The VIPER Couch

I like your honesty. And you know what? You have something other people don’t have… you have to constantly check your state, be aware… ensure growth, not sliding back… but they’re so many “normal “ people out there, me including, who would HUGELY BENEFIT FROM YOUR DISCIPLINE. Can I ask you a favour? Would you teach me, help me… I need more discipline

TradeViper’s last post was 10 months ago, but every thing is still the same. Market is still out there. The ‘gurus’ is still out there. The true words, will be for ever.

Old mate @TradeViper hope all is going well my friend. Is Mrs Viper well?

Burnt myself out a couple of years ago and have been more family focus. But I’m back raising hell once again. Its a very very strange sterile place now.

Just had to to bump this thread, hope the peeps get some value out of it. Little do they know the true wisdom hidden here.

He has a lot to say and I give credit where credit is due @TradeViper writes very well.

I might add that the Viper and I are of a similar vintage.

If I didn’t know better I would say you have a man crush on the viper.

Nevertheless I always struggle with those who promote negativity towards the subject at hand.
The world maybe a crazy place full of numphties but that is no reason to view everything in a negative pessimist way. Traders will do whatever they want to do and if they get burnt well that is their problem.


I would :wink: :grin:

This is a very good point. It is possible to know many important things from this post.

Yes, you are right I agree with you.

Be truthful, how many here have felt and are still feeling negative psychological effects from the “pandemic”

The Never Caught The Rona VIPER

Wife has a cold - just minutes back I suggested a covid test.

She laughed at me, I laughed at myself - bad times are over.

TradeViper’s insights highlight the importance of self-awareness in trading. stonecoldmichael’s story emphasizes adapting one’s approach to personal strengths and weaknesses. These narratives underscore that trading success involves understanding both strategies and the human psyche.