The Trader's Arms - Now Open for Business

Morning HoG,

Sorry I did not get around to this sooner - various baby-related appointments on Friday, then a busy weekend decorating. Mrs Templar tends to go into full on nesting mode when pregnant, which means that I end up doing five years’ worth of renovations in three months. Had shutters, sash windows, skirting and bookshelves fitted last week, so I lost my whole weekend to a sea of Farrow & Ball ‘exterior eggshell slipper satin’. That’s off-white paint to you and me.

Mad? Yes, I think we might be, but we figure that we have no control as it is - the boys are three, six (just) and seven, and as we both work mostly from home we do our own childcare. So adding a fourth to the mix can’t make things any more chaotic. Can it…? We figure we’re only going to get one run at life, plus our two family vehicles have seven and 12 (an old Land Rover, not a minibus) seats respectively, and the house has five bedrooms, so we are kidding ourselves that it won’t make much of a difference to anything other than being an all-round positive…

Mrs HoG had you seen to? Cripes! I realize that this comes a little late in the day, but if that subject ever comes up in conversation, select the nearest exit - a window will do if the door is blocked, preferably an open one but again not essential - and make a swift one through it. That’s my plan.

I was sorry to read of you and RC hitting a road bump, but perhaps he is just playing hard to get? I am sure that I speak for the rest of the thread when I assure you both that we will collectively be supportive of however you both wish to proceed.

Anyway, on with the trading question (eventually!): Yes, close of everything, I do a 30 minute (or less if there is nothing out there, or nothing if I already have enough open exposure to the market) scan five nights a week (Sunday-Thursday), any time between 10pm and midnight. I place orders overnight based on the close of that day’s Daily bar (I leave it that late in order that I can see how the day closed). For example, I shorted EUR/GBP via an order overnight on 7th August, based on that evening’s scan. It’s a nice, low risk approach to trading that does not impact on the rest of my life and gives me a staple income. I then tend to ramp the intrday trading up and down depending on market conditions, what time I have available etc. I hope that that answers the question, do feel free to ask more if not!

Good morning all, by the way!!


I’m long from 1.2332. Happened to be up early and saw it bouncing along those 100 & 200 SMAs on the hourly which also lined up with a Fib level. Seemed like a decent entry near the lows with some room to run up if it works out. Sitting at around +27 now and maybe not firming as much as it should given what’s going on in the market so we’ll see I guess…

Edit: Suspicions about lack of firming confirmed - out at B/E.

Actually there’s a wee story connected to that ( I tend to have a wee story connected to most things mind you ) which as you can all well imagine has sod all to do with trading but I’ll tell you it anyway.

Strange as it may seem I have always had a phobia about hair dressers. I’m not scared of them, I just can’t talk to them while they are cutting my hair. Strange I know, but then most phobias are strange. Now no-one who knows me would ever describe me as ’ shy ’ or ‘a bit quiet’. You may well have a whole list of descriptions, but even I know that the words ‘shy or a bit quiet’ won’t be needed.

Anyway, for those of you who remember the Beginners Disaster thread, this hair dresser phobia was actually what caused me to buy the hair clippers to destroy, I mean CUT my own hair. I don’t want to tell a hair dresser where I’m going on my holidays, or why I’m not at work, just cut my hair and let me go !!

So moving on to the morning of the vasectomy, you can probably imagine, considering this hair cutting phobia, I wasn’t exactly the most talkative guy you’ve ever met. Add that to the fact that the “operating room” was no more than a broom cupboard with a trolley for me to lie on rather than the vast theatre with flashing monitors and a defib machine, just in-case I ‘crashed’, that I was expecting, then it’s fair to say I was, how shall I put it, absolutely sh****ng myself.

Then in comes the doctor who proceeds to instruct me to drop my tweeds and hop up on to the trolley, or vice versa, didn’t really matter as long as the end result was me on the trolley with my trousers at my ankles.

Her first course of action was to administer the local aneasthetic, under which the “operation” would be carried out, not that this was necessary as by now my entire body had went numb from head to toe and at this point I vaguely remember one of us saying to the other one, “You may just feel a little pr*ck.” though I can’t be sure who it was. I fear however it may well have been me as most parts of my body had entered retreat mode some 5 minutes earlier, except for my sweat glands that is who where relentlessly performing their given duties with gay abandon by now.

