The Trader's Arms - Now Open for Business

Belated congrats Yunny! OMG… you’ve gone and done it now… the first one is the life changer! :wink:

Those cigars (took two boxes home) take two days to smoke! LOL!!! And if I’d known you err… HOG, had rolled them on your inner thigh, it would take a bloody sight longer!

Shorted EU from 2370 and closed out at 2265, then long from 2272. Tomorrow looks like it might be tight though? So TP @ 2296.

Well that topped out for a relatively early night on the 4h. Don’t see PA going much past 2318 tomorrow though… good hunting! :wink:

Mr Carter and I would have to have found ourselves in a very strange situation indeed for him to have noticed that tattoo my friend LOL !!

Savouring them you mean??

EU short 2322!

I’m short from 2330… its not moving down in a hurry like I would like. lol we will see.

No but its at the top end’ish on the daily. So were probably safe? LOL

The thought of being a mixture of Captain Kirk and Danny Crane is an offer I couldn’t’refuse. But do you mind if we swap the brandy and cigars for tea and hobnobs ?? As for the wedding bit, I understand completely. You don’t want to be known as Mrs Hog right ??

Please guys your killing me. the picture in my head my need therapy for a long time for me to get over

A picture of hog? or his tattoo? Don’t let the tea and hobnobs fool you, he is a tough hombre. :50:

Got stopped out at 1.235… hope they aren’t JUST raiding stops from Yesterdays high. lol

Where did you get the pic of Mrs HoG pipmart??

Anyway, just took an AU short off the 4H at 1-0515. Stop 1-0535, Target is Aston Martin Vanquish !!

Here’s a quick question for ST which I was meaning to ask the other day but it totally went out of my mind due to RC breaking my heart and telling me he didn’t want to get married. I noticed on another thread recently you mentioned your “end of day trading”.

When you say end of day, are you referring to end of London trading, end of New York or 10 pm GMT end of entire trading day?

And yes, you both probably are mad going for No 4, but I can’t help feeling a tinge of jealousy, especially as Mrs HoG had me “seen to” a few years ago.

Don’t tempt me RC, I may just be forced to start a new thread inviting guesses as to your surname now.

As for my AU short, FXCM Dollar index looks as though it could fall from the daily chart;

Have to be honest and say I took the short more from the 1H rather than the 4H. And barring any worse than normal bad news from EZ I think EU is going to 1-25, which won’t bode well for my AU but hopefully I’ll be out of it by then. If it does drop to around 1-0490 I’ll move to BE and then it can do what it likes. Targeting 1-0465/75 area.

I bet you’ll never guess! :wink:

Aha !! A challenge. Give me an hour or two to come up with some possibilities and it’s game on my friend.

Looks like my Aussie survived a run up to 1-0530 to close out at 1-0465. Tea and toast tastes a little better this morning

Ok, how about these;

R Long
R Short
R Bull
R Bear
R Bollinger
R MACDonald
R Cable
R Bett
R Ichimoku
R To Whom It May Concern

Close yet ???

I was thinking something along the lines of:

R… You-Seriously-Going-To-Trade-A-5m-Chart ?

Couldnt resisit :smiley: lol

Told you, this could easily end up as a thread all by itself, started by a Mr R Please God Let Me Get Back To Break Even

Now now… entered another short at the time I probably should have in the first place (end of day) @ 2356 which took BE to 2340, so as it currently stands I’m plus 78. :slight_smile:

Always nice heading into the weekend with a plus sign