The Wolf Pack -- ICT Tools & Concepts in Action --

I also have all the PCT videos and also most of the forexmas vids, if anybody would like any of them, PM me (unfortunately my eyes aren’t HD though all 480p!!).

Right, new thread, new month… lets get this show on the road!

Fiber long at LO - first TP hit for 20 pips - stop moved up to BE +1, just stuck in the mud at this point waiting for 2nd TP to be hit.
Just waiting for 2nd TP to be stopped out at Be +1 - 20 pips i’ll take it

It’s funny how you guys went long and I went long and short off the same charts and teachings. I suppose ICT was right when he says to be careful trading inside fair value as price can go either way. It’s also good we each make profit. I am staying out now until price moves to either a buy or sell position.

I think it’s about Search & Destroy (everybody’s stops) day, or am I wrong?

Personally, i’m in a scalping mood on such occasion)
Today has brought me +20 pips going up from .3320 to .3340, than +20 same way back down, and +20 up once again)

Last post of the day for me.

First thanks to Ake for starting this thread, but I can’t help thinking if ICT will be OK. I’d hate to think he is in deep s**t after all the effort he has put into helping us in our trading.

If you can read this ICT, I’d like to think we are here to help in any way we can if you need it.

Good luck and Many thanks.

Nice one Ake… I think it’s good direction.
I’ll mostly be lurking until I feel that I’m up to speed.
I look forward to seeing you guys continue with ICT’s stuff.
Best of luck to all.

Wow, I am really glad to see that the disciples of ICT can regroup and march forward. I am new but ready and willing to take this journey with you guys. You are giving the “little” people like me the hope and confidence to achieve our dreams. Thank you for sharing and keeping ICT’s teachings alive!

Glad to hear someone is taking this forward.

I’m n board too (if I’m welcomed of course).
Will keep quiet as not considering myself ready and mastered the tools to perfection yet. :slight_smile: :53:

Ake, like the fact you’ve included ICT in the name, I was going to ask for it when thread was in planning stage yet. Rather good start thought, 5 pages in for 24 hrs. :wink:


I’d call it more of a z day.

pretty bland. Didn’t see the lightning in a bottle search and destroy. I think yesterday could have been S&D.

Go get 'em boys… uh & gals. :wink:

Great to hear from you Michael - there’s been some concern !!

yeeeeei! that was rather short vacation?!! :smiley:

I was in contact with Michael overnight and learned from him that his absence is necessary, but temporary.

Then I had to be away from my computer until about 3pm today, and was not able to pass on to you any of this news.

When I finally was able to return to the forum, I saw that Michael had just posted a couple of brief messages, so you guys at least know that he is still around and kicking, and lurking here on Babypips.

[B]It isn’t clear to me how much of Michael’s email he intended for me to share publicly.[/B]

So, I will copy and paste only a portion of his email here:


I was contacted and an inquiry was made concerning my CTA status and or the lack thereof…

To protect myself I have to remove any suggestion that I am doing a live alert, signal, or advise for Trading…

I’m not done just need to be sure I comply. It might look like ashes right now… but a rebirth is in the works.

I will refrain from posting or signing on but communicate patience. The fire still burns.

Please forward to Ananais BP mod… She emailed me but to keep their site from hassle I refrained from reply.

It’s not over :wink:


So, the good news is that things are being re-worked, and Michael will be back.

As he said, “…a rebirth is in the works…The fire still burns.”

Godspeed, Michael.

Welcome back ict.

Hopefully you enjoy the way your demo sniper team was rallying.

Maybe now the “here’s my email address” posts can stop.

Look forward to continuing success for all.

Btw. Was deeply touched by the rascal flats song. Truly appropriate.

Uh. Thanks Clint for the scoop.

I kinda gotta hint 5 posts down. :slight_smile:

No scoop intended.

I assume by Michaels comment in the other thread about needing to scrub millionaires guild references…we might stay parked in this thread.

Ok so this gives me some time to study/practice/watch materials. That way I wont be such a novice “trader” when the phoenix rises.