This Week's Question: What Was or Still is Your Biggest Obstacle in Trading?

Let’s talk trading challenges!

If you’ve had a pretty big trading obstacle you’ve been up against (whether recently or way back), what was that hurdle and how did you do beat it?

Meanwhile, if you’re struggling with a current trading obstacle and are still trying to figure out a solution… what is it and how are you planning on overcoming it?


my biggest problem has been the very expensive dollar in relation to the brazil currency, for me any investment is very high, and dealing with trades with little bankroll and earning the minimum is sometimes a little frustrating, but it has been good because I also practice the art of patience…


Very good post @Ananais ;

it is great to see you are still around!


Consistency. It’s my biggest fault. Still is and still working on doing the reading, learning, analysis, charting… not just one thing really.

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Same! Which is why I just follow Chart Art now lol. I’ve been very lucky so far! Maybe you can give that a try too :grinning:


Right now, my biggest issue is time. Between having my kids 24/7, cleaning, cooking, trading, and working on my writing side hustle, there just isn’t enough time in the day. The more I trade, the more guilty I feel because my kids aren’t getting outside to play. Then, if I spend a day goofing off, I feel bad because I should have worked, since the trading income helps us.
The only way I really see overcoming it is once they’re all in school. My oldest starts this year, but the youngest won’t start until 2025. At that point, I will be home all day with my computer in silence. No more getting snacks every 5 minutes and my house won’t need to be cleaned as much (hopefully). I keep telling myself I’ll improve then, but maybe it’s wishful thinking!


@HeavenRobinson Do you trade long or short TFs? I’m busy during the day with non-trading activities and I find longer TFs suit this better. Wouldn’t be nice to have all day just to constantly check the 5 min charts!! :wink:


Like many traders my emotional control over winning trades is less than perfect, probably running at 6 out of 10. Hence I took the step to avoid managing it, which is profitable, but it’s a slow climber upwards.

My strategy is based on Ichimoku trends, plus various helpful indicators that must all be in synch before I enter a trade. Which means I can set my S/L and T/P hopefully at optimum levels around the 30 pip areas.

Then I close down my desktop, and let the trade run overnight. What will be, will be. The downside is I can’t add to a winning trade, take a breakeven S/L movement, or scalp a small profit. To become a pro trader, I am figuring ways to overcome this.

My plus side is that I can close losing trades with impunity. Par for the course, never been an issue.

Suggestions welcomed.


My biggest obstacle in trading is time. I’m 49 years old - I know that’s not “old” by any means, but if I was 20 years old I’d have years and years to perfect my trading style (although admittedly much less disposable income to play with). My goal is to retire from my day-job in a few years so I can trade full-time. However, having a family and two kids (16 and 19) and having got used to a certain standard of living, I’ve got limited time to achieve my goals and would need to be making £100K + per year (to replace my day-job), which is SERIOUS trading.

On the other hand, that’s made me slightly more adventurous with risk than maybe I would have been and has pressurised me into actually trading to win decent amounts, which for a chronic procrastinator like me is no bad thing. I’m also much wiser now than when I was 20 and have led the majority of my life not glued to a screen, which is probably good for my overall personal development. I wouldn’t have trusted myself at 20 to take the financial risks that I take now.


I hear you (though I only have one child) … Nice to see you on this forum as well :slight_smile:



My biggest problem now is fear, which I am still struggling with. Any suggestions pls?

I have been trading for a while now and my biggest problem has always been discipline. Lack of discipline has cost me a lot of money over the years. The only way to be a successful trader is to have a sound strategy and to stick to it religiously.

Emotions. Hahaha. :smiley: It’s always been that, but most especially when I was still starting out. :sweat_smile: I let my emotions get the best of me every time then, and if I didn’t follow people’s suggestions to stay on demo, I would probably be broke by now. :sweat_smile: It’s still a problem every now and then, but I’d like to think I can manage it much better than before. :blush:

My biggest obstacle was discipline. I was never disciplined until I started facing losses.

i can constantly profit ,but my ROI is 2% monthly ,so to get rich quick i need to put in huge fund ,which is my problem : i cant trust the platform in my country(forex is illegal in malaysia),if they don’t answer my call ,my fund will be all gone .tried fxcm and instaforex before ,the withdrawal is hard ,my bank call me if this xxfx make transaction again we will froze your bank ac , anyone please lighten me.

Omg such a long time still. How old is the youngest?

Also, your conundrum about both worlds (kids vs. work) is what all my friends are going through right now. Meanwhile, my full time mom friends are now starting to miss work and feel like they’re getting “dumber” staying at home and just taking care of kids. No one wins in any of these situations. I think you’re doing really well though managing all that. The only important question is if you’re taking care of yourself!

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I think this is probably the most crucial piece. Most humans can’t stand not having control of certain things and therefore try to intervene. It’s a real challenge.

My trading challenge is being impatient. I still “stick to my plan” but my mental state because of “holding back” isn’t great. I feel like while I did stick to the plan, my headspace is a mess from preventing myself from doing anything to the trade. Does that make sense?

It’s definitely hard to find the balance! I think moms that work wish for more time with their kids, while stay at home moms wish they could accomplish something else.

My youngest is 18 months! Also have a 3 and 4 year old.