Anyway, after assuring me that I had just been given the injection, she picks up the scalpel, and with it hovering inches above the last part of your body you want a scalpel anywhere near and with the room light glinting off it’s razor sharp edge, my hand to God she pauses. And after a couple of seconds, which seemed like 3 hours at the time, she turns to face me and says, "So, are you going away on holiday this year?"
Swear to God.

My minds racing, I’m in a panic, considering the circumstances I’m under severe pressure, and now she’s went and asked “the hair dresser” question. I had to think fast, not on my feet obviously, but I had to act nevertheless. Time to improvise.

Looking back on my life I have a tendency to link a lot of the things life throws you to golf. Like stressful times just like being in the deep rough etc, so it came as no surprise to me when faced with this question, that my mouth took the executive decision to bypass the brain and hand out some classic sports advice to the doctor.

“You just focus and keep your eye on the ball.” it told her.

Awesome tale! Crying with laughter here!

Reminds me of a day many many years ago, working Saturdays in B&Q for a bit of beer money. A buxom lady with tattoos of snakes on her chest asked me where to locate the weed killer, I instructed her that it was down this particular isle, on the right hand side, just past the snakes… I wanted to die right there!


I believe it’s known as a Fruedian slip GG.

I think hog missed his calling as a short story author… Tales from the Trader’s Arms… or maybe… Hobnobs with Hog… how bout… Flying Hogs: Tales of Valor and Romance…

I had a pending order set to buy euro at 1.23 during London Open… the order expired and then price reached there during nyo. Go figure… That’s what I get for not getting up early and checking things.

Had you been there on the day pipmart, which you can only thank God you weren’t, you would have noticed a distinct lack of Valor and Romance. You would also have noticed a distinct lack of bravery, conversation and colour in my face. There is also another small part of that story which I have intentionally omitted, while we’re on the subject things that are missing, but that is probably a story for another day.

Bad luck on the 1-23 long, I’m just home from guitar lesson so I’ll have a quick shower and get back on here if anything catches my eye.

Just had a thought, if anyone ever joins this thread with the username “The Hairdresser” (why they would God only knows) I wouldn’t answer any of their posts, I’d just sit here, staring at their post, wishing they would go away

Actually like the look of an Aussie short from the weekly chart down to the 1 hour. Probably would go short from present level (1-446) looking for at least below yesterday’s low (1-0413 I think) and down to 1-330 eventually.

But all ranges seem to be very small right now, still like the short though. Stop would probably go around yesterday’s high roughly 1-0470

Let’s don’t start that thread again… is it or isn’t it? LOL

Took the above Aussie trade over night in my demo account just to satisfy my “need to trade”. Actually finding it a good way to use the demo account. Just as well it was not live account as it didn’t work out too well. Next Resistance area looks to be around 1-530 area though it did creep up to 1-0520 while I was at school with the youngest, and is now back down around 1-0508, so may have missed that entry.

Not working today anyway so it’s eyes on the charts.

Hilarious, and has also pretty much guaranteed that four kids could be just the start for Mrs Templar as I just don’t think I could see that scalpel and do anything other than defend myself. Fight or flight would kick in!

I can just see us all sending you and Mrs T the “Congrstulations, it’s a boy !!” card twenty years from now LOL !! You may be reaching for tbe scalpel yourself by that time mate LOL !!

Took the Aussie short at 1-0508. Tight stop at 1-0520, no target set

Aussie short got stopped out by 1.9 pips then price reverses. Bet you I’m the only trader in the whole world that has ever happened to eh ???

must be HOG. I have been short the Aussie since sunday of last week. I did get a little nervous today as I trailed my stop to 1.0530 and price came awful close to that level.

1.9 pips is aggravating… almost as aggravating as getting it wrong by 60 pips. lol I tried shorting gbp at 1.5733 this morning. Looks like i had my bias all wrong. haha

It took out my remaining EUR/GBP short, too. I’m officially sulking for the rest of the day.

Nothing that some good old gears of war cant fix! :slight_smile:

Ive been flat since last week, took one trade last week which i closed at BE… Was looking for more of a retracement to the downside on EU and GU before getting in… Looking at higher time frames and only two pairs really does test the patience lol!

Aaaaahhhh…patience, I remember that !!!

Yes patience I remember I had that once a long time ago before I had a wife and kids lol