This Week's Question: What was One Thing You Did Last Week That You're Proud to Have Accomplished?

Kind of in line with last week’s question but can totally be unrelated: What’s one thing you did last week that you’re proud to have done?

Maybe it’s cleaning your room (hopefully it’s not been a year since you last cleaned it), maybe it’s not eating junk food (that’s me), or maybe you had a bunch of (hello @Barrigan) long USD trades and made lots of $$$. Whatever it is, trading or not trading-related, let’s celebrate both big and small wins here!

As mentioned, mine is eating healthier…ish. And also got in on some decent trades ($NVDA and USD/JPY).

How about you?

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Hello Ananais! Congrats in doing well to complete your goals you set out to do and good luck to keep doing it.

For me my goal was to complete few more Udemy courses I enrolled So I was able to complete 2 more courses.

I set out to complete at least 5 courses a month and read at least 5 non fiction books every month.

So already completed 5 courses and currently on my 3rd book of the month. (also to smooth things currently reading a fiction book too :slightly_smiling_face:)

So overall it’s been good so far.

(Specially thank you for encouraging us to keep true to ourselves though posts like this. It’s really helpful. )

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Wrote my first ever MQL5 script (meant for a data extract, not an EA). Felt elated because I struggled to understand and write even one line of code the first 3 days of going into it. Felt lost, confused & frustrated. But everything started to fall into place very quickly and was able to get exactly what I wanted on day 8. Going from that initial frustration to that elation was a rewarding feeling.


I make my own bed every morning. That’s an achievement, and puts me in the right mindset to trade FX.


Last weekend, I went on a much needed short trip. I was starting to feel depressed with my life and it was high time that I did something for my happiness. Also, attended a cousin’s engagement. Had a good time with family.


Hey, thank you for this question. I am really happy this week as I helped two good souls. There is a female dog near my office and it has a puppy as well. Both of them were in miserable condition as they did not have any access to food or fresh water. So i made some arrangements for them and now their condition is improving day by day. It really feels good to do good for others.


This is awesome! Also that’s all very fast! How much time do you spend reading per day or per week?

Yes I find that mixing it up gives the reading experience more “roundness” if that makes sense!

A breakthrough! That is awesome! When you go through that rollercoaster of emotions, getting that win definitely feels rewarding. :slight_smile:

This is a big deal. I once was told by a teacher that only undisciplined people leave their beds unmade. Since then, I’ve made sure to make my bed. Ha. And interestingly, that’s actually in line with creating new habits, if you’ve ever read the James Clear book called “Atomic Habits.”

I think we all definitely need a LONG trip especially after 2020! Did you go to the beach? Or was it more like hiking?

Aww bless your big heart!!! Do you have pictures? Would love to see them!

Its a construction site and this is the only picture I have…