This Week's Question: What are You Doing This Weekend?

It’s a July 4th holiday for us in the U.S. this Friday so it’s gonna be a loooong weekend!

But that also means markets will not be moving as much tomorrow.

With not much action going on, and with the long weekend coming up - but still with COVID-19 around…

What are you all doing this weekend?

For those outside of the U.S., do you guys have any new / interesting plans? Hitting up the beach or the park maybe? Hopefully yours are still open unlike in some states here!

Or maybe just doing more cooking/baking? Exercising? Reading? If so, what books are you reading right now?

Whatever it is, we’d all love to hear aout it!


No crowds for me. Staying in for the most part. Hopefully watch fireworks from far away… I actually don’t know if they’re even doing any this year!

Watching movies and games Going out with friends Playing soccer and resting from work pressure As well and more learning Forex on a privileged community here!

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Saturday is first day English pubs can open after 3-month covid lockdown (as long as patrons stay at least 1 metre apart). Its going to be a crazy night - Saturday night drinking in the UK is out of control in normal times, so this weekend could just be insane.

This coming weekend will probably be just like any other typical weekend for me.

From watching Anime and playing Games to exercising at the sports stadium and groceries shopping at the local supermarket.

Bonus: Get some work done on my personal projects.

Working Saturday, day off Sunday, no pubs open here till the 13th, then outside only.

Nothing, staying Home self-Quarantined. Live in Florida :frowning:

Over 10,000 cases a Day now

Next weekend plan is up. Looking forward to watch the last dance and spending time with family :slight_smile:

Definitely trending the wrong way. Stay safe out there. Lots of friends in Kissimmee and Orlando doing the same.

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Looks like all of us are just staying home on weekends now! Supermarket trips seem to be our life’s new highlight nowadays. Ha.

Hope everyone is still doing well and getting some sun exposure at least! It’s nice and hot over here on the East Coast – too hot some days, actually.