This post is for all of you wannabe Fulltime Forex Traders

what your saying is…“he is new, but his info is good”

I haven’t read him enough to discern from a personal point of view if he’s a newbie or not. The fact that he’s new to this forum doesn’t prove he’s a newbie at trading, just like the fact that I or anyone else here has more than 1000’s posts doesn’t mean we’re experts.

So far, I like what I saw… so far.

but he’s new…when your new you do alot of reading and research .we all know that…i could compile a document from my forex folder and it would blow your mind, none of it is my work, it would be a cut and paste of other peoples work i got from here and FF etc…what is the point in that?

Exactly, if he doesn’t seem like knowing what he’s talking about, that’s why we’re a community here and if someone finds some of the info is not accurate then of course that someone will start asking questions.

why lie about making money and being rich…who cares if the info is good…whats the agenda here?

To be honest I don’t care about his personal life, but I care about the info until proven wrong. If he has an agenda it’ll come up, it always does. Personally I think this should be a new rule in the forum. To not allow someone be flamboyant about anything, just pure objective info.

lets say the info is good, and mike gave it you, who are you going to question about the info, when your not sure about it?..mike?..he is a newbie like many of us…so he is going to reply with answers that might be wrong? that acceptable in here?

Again, eventually you’d notice he has no idea what he’s talking about and he’ll die by his mouth. Naive would be of anyone to put at risk money at something they have not demo tested. And this include any other trading system/method presented in any forum.

This webiste is here for newbie traders, if you experienced guys offer this thread anymore credibility, they will start to belive in it too…

As I said before, so far, I like the information he presented, I’ve been using succesfully for a while some of the principles he is presenting, and he’s not the only one doing this. In my reply to TalonD I posted some other resources of quality information that you can find useful and that relates to what was intended to be posted here.

I would’ve wanted this thread to come to a conclusion, just as some other threads I mentioned before that didn’¡t come to an end because of the attacks.

I’m not saying he’s not lying, I’m saying let him make his point and loud and clearly demonstrate what he’s made of.

Lol, I’m sorry [B]TalonD[/B], I[I][B] meant My post was not addressed at you[/B][/I]. :o

All the best.

another one bites the dust

There seems to be no doubt it was the same guy posting on this forum and the other one, what doesnt make sense is why would someone present himself as a newbie trader still demo trading on one, and an experienced successful millionaire trader on the other ?
There must be a motive behind this I would love to know what it is.

The power point presentation looks use less. I looked over it and it didn’t have anything in detail. You can learn the same stuff and even more at the BabyPips School. I’d like to see how his blog turns out in a couple months. He states on his blog that he will do live charts with videos. We’ll see… That is the only way he can prove himself. If he doesn’t do videos then he can just look at the previous days charts and make stuff up.

It’s his secret plan, it’s on page 48 of his word .doc I’ve provided a link too

Let me google that for you

:slight_smile: no problem, I figured that’s what you meant.

that was funny, botulinum and prison breaks LOL

PowerPoints aren’t meant to be detailed. They are points… like an outline. It’s the presenters job to fill in the details. As an outline that looks like a good one.

$1000 to a Mill in 8 months? Somehow I just don’t see it happening.

After this post I’m not saying any more… I’m done. Just going to sit back and lurk for a while…


He’s got game at least.


I swore to myself I’d keep away from this thread and not post in it but I cannot restrain myself any longer!!! LOL!!! I just have to say that I’ve seen some threads go WAY ‘off topic’ over the past few years but THIS one wins ‘hands down’!!! LOL!!!

Look (and for what it’s worth): I have no idea who this ‘mikeanthonyb’ is (well other than what I’ve read here and on the other sites of course) but if this guy can turn $1 000 into $1 000 000 within a year then ‘kudos’ to him just as long as the trades can be verified and details of EVERY trade are shared. I mean: new traders don’t just ‘jump in’ i.e. give it a few months and follow the trades through until you can see that whatever it is that he’s doing is working (or not).

I look forward to the next exciting installment here!!! LOL!!!



Just wondering… do you have the same problem with the - Is Forex Gambling thread? :rolleyes:

I used to have the same problem with The X Factor, it took me a while, but I’m over it now!

Funny you should ask!!! LOL!!! Although let’s be honest: the ‘Is Forex Gambling?’ thread has (for the MOST part anyway) managed to at least stay ‘on topic’ really. I have to say that I try to stay ‘up to date’ with that thread too (if not for any other reason than it’s entertainment value)!!! THIS thread, in a very short space of time, has managed to go from ‘congrats’ and ‘thanks’ to the thread starter, to (apparent) ‘identity theft’, to pictures of ‘fluff’!!! LOL!!! And all this in around ONLY 21 pages!!! OK: the ‘Is Forex Gambling?’ thread is also about the same length NOW BUT if memory serves me correctly that thread was ‘cleaned out’ or deleted after a good few pages and then it appeared again ‘as if by magic’.



What an ugly bunch of folks people though!

Good job they’re gone then!

Like a now you see me now you don’t like a zebra crossing a zebra crossing - gee I’m :confused:

I like this:

like a zebra crossing a zebra crossing


I gotta tell you though: I’m still trying to figure out who ‘mizuki’ is and why the pictures (I keep thinking I’m missing something here and it’s going to keep me awake for days now)!!! And what bull is that that he’s sitting on (it’s not the NYSE bull THAT’S for sure)!!! LOL!!!



Hi, it’s an interesting thread that I have ever read. how can I start to do the daytrading ?

Well, first of all you got to learn to walk the walk and talk the talk, and thereafter it’s more or less all downhill.

I said I wasn’t going to post again but after all that I have one more good one. It’s a great picture! Will have to wait till tonight though so stay tuned to this same bat channel…

oh he better watch that two finger salute if he plans any travel to the UK though!

should say something about forex I suppose. Bailed out of my sell earlier about break even. Entered another at 1.6040 on GU…