It’s a July 4th holiday for us in the U.S. this Friday so it’s gonna be a loooong weekend!
But that also means markets will not be moving as much tomorrow.
With not much action going on, and with the long weekend coming up - but still with COVID-19 around…
What are you all doing this weekend?
For those outside of the U.S., do you guys have any new / interesting plans? Hitting up the beach or the park maybe? Hopefully yours are still open unlike in some states here!
Or maybe just doing more cooking/baking? Exercising? Reading? If so, what books are you reading right now?
Watching movies and games Going out with friends Playing soccer and resting from work pressure As well and more learning Forex on a privileged community here!
Saturday is first day English pubs can open after 3-month covid lockdown (as long as patrons stay at least 1 metre apart). Its going to be a crazy night - Saturday night drinking in the UK is out of control in normal times, so this weekend could just be insane.