The Z Pattern

I find it difficult to trade setups on the 30minute chart due to the spread on currencies, price is always opened either a few pips up or down from the ask price… Any suggestions Kasravi?

For now I am only sticking to 1hr- 4hr chart setups!

I suggest to trade those pairs with the lowest spread your broker provides. To the 30M chart I have to say that, it could get quite tricky. And the only reason I zoom down to that TF is because price stalls at an area of my interest and I’m looking for a signal.

1hr and 4hr,8hr are strong movers. you’ll find tons of setups on those TFs.

Have a good Weekend everyone


It’s the weekend again, and a little side story wont hurt;

Many times I get the question asked that how many trades do you get per day,week or month? How reliable is it to trade Z Patterns? How come most of the setups that you post workout fine but when I trade my SL gets run over? All legit questions.

I can only pour my knowledge out on paper for you. How your brain receives it and how you put to practise what you learn is subject to the infinity of each and individual of you Traders.

When I first embarked on my trading journey, I didn’t pull Setups out of my hat just like that. It took countless hours and a hell lot of personal psychology management to get it right. That’s why I’m the master of my own brain. I fell a lot of times but always managed to get back in the game.

But back to the questions. Is Z Pattern trading going to make you rich quick? I can assure you that once you traded 20-25 Setups correctly. You’ll see a big positive difference in your account. If you are willing to put the time and effort in your trading business.

I spend somewhere btw. 3-5 hours a day on my trading business. I check my charts at night and take notes of my anticipations. In the morning when I wake up I have all my charts that I’m going to monitor for the day nicely arrayed next to each other. I know exactly what i’m looking for and once a Setup lines up I set my orders. If you are willing to do that everyday then there is nothing holding you back from reaching your goals. You’ll be so engaged in your trading that you won’t realize all those profits compounding in your account!

So here is my advice fo you fellow traders out there:

Keep that learning momentum up and always bounce backup when the market throws you a heavy blow. Have a trading regime and stick to it, trading is not a hobby, it’s life!

Have a great trading Week.



A Z Pattern has been completed on the 4h chart of this pair. This Setup could be an opportunity to hop on the rallies from last week, only if recent highs give way.


Dear Kasravi,

First of all, I would like to thank you for your generosity in sharing your discovery of the z pattern. I have been trying to learn the pattern by practicing on charts. Can you please tell me if the attached AUDCAD H1 chart is a proper z pattern? This trade seems like it would have ended up in a loss, was there any way to avoid it? Thanks again for your help.

Hi billy,

Thanks for your kind words.
Suprisingly on my chart it misses to fit a Z Pattern but your chart looks valid. Another point that is that your trade got triggered just out of the conventional trading hours which might cause fake entries. Lastly sometimes some Setups just don’t workout as anticipated, and there is simply nothing we can do about that.

I hope that helps and thanks for sharing your chart with us, looking forward for more!


What do you guys think a valid Z pattern? on NZD/USD H1 chart.

it’s not a z pattern on my chart

Is it important that the price is accurate can’t it be a little there or out of the channel?

Hi Anis,

this link will give you insights into what Setups are invalid.


These are the z Patterns I played lately;


This Setup emerged after a nice pullback from a recent down momentum.


I hoped that this Setup would carry this pair all the way up again, but after hitting first TP price turned.


A no brainer! Heading down for our weekly VZ.

Hopefully I’ll find the time over the weekend and write Article(s) about where I take my trades from and how traders can boost profitability.


Afternoon mate,

Hope you are well.

Quick question for you - How important is it for the high or a low of a Z Pattern not to be taken out?

A few of the patterns I have seen recently do have the high / low taken out but go on to hit what would be my TP level if I have entered.

Any advice greatly received.


Hi Andrew,

I suggested some ‘wiggle’ factor before. For instance there have been instances where price broke out by a few pips, and the Pattern was still valid to trade. Take a look at the Gold 1h chart. There was a huge Z Pattern which finally hit TP today, which price broke out by a bit before triggering entries.


what do you think of this one guys on the H4 EUR/GBP

Thanks for the help.


Explain strategy :smiley: bagged 200 pips on EUR/GBP the chart I posted :smiley:
Had one question to ask still can we trade the Z patterns on daily as higher TFs are more reliable in my view ?


That’s some superb trading right there. If you have a strong consensus in one direction, then the Z Pattern could give you a nice entry. For instance in october last year on the NZD/USD daily chart there was a daily pinbar which ironically completed the last leg of a Z Pattern too. I think Adamjn pointed the setup out back then in another forum, for what he believed to be the right shoulder of a head n’shoulder. Needless to say the trade was a killer.


Hey thanks :slight_smile: I was asking because I had entered on a trade on CAD/CHF as I though that a Z pattern has formed here is the chart.

I’m in favour of this trade.


Glad to here that :smiley: I’m really getting interested in this thread and I am still trying to be good at this strategy and currently I am using PSAR indicator to get an entry will see how that works :slight_smile: and one more thing 2 Z patterns has formed on EUR/USD and USD/CHF… let’s hope for the best fingers crossed :51: