This Week's Question: What's the Best Financial Advice You've Ever Received?

You should develop a savings habit . Don’t use all that you have worked hard for,save some

Save don’t rush and obtain all the information you can before making a decision.

Save your pennies

yes and don’t buy more than you can eat

A part of all you earn is yours to keep. This is a great lesson from the book: The Richest Man in Babylon. And I added to this lesson my own perception. I told myself that 10% of all my earnings is mine to keep and grow for my future use, and 10% is for my God. The rest of my money is for my other uses like taking you and I for dinner, buying you a toothpick, etc.(•‿•)

Yes because I will eat them all in 2 days LOL


Maybe… don’t be afraid of debt. Cash is king, but credit is power.

Most eye opening when experiencing it in the real world - real estate isn’t a sure thing. Prices can go down. Housing bubble showed me what’s possible in a bad way.

And such is life too.(•‿•)

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What this guy said. Makes life so much easier. Don’t try to match what you see on social media, that’s only half the story. You don’t see the debt up to their eye balls or can barely afford to do what their posting

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haha yh me too…who was I kidding lol

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The best advise I had- Saving money will not lead you anywhere, investments will.
The second one is that buy things that you feel are necessary for you. Buy a tesla or its stocks, choice is yours.

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this is very good advice.

Reading your reply as I eat chips and salsa. :heart:

Don’t trust anyone with your money.

Mortgage Providers?
Pension funds?

To not risk more than I can handle.


There are so many books, podcasts, YouTube videos, even full movies, all talking about financial independence, all giving a million pieces of advice, some of them even contradicting themselves.

To pay for everything with cash rather than taking out loans or borrowing money from others.

Yes, there are many books and free resourceful content on the internet that you can study yourself. But they still don’t explain everything that you need to know about the Forex market. That’s why, if you want to become a professional trader, you must take a course from a professional trader.

“Stop trying to trade the news!” - that particular piece of advice, once I listened to it, protected me from a lot of stress. :sweat_smile: