I would imagine that when the gods were designing man for the first time, that he was pretty much the blueprint. He’s muscular, bronzed, sculpted like Adonis himself with a firm jutting chin and teeth you could get snow blindness from.

And as for his singing voice, well, that’s another story. Even the larks themselves stop chirping just to listening when HoG starts to sign. But do you all think it’s purely his God-like physique and his incredible singing voice that has all the ladies dropping like flies as the HoGmeister does the John Travolta walk down Sauchiehall Street?? Not at all.

Add those things to his, (not that he would dream of talking about this himself, he’s waaaaaay too modest) humanitarian and environmental work around the world, working under extreme conditions in places that even the Honey Badger is too scared to go, and you have in fact just discovered why he was voted “World Citizen” 4 years in a row.

Apparently as Mother Theressa sighed a last breath on her death bed, she whispered the words, "Ah, at last."
One of her aides asked her, "You mean at last you are going to meet the almighty father Mother Theressa?"
Mother Theressa look at him and smiled, “No,” she replied, “I mean at last I’m free from that Fkg goody two shoes HoG.”

Sorry to have rambled on, but in summary to my first ever, no really it is, first time ever virgin post here on Babypips, I’d like to say never ever use an alias and HoG is the type of guy who could make Chuck Norris wish he was gay.

I’m sure HoG will be back very soon !!!

Ho… I mean gaj48

LOL! Glad to hear you had a great time… I was off in Singapore and also a little island just outside Indonesia called Bintan with a big family group!.. Great holiday away…

Btw, awesome video you shared, only just got down to watching it… So many things i wanted to come back and quote but just great all round video! Saved to my bookmarks :slight_smile:

Sorry for being MIA… my first newborn just arrived :slight_smile:

Next week I hope I’ll have more time to post :slight_smile:

Happy weekend.

Yunny that is fabulous news, many congratulations!!! Delighted for you here.


Just pulled the taxi off the motorway so I could send you congratulations on the birth of baby yunny ( yunny2 I guess ). Delighted for you, but where you think you are going to find all this free time to post even more is definitely the optimism of a first time father LOL !!!
Fantastic news though, it cheered a boring working Saturday night in Glasgow up no end my friend !

Just came home from work and noticed yunny that you are still logged on at this most ungodly hour. You’d better get some sleep my friend, there are plenty of long nights ahead of you now, and I’m not talking about trading !!

Incidentally, boy or girl??