The Trader's Arms - Now Open for Business

Indeed! However, I finished GOW3 last week, and am currently immersed in Fallout 3 (you can tell I have kids, an old house and a job, I’m always behind the times). Mrs Templar is in London overnight so once I have the kids to bed I’ll be nosing around a bleak, post-apolcalyptic wilderness (and no, I’m not visiting HoG…!) looking for some bad guys to vent my anger on.

Lol however on this occasion patience truly is a virtue. I’m just looking forward to the end of the holidays, and hoping that September wakes things up a little. I have not taken much this month, and all of it end of day.

Is that not HOPE you’re thinking of bobmaninc ???

If you’re looking to vent your anger on some-one my old friend then I’ll take it as a result that you’re NOT visiting me LOL !!!

As well as money and any hope of having the casting vote in any situation!

No we had lost that term so long ago I forgot it even exists anymore

Actually I can not say that I have hope that one day my house will be quite again :51:

Keep your rendezvous limited to Cuba guys. What happens in Cuba stays in Cuba…

Yeah I dont think they have utube over there so it would be safe to assume that lol

So speaks the voice of experience then eh ??? Anything you’d like to share amongst us boys pipmart ??

The Glasgow taxi cross dressing outing to Cuba is not a secret, everybody in our extremely private close knit exclusive club knows about it !!

Patience, money , the casting vote…keep talking boys, the memories are flooding back LOL !!

Along with everyone who goggles Cuba now.

No-one will realise it’s us though bobmaninc, they’ll just think they are looking at some extremely ugly Cuban women, who just happen to be very good at the Scottish accent

I would not be so sure about that just something about the hairy legs on a beach with a bunch of good looking women. I think you would stand out a little. Especially when one of them had a golf club in one hand and a hob nob in the other

Even the hurricanes stayed away during your little get together. You know its bad when even mother nature dont want no part of that

Ugly women with hairy legs, a golf club in one hand and a nob in the other hand. Could be any Saturday night in a Glasgow night club you’ve just described my friend.

Maybe the hurricanes are just plain scared LOL!!

LMAO Yeah there were more than hurricanes scared my friend. You guys were less than 100 miles from Florida. Thats a little to close to me for comfort

Anyway, Glasgow night life aside, I did mention the other day that I thought EU was heading to 1-25, just happened to mention it a day too early and I’m now wondering why I didn’t go long EU instead of short AU. Don’t figure huh?

However, looking at the daily I’m now wondering if it stops until it goes over 1-26:

Get you next year then mate !!

And NOW the AU decides to go to the mid 1-0480’s. Just makes perfect sense.

Mind you, I probably made the mistake of placing the trade shortly before NY open, and sometimes I think the NY action mirrors LO and LO did go up before taking a dip. So all in all it was probably a good enough trade just placed at the wrong time. Tight stop made it bearable though

I hear some rumours that Gears of War 4 should be on the horizon i think early next year - something for your calendar! I’m personally counting down to Halo 4 this November… That said, final year of University commences from mid September - its a shame it’ll get in the way of some solid game time! lol

The way my trading has been going it will be a long time before I can afford the taxi fare there! lol I’m resisting the desire to short the euro and pound again… lol

Well dont be to afraid but use caution. I would mention what happened to the Aussie today but probably a bad idea since HOG’s short didnt work so well. USD is underpriced considering everything going on with your 2 pairs. My one pair it is fairing about right to continue a northern slope and my short is still going well. I am play the techincals more than findis right now (as most of the time). I will say though its only a matter of time till benstankie speaks to swap the market for a minute. When he does speak that crap look to long dips then. Untill then those pairs just went and overextended themselves IMO. Do not take that as trade advise just personal opinion. As you know I dont trade those pairs and for good reason.