This Week's Question: Any New Year's Resolutions for 2022?

Are New Year’s Resolutions still a thing? Or did the pandemic also wipe out this activity?

If you still have some going on for 2022 that you’d want to share with us, comment below! Maybe we can revive it early in 2023 to ask you if you’ve followed through. Ha.


Hello Ananais!

First of all Wish you are having a Great and successful new year and wish you’ll continue to have a great year!!

I’d say it is still a thing, now more than ever, HOPE is more important. Wishing and hoping and working towards to achieve something better comes handy more in a time of crisis than when things go smooth,

So I believe it’s important to set some SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely) goals at the beginning of Each year and also each month too.

As for me, I set 3 goals (I like the word Goals more than resolutions because it keeps me in check) for myself.

1 - Everyday Goal - Drink Enough water everyday and Do any exercise for 20-30 minutes every day when I wake up and continue to meditate when I go to bed.

2- Short term Goal - Start a Blog/Website within next 3 months and a YouTube channel within next 6 months (Since I yet don’t know the basics of managing a blog/website or a YouTube channel I copied some info, and downloaded some playlists related to them and planning or reading and watching them and following the instructions,)

3 - Long term Goal - By the End of 2022 I’ll save enough to Travel to one Abroad country for a week. (So every month I’ll be saving some in an account without a credit/debit card, so I can withdraw at the end of the year)

So these are my Goals. And like you said Hopefully I can say “I DID IT” when you asked again in 2023. :slightly_smiling_face:

How about you Ananais? Did you make any goals in the beginning of the year? Love to know about that too.


Try something new!

I’ve got a couple recommendations from members here in crypto that I will take some time to understand and potentially invest some learning capital. Should be fun!


I have three of them. One is to improve my abilities as a trader and to bring in more profits than last year, second is to get my home business up and running, third is to lose some of the baby weight I gained last year. I suppose those are all more long-term, but the business idea is all planned out so that one should be accomplished in a few months. Got a lot to do!


Mine is to read more on macroeconomics, statistics and, if possible, econometrics. Also to get a greater understanding of foreign exchange operations. Want to read and study other stuff, like coding in python, but I don’t think I’ll have the time.


Ooh will you be sharing this here? :slight_smile:

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Nice. Is this one using books or online materials or perhaps educational subscriptions? Very interesting.

That’s a decades-long goal of mine… still developing. :rofl:

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Book. Am very partial to reading because of the structured nature of the content and how they usually have references to more advanced books for further reading. But recently found some some online content can be a good complement too, like the Eco courses at Khan academy.

Haven’t tried educational subscriptions but I’d probably want to give that a try when I do Python. Something very interactive though, like the courses.

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It might not be trading related, so far my ideas are in the areas of either motivational or Food recopies/reviews. But haven’t decided yet. Trading related is not bad too, but I’m a since I’m also a beginner still have some work on that, may be by next year, who knows.

Khan Academy is great! I have used them in the past.

I’m not familiar but will have a look. Thanks!

talk to my wife again

oh and lose weight

If I reach my new years resolution or not, I will still have made progress in the right directions throughout the year. But for this year I decided on monthly resolutions.

So for january it’s to focus on my finances:
Reducing my budgets, saving more, investing more time in practicing forex and starting a live account by hopefully april.

Do you follow Ali Abdaal? Who do you follow on YT for motivational content? Also for food! I only follow Joshua Weissman and Munchies :sweat_smile:

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Yeah, Him and Doctor Mike both are great, To know about our selves and how to live a healthy life and to gain knowledge about our own body. Really enjoy watching them.

Jay Shetty and Simon Sinek are two of my favorites.

Also I really love Evan carmichael’s top 10/50 series, a lot of content at once place. Also Tom Bilyeu’s Impact Theory series. and there are so many more I came across over the years.

I am really into “Travel to Eat” category of youtubers, such as Mark Wiens, Food Ranger and Sonny from Best Ever Food Review Show, I’ve watched almost every series of each of their channels.

For recopies, there are many great channels in my native language (Which is Sinhala) a channel called " Apé Amma" which translated into “Our Mother”, teaches about home cooking.

I also follow a lot of Indian and Korean channels, they have amazing variety of foods, and I already made many of them and tastes amazing too Love it.

And most of the times I just search on YouTube for specific food item I need to watch and watch the video with most views or most likes. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Ah yes! I like Simon Sinek also! Jay Shetty I need to look into!

Okay will have to check these out!

Do you also watch Chef’s Table? :slight_smile:

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I actually haven’t heard of it so googled it. :smiley: A Netflix series, seems great. Thank you for mentioning it will find it and download. :partying_face:

Do you watch Master Chef, came across it very recently watched almost every episode of both Master Chef and Master Chef Jr. Since it’s in YouTube much easier to watch. :relieved:

Some of them can be a tad bit pretentious lol. Especially those with michelin stars. Not a big fan of tasting menus. Prob because I’m too poor to ever afford it lol.

I should!!! Friends keep telling me. Any episode you recommend the most?

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Mine is to read more on macroeconomics, statistics and, if possible, econometrics. Also to get a greater understanding of foreign exchange operations.