The Z Pattern

Currently looking for longs on eur/usd.


I hit SL on my USD/CAD 1 Hr trade for -37 pips.

Thanks for your update Hector. Priced moved pretty good in your direction, before it shed due to us weakness.


It did make a good early move, I was feeling very good about.

Totals for this week: 2 trades, 1 winner for +51 pips, 1 loser for -37 pips, net profit +14.

I still have 1 open trade USD/JPY 4 Hr. I’m hoping it does not gap open and stop me out.


I was away so could not post.
On my USD/CAD 1 hr trade. I had a two position trade. 1st trade TP at 1.1250, move to break even on 2nd position, which was stopped out.

Update on U/J trade.

The 107.90 level is holding tight. Once that gives way, it’s a quick shoot to TP.

ps: I am writing a series of articles about reading momentum on the charts and how to get on massive candles that shoot through the charts.

Can’t wait to read it!


The SL was taken out so this pattern is now invalid.

Took a quick Buy on the AUD/JPY 8Hr. Hit TP, I feel that there is more upside to this one yet. But given the less the desirable R:R I started with, I didn’t want to risk going for more and also didn’t think my SL would hold up for how I wanted to manage this small Z. So I kept it simple, which i’m already second guessing. Oh well, on to the next trade :wink:

Update: I don’t want to beat myself up to much over my last trade. But I think I missed going longer on a nice set up coming off my marked recent VZ. Hazard of late night (my time) trading I guess :30:

Hi guys,

1 Winner, 2 Losses so far in the week. The losses were perfect Z patterns. Very disappointing. Take a look below.

Roni, go back and read my post where I said that this trade doesn’t matter. It is just the latest in a series of THOUSANDS of trades I will make, that I know will be profitable overall.

BIG DEAL. 1 winner, 2 losers. Just really THINK about what this means in the context of your trading over the next 10 years, or 20 years, or longer…

It means JACK.

With the greatest of respect mate, you need to get your head in to a better place before you will ever be successful trading…

Exactly what I was thinking too. Don’t let these runners get away too easy.
Nonetheless you banked in some profits, that is a good thing.


CHF/JPY 4 Hr. Financial news coming out of Japan at 23:50 GMT which may move the market.

No mate. Nothing to do with not having your head in a better place. This week has just shown more fake Z patterns than any other thats all im stating. So as a result im in negative this week.

1 Winner and 3 Losses. USDCAD 1hr pttern stopped out this morning.


Hi Roni,

Sorry if my post seemed harsh. I’ll try to keep it friendly.

I presume your USDCAD is the one shown?

Nice pattern, but when did it trigger? Middle of a SUNDAY night.

So, it was a no trade according to the rules set out by Kasravi.

Middle of a Sunday night? Think you need to re-check your facts. It triggered yesterday early morning 1am (Wednesday).

I’ll not get drawn into an argument. OK, so I got the DAY wrong, but the fact is that it still isn’t a VALID Z pattern trade because it wasn’t in London or USA sessions…

I was stopped out on my CHF/JPY 4 Hr for -21 pips.

I’m out USD/JPY 4 Hr for -34 pips.