The Trader's Arms - Now Open for Business

:smiley: You couldnā€™t be more right HoGā€¦ Last two nights have been insaneā€¦ just 4 hours of bad sleepā€¦

thank you guys for your congratulations :slight_smile:

Found a new avatar for you yunny:

Donā€™t count on it :smiley:
Itā€™s going to be less sleep, less trading for youā€¦
Congratulations! Hope your newborn will stay healthy and trade with you when grown up :slight_smile:

Congrats Yunny, Glad to hear some good news this weekend. So now the big question with a 2nd edition if Yunny in this world will the markets ever be the same again? I have herd the markets could dry up on day and now I see the possibility that they could dryup into Yunny and Yunnyjrā€™s bank accounts lol. Enjoy my friend they dont stay small forever.

Shorted the Aussie last night at 1-0554 and closed it for +20 at 1-0534 today before I went out shopping for school shoes for the kids.

So thatā€™s another daft idea I can add to the list, (closing the short that is, not the school shoes !! )

Your not the only one that shorted the Aussie last night. I am up 54 pips with my stop at BE right now. Feels good to back in the trading seat with a new laptop. although all the time I spend fishing and playing with my kids was fun. I am a man on a quest and I will not rest till it is done :wink:

I seem to have lost the confidence to let a trade run while Iā€™m not watching it. Iā€™d better sort that out if Iā€™m ever going to be able to spend as much time on the golf course as iā€™d like to LOL !!

Anyway, better dash, guitar lesson tonight, new teacher so better get the apple polished and best not be late !!

Of all the posts on all the threads on this site, isnā€™t that comment just the truth???

Congratulations Yunny :slight_smile:

Did the fiber and cable post their weekly high this morning during London Open? ORā€¦ another pop up? Iā€™m looking for shorts this week can you tell? hehe

Right now I look much worse than the guy in the picture :smiley:

Iā€™m thinking more along the lines of an Aussie short pipmart. Could obviously be wrong, wouldnā€™t be the first time LOL !!

Cheer up yunny, only another 5 or 6 years to go and youā€™ll be in with a chance of getting a full nights sleep. Not promising youā€™ll get one mind you, but youā€™ll definitely be in with a chance :D:D:D

I figure bobmanic doesnā€™t need my help in shorting the Aussie into extinctionā€¦ that pair doesnā€™t have a chance with him around. haha :wink:

Lol well I have been short since Sunday. Lets just say its been a good week :smiley: but I can always use a fellow babypipsterā€™s helping hand. As long as you know I am not sharing my rock over the pond.

Putting that new trading machine to good use I see. Ainā€™t it nice to have the right tools for the job? :smiley:

Well someone has to pay for it and I sure dont want it to be me :smiley:

Looking round the houses it would seem the only pair I would like to short right now is GU. However EU and AU are giving some mixed signals right now so I think this may be the appropriate time to stick the kettle on and break open another packet of those chocolate hobnobs.

Donā€™t know if I can be bothered going downstairs though cos my leg is sore. I was in Cuba the other week taking part in the Glaswegian taxi drivers annual cross dressing, cigar rolling on our inner thigh holiday and this guy called Carter kept coming in demanding more cigars. You should see the bruises on my inner thigh, Sssshheesshh !!

Iā€™m surprised the huge HOG Tattoo didnā€™t blow your coverā€¦ :smiley: If Carter would have seen it he would have swam all the way back home. lol

At least he didnā€™t get all Clinton-esque on you. That wouldnā€™t have been pretty.