This post is for all of you wannabe Fulltime Forex Traders

Man, I was really hopeful. I am a newbie and I am open to different strategies.

But on a different note, I do feel a sense of bitterness amongst the people here specially those who do have some or alot of trading experience.

I thought the more people there are, the better it would be for forex since that would create more volatility. But I guess the experienced people are telling us something different.

hereā€™s the original postā€¦ it has since been edited :slight_smile:

Funny, I did a google search on talond, thereā€™s a surprising number of hits that arenā€™t me. But thereā€™s no denying, this is from him.

Nothing wrong with having lofty goals. I just want a 1934 Ford Coupe

here is one you could check out. I havenā€™t found anything negative about this one so far.

As for Mike Anthony Iā€™m still not convinced that he didnā€™t have something good to offer despite the fact that he is a noob presenting himself as knowlegableā€¦ you just never knowā€¦

positive thinking man!

rock on mike anthony b, maybe we can have a yacht party some dayā€¦

Jeez Forex forums are getting weirder and weirderā€¦

you can say that again !

Lol, they sure are. Thought Iā€™d seen it all with some of the previous wierdness thatā€™s come and gone on here, but this is a new angle of wierdness!!

I had high expectations for this thread. The conclusion for newbies (myself included): educate yourself, work hard, and keep dreaming.
There is no free lunch.

I came. I saw. I ROFLā€™d.

at the risk of adding to all the weirdnessā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue:

If you are going to impersonate someone wouldnā€™t you do it in some obvious and highly visible way instead of in some obscure backwater? Itā€™s just sheer luck I stumbled upon that post. Whoever posted it should have his impersonators liscense revoked.

I think weā€™ve reached a new low for this forum. 'Twas an entertaining journey if nothing else. Could be due more strangeness though before weā€™re done. Trying to pick a bottom in both forex and forum weirdness levels is a fraught ridden enterprise!

picking bottoms? hmm I prefer picking tops myself. just a little while ago I sold GBP/USD at 1.59022 thatā€™s got to be close to a topā€¦

Talon after you posted this he went back and edited the newbie part out today.:wink:

Geez! This place is hostile isnā€™t it?

For what itā€™s worth, the information presented in the Power Point presentation is legit and really great. Basic yet very useful. Iā€™ll try to post the link to it for you to judge it.

It resembles a lot and totally complements ICT infomation, Chriā€™s Lori method, and the Technical Templates Thread principles, and With that in mind you can be sure the info is valuable.

For the OP I donā€™t know, but let him prove himself right or wrong, based on the info presented. Is he charging you $omething?. Is he asking you for anything?

I hate the fact that many people wether loves or hates a thread starter, instead of lettin him even start presenting his material. This is like the 5th time I see something like this.

Remeber the ā€œA system that canā€™t loseā€ Thread? It was bashed way before the OP could make a point, and all because of the title, even though he was presenting good information Geez even a section of BP is named the Holy Grial section. No more than 2 weeks later Tymen started a thread called something like ā€œThe finest method ever presented hereā€ or something like that. No one said a word and even there were people who qualified it as ā€œbrilliantā€. :confused: I respect him, but I never ever could watch him trade live, always a computer problem or something. Someone so succesful should at least have a state of the art computer system donā€™t you think?

Iā€™m not bashing him either, but my point is let people present his info, post count is meaningless for that matter.

If I were one of those OPā€™s (ICT, Mike, you name them) surely Iā€™d be going somewhere else in no time.

The guy is not going to manage your money, and fool of you if you let do that to a random internet guy, see what happened with Jacko at Forex Factory. But could you at least let the information flow?

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Thing is mike, you joined that site on the 27th spetemberā€¦nobody in here, or the bb dna room knew who you were then?!

you started this thread on 28th septemeber?..again none of us knew who you were on here, or the bb dna chatroomā€¦so nobody had reason to disagree with your cliams.

your first day in the bbdna chatroom was 7th october (i was there)ā€¦again nobody in the room knew who you wereā€¦aserat invited you there after reading this thread.

the post on that forum was made longggggggggggg before any of us knew youā€¦still want to disagree with the facts?..ok hereā€™s moreā€¦

you talked openly in the forum about your russian girlfriend (even showed us pictures). you also told us you owned a yaught. you told us you owned a cadillac. you told us you were learning russian.

so whoever impersonated, had to be pyschic didnt they?

they had to know all the same details that you told us nearly 10 days laterā€¦word for wordā€¦

This is what I was saying all along even though Iā€™m the one that found that ā€˜otherā€™ post. maybe I should have kept it to myself.
But if his information is good then he should show it and heā€™ll have credibility.

Iā€™d like to see the power point and the long word doc.

but why has he gone to the lengths he has?

what your saying isā€¦ā€œhe is new, but his info is goodā€

but heā€™s newā€¦when your new you do alot of reading and research .we all know thatā€¦i could compile a document from my forex folder and it would blow your mind, none of it is my work, it would be a cut and paste of other peoples work i got from here and FF etcā€¦what is the point in that?

why lie about making money and being richā€¦who cares if the info is goodā€¦whats the agenda here?

lets say the info is good, and mike gave it you, who are you going to question about the info, when your not sure about it?..mike?..he is a newbie like many of usā€¦so he is going to reply with answers that might be wrong? that acceptable in here?

on a forum full of newbies in a profession that has the highest failure rate in the world?..

this webiste is here for newbie traders, if you experienced guys offer this thread anymore credibility, they will start to belive in it tooā€¦

thats not on! your expereinced and you can filter the info and know if its good or not, newbies wont.

they will just start to follow the ā€œmillionareā€ traderā€¦

think about it.

Itā€™s ok you share it, Iā€™m glad you did, even if you had not reveal this information I would be cautios about his claims, as I think we all should be cautios about anyone else on the net.

My point is, I donā€™t care if he says heā€™s 30, rich, belgian and married, he could be a joke, what I care about is the information presented and how he handles it. Eventually if the info is not his he will fail at explaining it and heā€™ll die by his mouth. If not, an interesting thread could be in its beginnings.

But only time will prove this. My post was not addressed at you, I know you know that, anyway, hereā€™s the link to that pp presentation.

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So, do you still think I should remove the post I made as per your PMā€¦?

Iā€™m a certified troll spotter your seeā€¦ :smiley:

Haha! Super-ROFL!