Top vaccine doctor says his concern about Trump’s coronavirus treatment theory led to ouster from federal agency

It’s very much a start ! - But the tests we are being told about only test for the actual disease - we need to know whether you have it of course - but also whether you have already had it - ie the antibodies are present, so we can get a “feel” of how the death reate relates to the total case of teh disease - just so we can assess the real % death rate.

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Lol - showing your age - that’s how it used to be - now long gone.

So tell us exactly how the individual who was hauled off a bus in Philadelphia by police because he wasn’t wearing a mask was The INDIVIDUAL is sovereign - cited for no offence, broke no law, no arrest - but took 5 armed police to manhandle him off the bus.

Ah sure -

Tell that to Marie Dinou, arrested in the UK for ‘loitering’ on a train platform whilst waiting on a train. Spent 2 nights in jail because she wrote the destination ‘Aberdeen’ when repeatedly harangued by police as to where she was going - again broke no law.

When did I give my consent not to visit my grandchild and give him a hug - if I do this then the police will arrest me - how much I yearned this evening whilst looking over a wall that divided us.

We are far from being the boss - you say treat them as kids - truth is the kids treat us as has beens.

yes i believe two types of testing,im not sure if our country the uk upto such mammoth task, too many liberals and human rights people, they allow the Cheltenham Festival a race meeting where 10,000s were packed together like sardines, whilst in other parts of europe like italy and spain they was dying like flies

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Yes, correct analysis - there are guys who called this virus a ‘beer bug’ but it is far from being trivial.

The way it kills is the horrendous part - it uses our own immune system to help kill us - known as a Cytokine storm.

But don’t focus on the negative, you will encounter much of that on the internet and on TV - just heard of a lady who had a panic attack first time she met her neighbours (socially distancing).

Instead focus on the power of the human body to overcome sickness, then too think of the power of the human mind - that coupled with the power of Good - no little invisible evil will ever overcome us :slight_smile:

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We can only go with what we’ve seen. Italy, Spain didn’t lockdown fast enough and their hospitals were over run. They had to fly patients out to Germany. Not enough equipment to properly treat patients. Therefore I have to conclude that is not something I want to see in the uk. Therefore do the opposite, full lockdown and make sure people adhere to social distancing eg fines etc. Because one person’s actions can adversely affect a lot. I don’t trust the public to stay indoors if they are +ve. Secondly, even if they are +ve there are some who still need to buy food or work to pay bills. Then there are the ones who are +ve but dont know. If we leave it to the public their trial would be I feel well so I’ll go to work, pubs, bars, parks… not knowing they might be spreading the virus. No one knows the right answer but that doesnt mean we should do nothing just for the economy. It can be propped up, yes by excessive borrowing but who cares just get us over this. Who cares about economy if you’re dead. I have my whole life to go to the beach or use the tube. Why now do I need to meet up with friends?! Everyone needs to chill but yes the government need do more.

Where are you reading this stuff ?

The Italians are totally disgusted with the “Help” they have been afforded by the rest of the EU !


And As for SPAIN !

Here’s why they are in trouble

Beginning of the end of the EU - 164,344 views - 28 mar 2020 as linked d by our esteemed UK member.

Are we experiencing the beginning of the end of the EU?

Feb 2016.

It was on the news today as they were complaining about lack of help from EU. I just googled;

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I reckon italy will be next to leave. I cant believe the EU didnt give then the help they required.

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We have a thread going on that one already - with a poll - if you’re interested most of teh info is already on there ;

Ah I see the “Independent” - tbh you might as well listen to the BBC News ! :rofl:

But then it Was published on April Fools day :wink:

Theres laods others, daily mail Reuters, metro and europe papers/websites. I just googled and the independent popped up. I’m sure it’ll be on whatever paper you like too. :+1:

I guess from what I’m reading - you’re stuck in London ? And what you’re saying I can readily sympathise with !

I was there from 1969 - 1971 as a Student in Kensington - completely hated the place.

Since then I’ve only been when absolutely essential for meetings or Court Cases, totally refuse to work there.

Out here in the “Shires” we have space and the imposition of “Rules” based on London Problems is causingg unnecessary issues - tho in honesty the Plod around us work on pretty much low key principles. - So I suppose it’s quite easy for me to expound “principles” when pretty much everyone speaks my language and has a similar view of co-operative living.

BUT Why the F should OUR Lives be ruled by “London” issues ? - Clearly there should be regional considerations !

My “ex” works in the Hospital and they have a few cases - but pretty much empty wards - So my outlook is different from yours - and I know damn well that as soon as the “second wave” comes there will be very little herd immunity round here - so we need to develop some PDQ - because London will be less affected on W2 - so the frustration of the waiting with nothing happening is getting to us !

“Bring it on” - says I !

[Edit PS - yu have “the rest of your life” says you - well so do I but when another 6 years would be a real result - each of those years gets to be quite important ] :slightly_smiling_face:

Ah lol I understand where you’re coming from. Eg lincoln is pretty much auto social distancing all the time. Only place which needs control is town centre and shops. However to keep it to a few cases in hospitals you cant let the town centre to keep going on as it was, restaurants, bars, clubs. Those few cases will become a lot of cases very quickly.

Yeah I agree with you however only if you dont commute to another city. You wont want someone from london of birmingham coming to your town spreading the virus. It has to lockdown between different areas. That way an area can go about business as normal as theres no way for the virus to get in. It’s not a bad way to cure us of the virus. Then we’d only need to watch people coming in from other countries.

Not sure about that - the Italians rightly applied a squeeze get funds, but creating some pressure is good - they are not in the Brexit camp, or should I call it Italexit - that’s a British perspective.

Anyways last Thursday the italian PM commented - well I’ll let Reuters say it better than I can.

Yeah probably not. The prime minister might be lapping it up but the public have already started changing their mind. Bit like the uk. Politicians liked EU but the public started changing their mind, that’s all it takes. Let’s see what happens. Doesnt make a difference either way I guess.

Hmmm… if you want to be serious about trading it does - it’s a little like retail vs institutional - retail often are led by headlines and headlines sell news - guess to whom.

Instead separate the wheat from the chaff, focus like an algo who has no agenda except to be right.

Edit: just reflecting on this post - some months back a member criticized one of my posts and how he/she hated guys who always want to be right - to be a success you absolutely have to have that focus - to accept the notion of being wrong is to accept failure.

He seems to have changed his tune from a few posts back - maybe we’ll come back to this one when he’s an “Ex-prime minister” and we see what sort of Plum Job he gets in the EU Hierarchy ! :wink:

Not sure why you EU-phile guys keep propagandising that no other Nation States want to leave the EU - when that is far from the truth.

[Edit - sorry - can’t read your link - Not having Cookies put on my computer “For my benefit” - even if I believed it was ! :rofl: ]

Nothing wrong with failure Just learn from it and try again a different way.

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You only fail when YOU say you have ;
If you think you are beaten, you are;

If you think you dare not, you don’t.

If you’d like to win, but think you can’t

It’s almost certain you won’t.

If you think you’ll lose, you’ve lost,

For out in the world we find

Success begins with a fellow’s will;

It’s all in the state of mind.

If you think you’re outclassed, you are:

You’ve got to think high to rise.

You’ve got to be sure of yourself before

You can ever win a prize.

Life’s battles don’t always go

To the stronger or faster man,

But soon or late the man who wins

Is the one who thinks he can.

.Hung on my bedroom wall for decades - Think about it !